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Revision as of 16:26, 22 June 2006
Expert | Besyanteo | ||
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Capital | Baron Castle | ||
Largest city | |||
Government King
Limited monarchy Trevor Harvey | ||
Settlement |
2189 BT | ||
Official Language(s) | Common | ||
Official Religion | None | ||
Currency | Zante | ||
[hide]In Brief
Previously an absolute monarchy, Baron's government began to shift to a more democratic form of government starting about 400 years ago, after the unfortunate event which took place in the villiage Mist, simply known as "Destruction." The new government allowed the people to elect a council of advisors. While originally having no direct power, the council has since grown in power and importance; now, the monarchs must have the approval of the council before any kind of law or declaration of war can be made.
Baron serves as a center for commerce and is an open, friendly nation, largely welcoming strangers, trade, and travel. One important aspect of current day Baronian politics is the debate over airships, however.
After the war era 400 years ago, many of the kingdom's airships were either remodeled for peacetime transport or completely scrapped. Many in the nation feel this was a huge tactical mistake, leaving Baron's defenses open for invasion, while others feel that the air force should be developed in order to allow for greater travel, trade, and communication between Baron and other nations. Others, meanwhile, feel that the nation needs to maintain their limited number and use of airships as a sign of goodwill toward other nations, while still others argue that there should be no airships, calling them a "cursed" invention of man and a bane to society.
Baron isn't completely without military clout, however. One example of military training still prevalent in Doma is seen in the dragoon forces, trained largely in Cain Citadel. Baronian dragoons are one of the few dragoon 'families' to remain loyal to Ryuugami, the dragon goddess, after her apparent and mysterious disappearance from Gaera several centuries ago. Even now, the dragoons maintain a respect for dragonkind, from whom the dragoons largely receive their powers; many dragoons worship Ryuugami, and occasionally the more devout actually make pilgrimages to the Temple of Ryuugami, in the Shuman Mountain range west of Riva.
Besides the airships, another sticky point in Baron society concerns the territorial status of the village of Mist, located in a mountain enclosed valley north of Baron. There are some villagers who still despise the Baron Monarchy, due to "Destruction"; officially, however, Mist is part of Baron, and most of its inhabitants recognize such.
Baron does not have any kind of officially sanctioned religion. However, there are two more common forms of worship native to the area. One is worship of Odin, who was viewed as the Baronian God of War and Death up until about 400 years ago. Very few still pay homage to this deity today; however, a shrine in his honor is said to exist behind Baron Falls, north of the Capital. The other 'religion' is more common among the Summoners of Mist, who meditate and look to Leviathan, called 'King of the Seas' by the Summoners and more commonly known as 'King of the Summoned Monsters' by other Baronians. 'King of the Summoned Monsters' can be considered offensive by some Summoners."
History: Baron
Note: The validity of Baron's history before 1,150 is highly debated by historical scholars in the nation. Many believe some of the 'accounts' of the past are nothing more than legends, or embellishments of important, but not quite 'mystical' events. One should take any 'information' from that period wih caution.
Year: 2189 BT
Odin first appears to the people of what would later be known as Baron. This period of time is referred to as the Age of Enlightenment.
Some of the clans, believing him to be some form of demon, leave through caves in the northern mountains. They settle in the lands later to be known as Mist.
Year: 2100 BT
In order to teach the following generation the ways of combat, Odin orders the construction of a training facility in the eastern desert lands. This location would come to be known as Fort Lancet.
Year: 1189 BT
Odin tells his followers that soon, he must leave this world. As his last act as leader, he orders the construction of a great palace for the clan's future leader. He also begins the process of testing the clans via several trial and tournaments to determine who should rule in his absense.
Year: 1188 BT
Baron is founded, named for the clan victorious in Odin's trials and tournaments. Domanus Domanada, one of the original contenders for power, and his clan leave Baron, discontent with rule under the Baron clan.
This period would come to be known as the Age of Discovery.
Year: 1150 BT
Construction of Baron Castle is completed.
Year: 1100-1090 BT
Baron engages in its first long term skirmish with enemy forces. Several clans from the desert lands unite in order to take control of the northern lands, hoping to take advantage of the young nation's recent loss of their powerful leader.
During this time, much of Baron Castle is damaged and has to be repaired. This would be the first of several times during the nation's history.
Emerging victorious, Wilham Baron rewarded the clans most instrumental in their victory. Their family name was given the title of 'house', denoting prestige and privelagein the eyes of their monarch. This would mark the beginning said tradition, as well as more visible aristocracy in Baron.
Year: 910
The Baronian War of the Crystals begins. During this war, the government of Baron engages in an extremely destructive attack against the village Mist, using a summoning artifact to kill most of the village elders. The knight who delivered this artifact aided the villagers in fighting the summoned demons off, and sacrificed himself due to the dishonor of his actions.
Year: 910-915(?)
(Details to be worked out with GM's, as this may involve several current nations)
Year: 915(?)
With the help of several clans and cohorts from across Igala, Celial Harvey puts an end to the reign of the Baron Family. At the insistance of both his comrades and the people of the nation, he takes the throne as the first of the Harvey line of Kings.
Year: 920
Rosalia Harvey passes away after giving birth to her son, Derin.
Celial Harvey orders the construction of a second port city, to be named after his late wife. This would come to be known as Port Rosalia.
Year: 1298
In a surprise attack that shocks the nation, the city of Isalia is laid to waste in less than a day. What few survivors manage to escape describe creatures of unspeakable horrors, and mages using the dark arts.
All of Baron's military power is mobilized, the people of the southern cities and towns evacuated.
Year: 1299
For nearly a year, the two sides are at a stalemate. The forces of Baron manage to hold their enemies in the southern regions of the nation, though the number of dead for Baron is starting to rise.
Fredrick Leon Harvey falls in a battle to push the enemy further south. This leaves his Chancellor to run the nation until his son, Trevor Reginald Harvey, comes of age.
The nation's enemies begin to press further north, forcing Baron to fall back and struggle to hold their ground several times.
Year: 1300
In an act of desperation, the forces of Baron plan an all out offensive at the heart of the enemy forces, with aid from the summoners of Mist.
Several units stay behind, Under the command of Alexander Hyral, to make sure enemy forces do not advance into the northern lands while the main forces are occupied.
Alexander Hyral's defensive forces fall, but manage to hold off the enemy. This would give Baron the breathing room needed to eventually overcome their foes.
Further tension emerges between Baron and Mist afterward, however. Many in the nation wondered why the Summoners did not assist them sooner, possibly preventing the numerous deaths.
Year: 1303
The Tanascus Archives officially open, named for Baron's former head of magical research in Isalia.
Year: 1310
Trevor Reginal Harvey officially claims his title as King of Baron on his 18th birthday.
Year: 1314
Baron declares its support for the country of Doma, during its war with the demon Malachias.
RPGWW*MUSH Description
A sprawling nation on the western coast of Igala. Governed by the Sovriegn King Treavor Reginal Harvey, and legislated by a council of advisors to the King.
Baron is a clean and industrious nation, populated largely by humans. All races are welcomed officially, however as Baron is a bit out of the way of most other borders there is still little interaction with other nations and races.
Baron's Borders fall around the limited amount of habitable land south of the Titan mountain range,overlapping somewhat with the surrounding desert areas. North of Odin's Trail is very uneven land, still 'untamed' and covered in dense forests. To the south, a few pockets of forest still remain, thought much of the land is either settled or used for agriculture.