Kai's Minor NPCs
Kai's Minor NPCs
[hide]Kerran and Yanna Shalienza
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Vermilis, Doma |
Height: | 5'11", 5'2" |
Job: | Merchant |
Affiliation: | Myrnal Shalienza |
Weapon(s): | short sword, dagger, longsword |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
Kerran, a former member of the Vermilis guard, and Yanna, a former teacher at the elementary school, married when they were in their late teens and had only one child, Alissa and their granddaughter's name was Myrnal. Their daughter and granddaughter died of relatively preventable diseases when the girl was still quite young. Heartbroken over the loss of their only living descendents, the two did not have any more children.
They started up a tavern and called it The Shining Blade in honor of Kerran's impressive weapon collection. Several later, after the next town over was completely razed, a little girl wandered into their bar. She wouldn't speak, but they fed her and took her in. When she finally began talking to them, she took on the name of their former granddaughter, in the process taking on their expectations and their renewed hopes for their family.
Warren Calvin
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Vermilis, Doma |
Height: | 6' |
Job: | Kazeran Priest |
Affiliation: | Kazeros, Myrnal Shalienza |
Weapon(s): | quarterstaff, magic |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
Warren is the eldest brother in the Calvin family. When he was a young man, he'd always had a faintly streak that no one else in his family understood. It was hard for him to explain, too. He didn't like any of the churches or temples he frequented.
After a few conversations with a friend of the family by the name of Myrnal Shalienza, he discovered that there were options he'd been missing. He had been called, but not to strict doctrine or dogma, not to rules or restrictions. When he expressed interest in what Myrnal knew of Kazeros, she offered to fund the construction and maintenance of a temple, with him at the helm. There was one condition, no one could ever know that she'd done it.
Warren is now the driving force behind the temple, and the executor of Myrnal's estate.
Ryeth Calvin
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Vermilis, Doma |
Height: | 5'8" |
Job: | Merchant |
Affiliation: | Myrnal Shalienza |
Weapon(s): | short sword |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
The youngest brother in the Calvin family, Ryeth immediately took an interest in his father's business. His love of the manlier things in life like horses and capitalism won him the favor of Kerran Shalienza. For a while he actually attempted to court Myrnal, and the chief result of that attempt is that he is one of perhaps two people in Vermilis who know about Myrnal's... personal life.
Alya Fairburn
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Therney |
Height: | 4' |
Job: | Student |
Affiliation: | Joss Hunter |
Weapon(s): | n/a |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
Alya Fairburn was born into a poor family in Therney, and while her parents wanted to send her to school, the girl was quite simply too sensitive. She couldn't handle the other children, handle their teasing. Her parents sent her to private school, but it was still hard for her. Eventually their money ran out and they couldn't afford that either.
That's when Dawn Valerian found her. She offered the girl a free education and the ability to hone abilities no one else had noticed. All she asked were legal custody rights to the girl. Her parents, hoping for the best, agreed.
After Dawn Valerian's death and the collapse of her organization, Alya was sent to Gunnir. She contacted her parents to let them know that her guardian was dead and she was currently enjoying a free ride at a prestigious magic academy.
Alya will keep in touch with her family, and eventually become an instructor in Gunnir's psionics department.
Malachi Lee
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Kalshana |
Height: | 5'6" |
Job: | Professor |
Affiliation: | Gunnir Academy |
Weapon(s): | rapier |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
The successor to Archmagus Dvinn Ka'lath as Gunnir's department head was Malachi Lee. Due to the questionable character of his predecessor, Malachi Lee was hired as a somewhat eccentric but enthusiastic and good-natured reformer, eager to help Gunnir recover from the damage it suffered after the corruption and near-dissolution of its counsel.
He wants very much to see an expansion in the psionics program, and thanks to Eve Valerian's inheritance, now has the money to fund scholarships for the two dozen new students the department has acquired.
His office is usually found by mistake by those who are really looking for Benediction, and so he rarely cleans it, preferring to let scrolltubes and piles of crystals collect in corners, on shelves, on his desk, and even on his chair.
Seamus Bailey
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Inustan |
Height: | 5'10 |
Job: | Professor, chef |
Affiliation: | Gunnir Academy |
Weapon(s): | n/a |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
Little is known about the mysterious and slightly rotund Seamus Bailey, and all most students need is the assurance that anytime they visit the cafeteria, Bailey will be there to conjure them whatever they may need.
There are hints that Archmagus Bailey and Archmagus Lee may have done some adventuring together in their day, but the subject has generally not been explored. Most feel it is best not to question Bailey's past or how the hell he ended up specializing in culinary conjuration of all things.
He's notorious for his bizarre choices of reading material, including such selections as Sheep Bred Pasta, and Kalshanese Enlightenment and the Parfait Revolution. He also has never quite gotten the knack of conjuring attractive tableware, clearly concentrating his effort on the food.
He's informally known as something of an alienist due to his general inability to conjure normal Inustani desserts.
Isaiah Bellari
{{{title}}} | |
Birthplace: | Kalshana |
Height: | 5'2" |
Job: | Groundskeeper |
Affiliation: | Tassi Wells |
Weapon(s): | short sword |
Weapon Name(s): | {{{weaponname}}} |
Race: | Elf |
Gender: | {{{gender}}} |
RPer: | Kai |
Isaiah was briefly involved romantically with a fifteen year old human girl named Tassi Wells, but after he got involved in a fatal barfight with a drunken guardsman, he was forced to flee, breaking off their relationship before it had really begun. Once he was sure the man's family had given up on finding him, he simply wandered the continent, unwilling to go home, but unable to return to the city where his would-be lover lived and worked.
He got a job with the Hetheringtons, working as their groundskeeper. They lived near Doma, and in the city he met up again with Tassi. Dismayed to find that humans change much faster than elves and that the girl had grown into a woman and moved on, he returned to his job, attempting to lead something approaching a normal life again.