List of Archmage's RP characters
This article is a list of characters in the Gaera main universe that are played by or heavily associated with the RPer Archmage.
[hide]Archangel Christopher
Archangel Christopher | |
Birthplace: | Celestial Plane |
Height: | 12' (alterable at will) |
Job: | Archangel |
Affiliation: | (Justice) |
Weapon(s): | Greatsword, longbow |
Weapon Name(s): | Retribution, Longbow of Celestial Brilliance |
Race: | Celestial (Justice) |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
The Archangel Christopher is a name that appears several times throughout history, usually in the background behind many layers of rumor and hearsay. An archangel of justice, Christopher's name appears many times in events that have shaped the history of Gaera, notably in Igala's War of the Heavens in the Forbidden Plains; Christopher was the celestial that initially lead the crusade against the encroaching prismatic dragons. Eventually, Christopher even took a mortal lover, a Prandian woman named Justine Prentiss, and she bore him a son, Darin.
But happiness was not to be Christopher's fate, for his duties as a celestial took him away from his new family often enough that he was unable to stop Justine from being killed by Prandian military officials that sought to raise Darin as a half-celestial "super soldier." Wracked with grief, Christopher eventually retreated to a corner of the celestial plane devoid of life commonly referred to as "despair in paradise." Whether Christopher created this area specifically to provide himself with a place to brood or it existed prior to his period of depression is uncertain.
Christopher later decided it was necessary to destroy Darin, both to prevent him from being corrupted by mortals and to erase all traces of his mistaken belief that he could co-exist happily with mortals. His efforts were thwarted mostly by Darin's close friend, Hakaril Silvar. He also played a role in the war against Elaith Thenswick by alerting Myrnal Shalienza, Corrigan Heavensent, Ardam Elmine and Rildyn to the presence of the Codex of Infinite Wisdom and by leading a celestial army against Elaith's undead forces.
Ardam Elmine
Ardam Elmine | |
Birthplace: | Branwithe, Kalshana |
Height: | 5' 8" |
Job: | Paladin of Kazeros |
Affiliation: | None (Kazeros) |
Weapon(s): | Longsword |
Weapon Name(s): | Kazeros' Edge (formerly Silversong) |
Race: | Half-elf |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Ardam Elmine is a holy warrior of sorts who grew up in a fringe city in southwestern Doma. The primary religion of the people of the area, being primarily frontiersmen and rangers, was the worship of Kazeros, the god of freedom. Ardam, then, grew up revering freedom and righteousness like many of his neighbors, but unlike most of the townsfolk, Ardam had a special connection to the deity he worshipped. Even the clerics of Kazeros failed to understand Ardam's spontaneously developed gifts for communing with the divine and channeling spiritual energies, but Ardam had a vague notion that he was meant for great things in the future. As he grew up, he served as part of the town militia and as a healer of the sick and injured, putting his talents to good use whenever possible.
Inspired to seek out adventure, the the young-adult Ardam often left the village for days or even weeks at a time, trying to find interesting things to do, people to meet, and injustices to overcome. Finally, one night, he had a prophetic dream describing a great evil on the horizon. It was his solemn duty as a champion of freedom to hunt down and destroy all those who would use magic to oppress the free people of the world. And so, charged by his god, Ardam set off in search of a vague enemy he had yet to meet. When Ardam met up with Corrigan Heavensent, Myrnal Shalienza, and Rildyn, he found that not only was his quest on the side of the right, but that he had many powerful and willing allies who would travel with him and combat injustices wherever they might be. When they discovered that the root of the evil brewing on the continent was the obsessive necromancer Elaith, Ardam eventually decided that he needed to pursue Elaith on his own, spurred forth by more prophetic visions...
Fenn Foxfire
Fenn Foxfire | |
Birthplace: | Kalshana |
Height: | 5' 6" |
Job: | Druid |
Affiliation: | None (Tunare) |
Weapon(s): | Quarterstaff |
Weapon Name(s): | Runewrath |
Race: | Wood elf |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
The village in eastern Kalshana that Fenn Foxfire grew up in no longer exists—when he was a small child, it was razed by a party of drow warriors, coincidentally lead by the dark dragoon, Kage Sentan. Fairly young at the time, Fenn was saved by a group of wolves who answered his pleas for help and fended off a number of drow. Fenn, now orphaned, continued his study of animals and nature firsthand, and became a slightly hermetic, reclusive, contemplative fellow. For a very long time, Fenn travelled the countryside searching for Kage, hoping to bring him to justice for destroying his hometown, but a meeting with Diikoi Suzukun convinced him that not all that was drow was necessarily evil. Since then, Fenn has lived on the Forbidden Plains, doing his best to maintain harmony with nature and attempting to ensure that all who pass through the area do the same, freely giving of his wisdom to all who ask.
Karisuma Heru
Karis Heru | |
Birthplace: | Persia, Nekonia |
Height: | 5' 8" |
Job: | Diplomat |
Affiliation: | Apprentice of Hakaril, Rivan diplomat |
Weapon(s): | Handgun and battle dictionary |
Weapon Name(s): | .45 mythril long colt and "The Philosophy of Combat" |
Race: | Quarter-elf |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Karis Heru is the nephew of the great elvish translator and linguist, Lambë Heru, from whom he takes his middle name. He grew up with his half-elvish father, human mother, and sister Christine in the northern portions of Nekonia. At the age of 14, Karis left home to study with his uncle and learn linguistics, and by the age of 17, he had studied diplomacy, law, language, and government, was attempting to get a job working as an ambassador or diplomat for the Nekonian government. They refused him, however, as Nekonia only hires nekojin diplomats, so Karis took his uncle's advice and travelled north, to troubled Riva, which at the time was just beginning to restabilize and reform a central government under the leadership of the Emperor Redwyn. The youthful Karis was there employed as a translator and ambassador and sent to the Doman government as an emissary representing the new Rivan Empire. Negotiations, fortunately, went well.
Meanwhile, Karis attracted the attention of the Doman General, Hakaril Silvar, who sensed magical potential within the boy. He took him in as an apprentice, and while Karis's level of magical aptitude was only just beyond the threshold necessary for true magery, he managed to work within his limitations and developed his powers with a few appropriate elements—water, very much a reflection of Karis's gentle nature, and telepathy, a means to resolve problems and communicate regardless of barriers. Karis stayed with Hakaril at the castle for a while, continuing to develop his natural talents while simultaneously practicing the art of "aggressive negotiations" in the event that no other options presented themselves.
When a dimensional distortion brought Sara, a girl wronged by Valthi scientists, to Gaera, Karis immediately latched onto her as in need of his protection and friendship. He quickly came to love her, and the two have been spending vast amounts of time together ever since, a youthful romance blossoming...
Zeke Mazuo
Zeke Mazuo | |
Birthplace: | Kalmiahtiden, Valth |
Height: | 6' |
Job: | Mercenary |
Affiliation: | Highest bidder |
Weapon(s): | Dual pistols, two-bladed sword |
Weapon Name(s): | KWR-CR-H50 (Valthi handgun), steel swallow |
Race: | Valthi human |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Zeke Mazuo was born in Valth, and is the older cousin of Kamos Mazuo. Zeke was educated and trained at a Valthi military academy like most children in the country. Zeke, however, was not terribly fond of the regimenting and anal-retentiveness of his commanders, and he decided he would much prefer freelance mercenary work, which prompted him to leave Valth. He told no one where he was going—he simply vanished, AWOL, figuring he was largely better off on his own.
Zeke earned a reputation for himself independent of the Valthi system. A dangerously accurate gunman, he travelled through Riva and parts of northern Doma, taking jobs as he saw fit and killing without respect for human life if it was in the description. Eventually, he caught the eye of the Prandian government, who hired him to track down and capture or assassinate the "dangerous renegade," Darin Prentiss. In the end, however, Zeke proved to be no match for Darin and his friends, and he was persuaded to give up trying to hunt him, abandoning the Prandians to their own devices. Without that particular direction to his life, Zeke continued to wander, sometimes extending his boundaries a bit further south into the more settled and civilized regions, always selling his services out to the highest bidder, but never breaking the mercenary's code of honor without good reason.
Eventually, Zeke encountered Quinn, a half-succubus who got along with him at least as well as she got along with everyone else, and she eventually bore his first (and, as far as he cares, only) child, an event that gives rise to the second-gen character Zea Mazuo.
Darin Prentiss
Darin Prentiss | |
Birthplace: | Prandia |
Height: | 5' 8" |
Job: | Time Mage |
Affiliation: | Doma |
Weapon(s): | Telescoping scythe |
Weapon Name(s): | Unnamed |
Race: | Half-celestial |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Darin Prentiss is a half-celestial, the product of a (hypothetically) sacred union between a celestial and a lower mortal. In the case of Darin, the father figure happened to be the powerful and influential Archangel Christopher, a personality that deserves a description all to his own. Darin's mother is largely inconsequential—the history books have lost her name, but the Archangel will always remember Justine, the woman he loved so dearly. Unfortunately, Darin missed out on the opportunity for a normal childhood. His mother, living in Prandia at the time, refused to hand the infant Darin over to the Prandian government for study. The Prandians, wanting the half-celestial child in order to raise him as a super soldier and military commander, murdered his mother and kidnapped the child.
As Darin grew up, it became clear to him that he was not a normal child. From a fairly early age, he was able to manifest strange magical powers—most notably, limited control over the flow of time, speeding it up or slowing it down with a bit of effort. Generally, however, Darin's influences on the time stream were wholly inadvertent, and nothing came from them, aside from Darin's occasional boredom resulting in a few hours of instructional lessons going by in a percieved instant without his realizing that anything unusual had happened. A quiet child, and a bit of a loner, Darin was usually ignored by his apparent peers, giving him lots of time to think, contemplate, and learn. Knowing nothing of his mother, his father, or his celestial nature, Darin was very stunned by the strange visions and dreams he had as he matured—visions of angelic figures that called out to him in his sleep, beckoning for him to come and join his fellows in the celestial world. A celestial innocent of paradise, what Darin eventually came to realize was that his heritage was certainly not purely human.
During his studies, he served as an "exchange student" to the Gunnir Academy, becoming Hakaril Silvar's new roommate. Hakaril and Darin had a very interesting relationship that is further elucidated in Darin's main article. When Darin was ultimately forced to flee from the Prandians, he came to Doma and sought Hakaril for help. After several thwarted attempts, the Prandians eventually decided that pursuing the “murderer” internationally was neither worth the effort nor worth the potential diplomatic ramifications.
Thanks to a little digging from Hakaril, Darin eventually filled in the hole in his past, learning the truth about what happened to his mother. Since his relocation to Doma, he has had to deal with celestial intervention twice—the first time when Christopher tried to kill him in order to undo his “mistake,” and the second time when his celestial essence separated itself from his body and had to be recaptured. As a result of that particular ordeal, Darin grew the feathery angelic wings that he now sports as a major feature.
Riss'ar | |
Birthplace: | Celestial Plane |
Height: | 6' 1" |
Job: | Barkeep |
Affiliation: | Doma (Jade Dragon) |
Weapon(s): | Glaive |
Weapon Name(s): | Innocence |
Race: | Celestial (Innocence) |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Riss'ar was a celestial of innocence, carefree and happy beyond human comprehension, until he was possessed by a psychic elemental and tortured another celestial of his kind to death. Exiled from paradise, the still-possessed Riss'ar lived a bizarre life, traveling the countryside seeking belonging and then killing without remorse whenever someone upset his incredibly unstable emotional balance. Needless to say, Riss'ar's extreme induced schizophrenia led him to commit a great number of horrible acts, including the slaughter of most of a troop of Rivan soldiers at a fort to the far north. When Riss'ar met a small group of adventurers that included Kyra Hyral (then Ryujin) and Kamos Mazuo, they managed to defeat the psychic elemental when it manifested itself outside of Riss'ar's body and free him from the evil influence. Uncertain as to who he might be able to trust or where he could go, Riss'ar returned to Doma with them.
Eventually, Riss'ar came to work as a barkeep at the Jade Dragon Inn, owned and operated by Dia Rai, who, being a shadow dragon-half, knew all about being an outcast because of one's species. Unfortunately, having taken notice of his crimes, some of the celestial forces dedicated to hunting down and eradicating fallen wandering the material plane eventually came to attempt to destroy Riss'ar. With the help of Captain Pervy, Kamos Mazuo, and Aya du Mythril-Domanda, Riss'ar managed to appease the justice-crazed celestials by destroying and capturing the life essence of an actual evil fallen, the angel Zelse, who was responsible for perverting and corrupting dozens of celestials, causing them to rebel against their ideals and follow him, in addition to being the murderer of over eight-hundred mortals. In doing so, Riss'ar was redeemed for his previous crimes, and he became a true celestial of innocence again. Of course, he stayed on at the Jade Dragon, and still works there as a bartender in exchange for lodgings, but his primary reason for staying in Doma is to continue to live with his friends.
Chandler Sablemech
Chandler Sablemech | |
Birthplace: | Narshe, Riva |
Height: | 5' 6" |
Job: | Engineer |
Affiliation: | Doma (airship pilot), Enchufa |
Weapon(s): | Handgun |
Weapon Name(s): | Unnamed |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Chandler Sablemech was the youngest of three brothers born to a family in Narshe, none of which communicate with him any more, having all moved on to develop their own lives. His parents were inventors and technicians partly responsible for the maintenance of the Narshe steam-powered heating system. Naturally, having grown up around machines, and having no magical aptitude whatsoever, Chandler developed an extreme interest in science and mechanics, prompting him to become an inventor and engineer when he grew up. He now lives in the technological city of Enchufa, on the southern Doman coast, where he works on developing all sorts of exotic technological devices. Chandler can be credited for the invention of versions of the toaster, alarm clock, Volt Cola (a carbonated soft drink vaguely like rootbeer that also contains a large number of herbal stimulants), and the beginnings of Magitek, a fusion of magical power sources and mechanical bodies to create armored suits that can be piloted by human beings and equipped with a variety of weapons (see the Magitek Armored Corps 3092 setting for more information as to where this might end up in a possible future of Gaera).
Kage Sentan
Kage Sentan | |
Birthplace: | Isil, Doma |
Height: | 5' 4" |
Job: | Dark Dragoon |
Affiliation: | Isil Drow (no house) |
Weapon(s): | Lance, halberd |
Weapon Name(s): | Corrupted spear, corrupted edge |
Race: | Drow (Ka'thalarian) |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Kage Sentan's past is checkered only in absence of context. In most drow civilizations, birth is everything—those born to low houses are stuck forever in mediocrity, or worse, slavery. Of course, those non-drow in drow cities are enslaved by nature of their apparent "inferiority." Kage, as chance would happen, was born relatively low, and like many in his position, resented the lack of possibility for advancement. Unlike a lot of his predecessors, Kage was truly ambitious. Convinced he could change the drow heirarchical system, at least in his home city, and that the low classes could revolt and create a world in which class and birthright were largely meaningless, Kage enlisted someone previous revolutionaries had never considered; slaves. Forming an underground resistance in the city of Isil, Kage believed that it would be possible for him to overthrow the nobility if only he could grow powerful enough and be an inspiration for his people. As a result, he worked behind the scenes in the town of Percille, gaining control of their mage's guild and trying to further his strength and resources. Unfortunately, his plans were ruined by a group of adventurers who unintentionally returned the former mage guild head, the necromancer Akun, to his position. Akun, no longer interested in maintaining the guild or the city, fled to his fortress, also located in Isil.
A ruthless leader, Kage was willing to go to any lengths to make sure that he was able to come out on top of the nobility. However, most of the outside world viewed him as a fanatic and a danger to all who lived. While Kage had enlisted the help of the slaves of Isil to aid him in his revolution, he still believed that all non-drow were inherently inferior to those of the drow race, and therefore he felt that any damage done to the outside world in the name of his quest for what he considered a greater good was completely and totally irrelevent. Willing to go to any lengths necessary, Kage attempted to secure territory above ground in order to achieve the power he desired, seeking artifacts and tools that would further his aims without regard to who he might have to kill in the process. He even enlisted the aid of a fallen angel, Uta, who became his bodyguard, confidante, and eventual wife.
Of course, Kage's plans failed again and again, and though he gained ground slowly, he finally decided that the best route to power was to ask someone else for assistance. Sucking up his pride, he eventually went directly to the Doman government, requesting their aid in overthrowing the nobility of Isil and trying to project himself as a noble potential future leader. The queen was not entirely convinced of his honesty, but eventually, the Doman military decided to count him as an ally. With the aid of Doman military backup, Kage's revolt succeeded, and he became the new ruler of Isil. Surprisingly enough for the Domans, Kage followed through on his promises to eliminate the slavery and subjugation of the lower classes, and he even released a great number of non-drow who had been captured and pressed into servitude. Despite Kage's tendencies for bloodshed and war, in the end, he turned out to just be a man with a dream he was willing to go to any ends to accomplish.
Kage is a very distant but direct ancestor of Makura Kuragari, a Tek in the MAC 3092 setting, which means that Makura's bloodline is in fact very distantly mingled with that of a fallen angel. This manifests itself in Makura in the strength of his shadow magic affinity through the cyberplane.
Hakaril Silvar
Hakaril Silvar | |
Birthplace: | Chisai Village, Doma |
Height: | 5' 11" |
Job: | Archmage, General |
Affiliation: | Doma, Gunnir Academy |
Weapon(s): | Light sword |
Weapon Name(s): | Mage's Blade |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Hakaril Silvar was born William Ironclad to Jameson and Katherine Ironclad in the town of Chisai Village, located near the border of Doma and Riva, not too far south from the infamous school of magic, the Gunnir Academy of Applied Magical Arts and Arcane Sciences. Around seven years later, Katherine died at the hands of a bandit attempting to rob the Ironclad household. At the age of 14, William ran away from his home with a Red Mage named Endel, changed his name to Hakaril Silvar, and began to attend the Gunnir Academy. His best friend and roommate, Masahiro Katachi, was murdered at the hands of his Mental Magic instructor, Dvinn Ka'lath, and the young wizard swore revenge. At 19, he graduated from Gunnir, achieving the rank of Archmage with a major in Holy Magic and a minor in both Elemental Studies and Conjuration. He then set off to find his place in the world through travel and exploration, which lead him to the Nekonia Kitiwai Carnival. Shortly afterward, due to his assistance with a war involving extradimensional invaders plotting the kidnapping of the Doman Queen, Hakaril received a position as General of the Doman Military Forces.
While visiting a beach resort with a small group of friends, Hakaril met Sirvix, a succubus and daughter of the master demon of the underworld, and the two fell in love almost immediately. Approximately a year later, the two married, but not without a fair share of difficulties—not consenting to the marriage or concerned with the feelings of his daughter, the master demon Testicles kidnapped Sirvix and planned to impregnate her himself in order to utilize her as a vessel for the next heir to the throne. Hakaril was forced to kill his father-in-law in order to save his fiancee. Other various condensed events in Hakaril's history include his involvement in the sealing and destruction of the Triad of Hatred, a set of evil artifacts created by the god of hate, Nikumu, which allowed him to avenge Masahiro's death by killing Dvinn. During the precursor to the Malachian War, Hakaril was apparently killed by Doman forces believing him to be a traitor to the country, but he was resurrected by Mithra, the goddess of justice, and allowed to clear his name (in addition to helping defeat Malachias). Hakaril was also heavily involved in the war against Elaith in the RP Dark Obsessions and is currently leading the Doman forces in the D&D campaign Conquerors of the Planes as they head to Regulus to save the plane from invading biomechanical horrors conjured by the dark lord Desiron.
More information can be found in the main Hakaril article.
Elaith Thenswick
Elaith Thenswick | |
Birthplace: | Gunnir Academy |
Height: | 5' 6" |
Job: | Necromancer |
Affiliation: | Himself, Genevive (Reshtaha) |
Weapon(s): | Dagger |
Weapon Name(s): | Sacrifice |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Elaith Thenswick's father, Archmagus Ravin Thenswick, served on the Gunnir Council of Wizards during the latter half of the last century and acted as professor of shadow magic and enchanting as a member of the school's faculty. Elaith was more or less raised at Gunnir, and he showed a talent for necromancy at an early age, channeling his first spells when he was only eight years old. When Elaith was an adolescent, experimentation with the summoning of a powerful undead entity known as a greater nightwalker failed horribly, and the backlash of shadow energy nearly killed the young mage. While he survived the incident, the amount of shadow energy absorbed by his aura had a curious effect—he began to radiate death energy, enhancing the strength of his powers somewhat, but its most noticeable effect was the fact that some living creatures brought into contact with his body would die. Walking in a field, he would leave footprint-shaped patches of dead grass, and most animals would recoil at his presence even if their life force was too powerful to be directly affected. Needless to say, this curse had a significant impact on his social life. As Elaith matured, his fascination with death grew, and he eventually began to develop a sort of erotic taste for all things associated with it, soon crossing the border into necrophilia. Enjoying immensely the feeling of control that he experienced when he could manipulate the dead to do his will, both as servants and as sexual partners, Elaith's depravity only increased with age.
When Elaith was in his late teens, he met Genevive Sarith and fell deeply in love with her; it was the first time that he had ever felt so strongly attracted to a living woman. Charmed by her beauty and intelligence, he was convinced that she would return his feelings without measure, and thought obsessively about her until he finally got the chance to attempt to court her. Unfortunately, Genevive was repulsed by the necromancer's love of death and the dead, and his somewhat conspicuous curse did little to sway her opinion in her favor. Believing that Genevive could be made to love him the way his undead servants did, he continued to pursue her without reservation. Unfortunately, his plans were cut somewhat short when his father was expelled from the Gunnir council for attempting to bargain with and enslave extremely dangerous demonic creatures, and the elder Thenswick, deciding that Gunnir at large was full of "paranoid old fools and sorry excuses for wizards," dragged his son with him against his will. Separated from his one true love, Elaith planned to find a way to locate her again and force her to love him...alive, if possible, but dead would be almost as good.
Elaith's amazing control over the foul powers of unlife actually has as much to do with his birthright as it does with his practice. Elaith's experience with the negative energy backlash caused by his failure to summon the nightwalker had some impact on him, but that event mostly awakened latent power that was already present. As fate would have it, Elaith's bloodline is partially divine, and he is a very, very distant mortal relative to the god of death, Reshtaha. This contributes significantly to his abilities, despite the fact that he is completely unaware of his ties to a deity. Unlike many other necromancers, Elaith never considered lichdom as a possible pursuit; he enjoys the pleasures of the flesh far too much to ever be willing to give them up in exchange for what he would consider to be a compromised immortality.
Elaith was the main villain of the D&D RP campaign Dark Obsessions. He is currently deceased, though an attempt to resurrect him has been made by Dawn Valerian and her Cult of the Phoenix. Elaith is far beyond resurrection by mortal means due to his ties to both Nikumu and Reshtaha, neither of whom is likely to let go of his soul any time soon.
Xzar'il | |
Birthplace: | Shuman Mountains |
Height: | 5' 5" |
Job: | Necromancer |
Affiliation: | Himself, Malachias, Elaith Thenswick (Nikumu) |
Weapon(s): | Tentacles |
Weapon Name(s): | |
Race: | Illithid (later illithilich) |
Gender: | Male |
RPer: | Archmage |
Xzar'il is an illithid who has served many masters. Initially, he rose to power through deals with Nikumu and manipulated a group of dark dragoons part of a faction known as the Sable Rose. He encountered Richard Danera Storm, Dia Rai, Robert Kliyy III, Squintz, Kaelick Altec, and D in an overgrown town in Riva where he manipulated a dryad into controlling a large number of plant monsters to destroy the village and allow him to consume its inhabitants. He was eventually hunted down and killed, but rose from the dead as a lich thanks to the intervention of Nikumu.
Xzar'il later engaged in a war with another lich over the eastern edge of Riva, allied with the pit lord Malachias and later with the necromancer Elaith Thenswick. He was killed by Rildyn in his lair on Telluria, an island east of Riva, and his phylactery was destroyed soon afterwards.
Minor NPCs
- Arachael the Sablewinged -- A shadow dragon-half who rallied an army of greedy dragons and dark dragoons to aid Elaith Thenswick. One of Elaith's right-hand men.
- Callibel -- Riss'ar's "brother," an angel living on the Celestial Plane. He invited Ardam, Corrigan, Myrnal, and Rildyn in for tea and provided them with much needed information about the Codex of Infinite Wisdom.
- Endel -- A red mage that visited young Hakaril and his father to purchase a custom-forged sword. Endel first detected magical potential in Hakaril, and the young boy ran away with the mage to go to Gunnir Academy.
- Archmagus Julius Hawthorne III -- The founder of the Gunnir Academy.
- Archmagus Julius Hawthorne IV -- A Gunnir Archmage and descendant of the founder of the Academy, he is a very powerful astralist and elementalist. He is the adoptive father of Jack Hawthorne.
- The Business Hippie -- A druid in a village neighboring Tuatha that operates a small store that deals in a variety of goods. His name is unknown to everyone, perhaps even himself. He is constantly seen smoking a form of hallucinogenic herb from an enormous pipe that resembles a bassoon.
- Jameson Ironclad -- Hakaril's father and a blacksmith in Chisai Village. His wife, Katherine Ironclad, is deceased. He also has an illegitimate son named Rufio Ironclad.
- Archmagus Dvinn Ka'lath -- A psionicist instructor at Gunnir who was involved in a conspiracy to summon Nikumu to the material plane. Murdered Masahiro Katachi; slain by Stephan Hyral, Ara du-Mythril, and Squintz Altec.
- Masahiro Katachi -- Hakaril's nekojin roommate at Gunnir. Murdered by Dvinn Ka'lath as a means of getting revenge on Hakaril for correcting him during a lecture. A very close friend of Hakaril.
- Count Landish -- A minor vampire who appeared in a chat RP. Posed as a patron of the arts and convinced Aya du Mythril-Domanda that she was a good singer in order to lure her into a trap.
- Graff LaRue -- A holy dragoon employed by Gunnir and role model for a young Hakaril Silvar.
- Meldon -- Not to be confused with the Neo Vanist, an evil high cleric of Reshtaha working under Elaith Thenswick. Still alive and a captive in Doman prison.
- Ethyn Prynne -- A blind demon hunter who possessed the Weave of Balance.
- Remus -- A mage that accidentally activated a beacon that drew ethereal creatures to attack a small town in Doma near a tower built by creatures known as Ethans in the chat RP Dimension Dancers.
- Sakhiel -- Apprentice to Elaith Thenswick. He attempted to backstab his master and was ultimately killed at his hands. Sacrificed on an altar to Nikumu by Myrnal Shalienza.
- Archmagus Ravin Thenswick -- Father of Elaith Thenswick. Expelled by the Gunnir council for his constant attempts at bargaining with evil creatures.
- Archmagus Wray -- The current head of the Gunnir council. Regarded as being very wise and just in addition to being an incredibly talented conjurer.
- Richter Yates -- A Gunnir healer and cleric of Wistaire, the elemental lord of air. Raised Myrnal from the dead and is arguably otherwise a pretty cool guy.
- Zelse -- A fallen angel responsible for the murders of many mortals. He recruited a fairly large following, but was slain by Riss'ar, Aya, Captain Pervy, and Kamos Mazuo in Riss'ar's quest for redemption.