Jade Dragon Inn
One of the many inns of Doma City, Doma.
The Jade Dragon Inn was originally introduced ICly by the bastet Pheryl Fasir and a crew of 12 goblins, OOCly by the RPer Nekogami in a board CIRP. It was an immediate hit, as most inns and novelties are in D.C., and has grown in size since its more humble beginnings.
Partway through the history of the JD, ownership transferred quite abruptly from Pheryl to Dia Rai when the bastet just as abruptly approached Dia, the former in obvious distress. She informed Dia she would be honored if Dia--at the time a mercenary--would take over and ensure the success of her inn and its employees.
The two had previously uncomfortable relations, given Dia's resemblance to a demon race which had attacked and successfully wiped out the largest part of Pheryl's bastet tribe--at the time, the only bastets Pheryl knew to exist in Gaera. Given this and Dia's general desire to live--additionally complicated by not knowing how to deal with a crying woman--she accepted.
Pheryl had since met an Argovian bastet named Mystess, whom she wished to accompany to her fellow bastet's tribe in Argovia. Her leave from Doma was precipitated by the unrequited love of a Mazuo.
The JD and the Malachian War
During the Malachian War, Dia decided it was time to get out of Doma. After all, she had two children, two lapdragons, a dog, and an absolutely helpless dragoon to worry about. She consulted the goblins, and they decided to split up--some would stay and help with the war effort, whilst others would come and help her settle in Nekonia.
Big Momma, Helga, Hilda, Gretel, Frans, Sven, Yilliam were the goblins who wound up accompanying Dia, Robert, Solis Darylshield, Fluffy, Azul, Wiff, and Richard Storm down to Nekonia and, eventually, setting up the Jade Dragon Restaurant.
Gihin, Gunther, Hunther, Ren, Gwilliam stayed behind to help Osbourne in the Ivory Horn cook and battle, in and out of the kitchen.
Burned to the ground, again
Whilst Dia was away on a trip at the behest of her friend, Admiral Pervy--a chore she felt honor-bound to attend to and, at the time, was grateful to have the opportunity to accept--the fire wards she had set in place at the JD began to wear off. Despite her precautions (paying Inverse to spread rumors to discourage potential vandals in her absence), little than a month after her absence the Jade Dragon was burned down during the events of From the Ashes.
Nevertheless, it was recently rebuilt by a group of Tuathan druids. The reconstruction of the inn had finished before Dia Rai returned to Doma, leaving her with a sort of surreal impression of the story.
The JD is now made primarily out of ironroot. The very observant will notice the lack of nails and screws keeping things together.
There is a large skylight in the middle of the lobby roof. After a previous demolishing of the Jade Dragon, the idea struck Dia to allow natural light into the inn, and the skylight has been painstakingly reconstructed with each incarnation of the Jade Dragon.
Pheryl left with Dia a book on bastet runic magic. So far, the only thing Dia has learned from the book is how to fire-proof objects. She has taken great advantage of this and renews the spell every 25 days, having discovered that it weakens and fades between 4 to 4 and a half weeks.
There is a fireplace in the JD and, opposite, a shortly raised stage for musicians or other performers. There's a small room in the JD, apart from the lobby and rooms, which is rentable for any reasonable use. The surly, alone or in small groups, sometimes make use of the room so as to drink in peace.
Menus in Common are kept in the JD, but literacy is not quite common enough for menus to appear at every table. Employees are the 'menu,' learning by rote the food and drink served and keeping up on the food stocks. As everything is made by hand and charged on paper, special orders are frequently made so long as the ingredients exist. This is especially true for regulars who know the dangers of being adventurous with one's food.
Employees and residents

Current employees include the goblins, who have their own section below. Richard Storm, Riss'ar, and Robert are current employees, as well as the owner, Dia Rai.
Ara du Mythril and Will Baseton have been employed at the JD in the past.
Residents include all the current employees, Solis Darylshield, and a character of Zemyla's whose name I keep forgetting. Fiar previously had taken up residence at the JD, but has since disappeared. Two lapdragons make their home at the JD, named Azul and Fluffy. Robert keeps a dog named Wiff, which brings the 'pet' count up to three.
The goblins
The twelve goblins employed at the Jade Dragon are as much a staple to the inn as the food. It is said that the food only tastes so good if the goblins are getting enough violence and fighting in their days--and that's what Dia says. She tells people that's what Pheryl, the former owner, told her, and that if you lived in the inn day after day, you'd believe it, too.
The twelve goblins are:
- Big Momma Gob
- Gihin (RPed by pdRydia)
- Gunther
- Hunther
- Frans
- Sven
- Ren
- Helga
- Hilda
- Gwilliam
- Yilliam
- Gretel
Others are open for permanent RPers. Contact pdRydia
MUSH descriptions
Jade Dragon Inn
<Ja>de Dragon Inn(#80Rn):
Inn, bar, and eatery located just south of the castle along a merchant-thick road. The JD is special for its exotic (and expensive) bastet dishes served at dinnertime--in addition to more affordable and recognizable dishes--and what may well be one of the widest ranges of alcohol served in a single Doman store. It offers mid-priced lodging but a rather unstable atmosphere; fights break out with unfortunate frequency, not infrequently involving the staff themselves.
Run by former mercenary and dragonhalf Dia Rai, whose capricious temperament is infamous. Employees include her adopted son, Robert Kliyy, a former Rivan dragoon, Richard Storm, and a fallen celestial, Riss'ar. Also, the help of the 12 goblin employees--Big Momma, Gihin, Gunther, Hunther, Frans, Sven, Ren, Helga, Hilda, Gwilliam, Yilliam, and Gretel--is absolutely invaluable.
- Contents: Pinball Machine(#133Tn) Gihin(#142Tnp) The Sign(#134Tn) Drink Menu, Jade Dragon Inn(#140Tn) Food Menu, Jade Dragon Inn(#139Tn)
- Obvious exits: The <Ma>rketplace Doma City <DC>
The Back Room
The <B>ack Room(#262Rn):
It is...The Back Room.
Obvious exits: JD <Lo>bby
Pinball Machine
Pinball Machine(#133Tn):
It's a mostly wooden contraption, with bells and whistles and some fancy painting. The machine stands at a right angle to the bar and the performers' stage and has a slot to take single gil pieces.
Other notes
The Pinball Machine
There is a pinball machine in the inn. It is wedged in a corner at the edge of the bar, off the the side of the performer's stage. It's made out of wooden pieces of old-timey bells and whistles and costs a gil to play, and is a great attraction to the Jade Dragon. Dia jealously guards the blueprints, which she drew up herself after carefully and painstakingly taking the machine apart and putting it back together.
The pinball machine was a gift from Reshtaha, the god of death. No, really. It was a much more agreeable way to liven up the Jade Dragon after his first idea, which was to turn the JD into a zombie ballroom.
The Sign
There is a sign in the Jade Dragon, sitting behind the counter, which states some of the previously most-obvious, oft-broken rules of the Jade Dragon. It was the brainchild of Will Baseton and has a small illustration of a dragon eating a stick figure in a corner. New rules get added from time to time by various employees, but currently it reads:
Please note: No fighting in the inn, upon penalty of death.
Also, No Nudity, No Sex on the Main Floor, No Prostitution, No Feeding on Other Patrons, No Soul-Stealing, and No Inn Demolition. Subject to retroactive additions at any time.