Hakaril Silvar
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name (rp world) |
Hakaril James Silvar (Gaera Main) | |
birthdate (birthplace) |
21st of Kazerora, 1291 Chisai Village | |
current residence | Doma Castle, Doma Capitol | |
occupation | General of Doman Military; Mage Corps Commander | |
family | Jameson Ironclad (father), Katherine Ironclad (mother, deceased), Sirvix Silvar (wife; RPer Nekogami), Rufio Ironclad (illegitimate brother; RPer Shiranai), James Paynus Silvar (son) | |
race | Human | |
physical description | Roughly 5' 11", with a very wiry, thin build; reddish-brown eyes; a thin, fairly pale face; sky blue, roughly shoulder-length hair (magically dyed; natural hair color brown). | |
typical clothing | Usually clad in a black longcoat with red hems, a green tunic, grey pants, and black leather knee-high boots; Hakaril also always wears a characteristic wide-brimmed Muskateer-style red hat with a large feather stuck in the band. | |
personality | Hakaril's temperment can be primarily described as follows: arrogant, condescending, vengeful, quick to anger, compassionate toward his close friends, extremely overprotective, rash, impulsive if agitated, curious, logical whenever possible, courageous and strong-willed, efficient, and easily amused. Among dear allies and companions, he is friendly, jovial, and respectful—strangers, on the other hand, are subject immediately to his judgment, which is rapid and difficult to reverse. His likes and dislikes tend to be absolutes and largely inflexible. While prone to making snap decisions, Hakaril is highly intelligent and prefers to think things through—it just so happens that he arrives at an answer much earlier than most of his comrades. He tends to deal with problems in the most efficient manner possible, which leads some to question his moral code, but he belives that morality is by no means an absolute in any respect, believing that the ends often justify the means and that nothing is above the preservation of the self and those he has sworn to protect. | |
fighting style | Gunnir Type IV Strategic/V Trickster combination; often utilizes Type II under stress. | |
religious beliefs | The presence of gods is undeniable when you've had conversations with them, but none in particular is worthy of his adoration. Hakaril has considered revering Ryuugami, Mithra, Kazeros, and even briefly pondered Christianity, but nothing has appealed to him yet. | |
drunk type | Friendly; spontaneous spellcaster. | |
titles | Hakaril has a ridiculously long list of titles, many of them self-granted, and he often introduces himself to newcomers with a mouthful of them: "Hakaril James Silvar, Archmage, General of Doma, Astralist, Applied Magical Theorist, Planeswalker, Dimensional Cartographer, Scholar, Poet, Metallurgist, Demon Hunter, Gunnir Academy Graduate class of 1308, Knight, Wyrmslayer, Exorcist, and Improvisational Lawyer!" | |
other | Hakaril commonly uses the epithet "Great Lord Agnostic." Whether a deity by such a name exists or ever existed is beyond him; it's a curse he picked up from his father. He hates having his mind read without permission to the point of becoming violent in response. It is impossible to know how many strange and potentially valuable magical items he is hoarding in his office as part of a bizarre collection that continues to expand over time. He also has a very large collection of pornographic illusionmags from a variety of series that he keeps in his bottom right desk drawer, and he prefers to "read" these than do any actual paperwork under most circumstances. |
Hakaril James Silvar was born William Ironclad to Jameson and Katherine Ironclad in the town of Chisai Village, located near the border of Doma and Riva, not too far south from the infamous school of magic, the Gunnir Academy of Applied Magical Arts and Arcane Sciences. Around seven years later, Katherine died at the hands of a bandit attempting to rob the Ironclad household. At the age of 14, William ran away from his home with a Red Mage named Endel, changed his name to Hakaril Silvar, and began to attend the Gunnir Academy. His best friend and roommate, Masahiro Katachi, was murdered at the hands of his Mental Magic instructor, Dvinn Ka'lath, and the young wizard swore revenge. At 19, he graduated from Gunnir, achieving the rank of Archmage with a major in Holy Magic and a minor in both Elemental Studies and Conjuration. He then set off to find his place in the world through travel and exploration, which lead him to the Nekonia Kitiwai Carnival. Shortly afterward, due to his assistance with a war involving extradimensional invaders plotting the kidnapping of the Doman Queen, Hakaril received a position as General of the Doman Military Forces. While visiting a beach resort with a small group of friends, Hakaril met Sirvix, a succubus and daughter of the master demon of the underworld, and the two fell in love almost immediately. Approximately a year later, the two married, but not without a fair share of difficulties—not consenting to the marriage or concerned with the feelings of his daughter, the master demon Testicles kidnapped Sirvix and planned to impregnate her himself in order to utilize her as a vessel for the next heir to the throne. Hakaril was forced to kill his father-in-law in order to save his fiancee.
Hakaril has been involved in a fairly large number of minor and major events in Doman (and Gaeran) history, sometimes as a major player and other times behind the scenes. Numerous minor tasks and adventures have presented themselves from time to time, such as the elimination of a ravid from the Doman sewer system (Animation Station RP), the investigation of various murders and other guard work, the training of an apprentice (Karisuma Heru), and miscellaneous bits of planeswalking, including the discovery of a plane filled entirely with cotton and the opening of a portal to a dimension populated by metallic animals.
Gunnir and Hakaril's Relationship with Darin Prentiss
Hakaril's early days at Gunnir were largely carefree; he dove headfirst into his arcane education and devoured every bit of magical knowledge set before him without hesitation. Hakaril's best friend at the time was his roommate, a nekojin named Masahiro Katachi. Masahiro and Hakaril naturally found ways to get in all sorts of trouble without any provocation, and Masahiro was also the only person to whom Hakaril ever revealed any information about his actual past and his life at Chisai. He confessed to Masahiro that he felt responsible for Endel's death when the red mage sacrificed himself to draw the attention of the predatory shadow beast that attacked the pair on the road away, and Masahiro assured him that it was in no way Hakaril's fault. Endel, Masahiro assured the young mage, wanted to give Hakaril a chance at a better life.
When Dvinn Ka'lath murdered Masahiro to set an example, Hakaril was filled with impotent rage. Unable to fight Dvinn directly because of his greater strength and status as a Gunnir instructor, Hakaril could find no way to prove that Masahiro's death was anything other than the suicide that Dvinn claimed it had been. Frustrated for years to come, Hakaril was inspired to scar himself on the day of his graduation to remind himself forever of the hardship that he had endured at Gunnir; though he had graduated and was experiencing the proudest moment of his life to date, the memory of Masahiro would not soon be forgotten.
Some time after Masahiro's death, Hakaril was assigned a new roommate. This new roommate was a Prandian exchange student, a half-celestial named Darin Prentiss. Darin's half-celestial nature was at the time fairly suppressed and difficult to spot; even Darin himself had only a limited idea as to his nature. Hakaril's analysis of Darin was that he was overly shy and needed a chance to socialize and develop a more outgoing personality. At Hakaril's urging, Darin attended a few parties at Gunnir, but he never actually adapted to the "social scene" and preferred to simply study or have introspective time to himself. Nevertheless, Hakaril managed to drag Darin on quite a few of his small adventures during his Gunnir years, and he reportedly used his roommate as a living alarm clock thanks to his skills with time magic. The two developed a very good, if somewhat distanced, relationship; Hakaril often tried to close the emotional gap between the two, but Darin seemed to be pushing him away almost involuntarily. As time went on, Darin grew to trust Hakaril more and more, and he regarded him as a friend, though he still retained some "professional distance" for a good while, referring to Hakaril as "Magus Silvar" and later "General Silvar" until Hakaril managed to convince him that such formalities were unnecessary.
The Nikumian Artifacts
On one particular adventure during an attempt to hunt down the lich Xzar'il and to deal with the potential threat of his warring with another lich (A War of Two Evils RP), the paladin Squintz Altec (now Kerov Altec), Queen Aya du Mythril and Solis Darylshield found a strange piece of polished glass that refracted light oddly. Some later experimentation revealed that the lens could be used as a focus for a spell, increasing its power at the cost of the user recieving some backlash damage from a currently unknown source.
While studying a set of old texts regarding legendary lost artifacts, Hakaril came across an entry about a weapon forged by the Nikumu, the god of hate, and cross-referenced it with some other writings in an attempt to pinpoint its location. The weapon in question was the Staff of Unrelenting Anger, a device designed to channel the wielder's hatred into bursts of destructive energy that could, at full power, level cities with relative ease. Further cross-referencing revealed that the piece of glass found in the lich's barrow was in fact Nikumu's Lens, another artifact in the same set. Curious about the item and wishing to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, Hakaril recruited a group of adventurers to journey to the Shuman mountains in hopes of recovering the staff. Unfortunately, it turned out that Hakaril and his companions were not the only ones seeking the artifact; competition from both resident cave sahuagin and the Archmagus Dvinn Ka'lath made its acquisition extremely difficult. Hakaril saw the confrontation with Dvinn as an opportunity to exact his revenge on the drow for murdering his roommate, but Hakaril was knocked unconscious by an early attack from the mage and unable to deliver justice himself. When roused from his unconscious state, Hakaril expressed anger with his companions for not leaving the drow for him, but eventually calmed down.
Continued research at Gunnir revealed a third piece of the set; a shield-shaped object known as Nikumu's Crest. While resisting the efforts of Gunnir's staff to capture and try the group as the "murderers of Dvinn Ka'lath," Hakaril and the others found the Crest in Dvinn's trophy room. A showdown in the Gunnir council chamber, surrounded by the high wizards of the institution, revealed a vast conspiracy by Dvinn and several other instructors to summon the god of hate to the material plane using all three artifacts. During the heated battle, Hakaril came into possession of the three weapons and used them in concert, transforming him into an armored angel of death capable of wielding his own anger as a devastating weapon. The corrupted council members and students were purged, a large portion of Gunnir's administrative tower was destroyed, and a rage-blind Hakaril was eventually subdued by his own allies. Following the event, Hakaril found himself branded with the mark of Nikumu on his chest, a sign that he had succumbed to evil, if only temporarily, and that he was potentially vulnerable to further seduction from the forces of hatred.
Restoring the Balance
After the incidents at Gunnir, Hakaril began to search frantically for a way to rid himself of Nikumu's mark and the associated curse. Fearing that he would be swallowed by darkness and that he would again lose himself in rage, he finally managed to locate a set of "counter-artifacts" created by the goddess of balance, Shamayu. While he continued to research the situation, Hakaril sent Ara du Mythril to recruit others to head to a temple of the goddess in hopes of acquiring the Seeds of Balance, and after a brief test of their resolve, the group succeeded. The second artifact in the set, the Weave of Balance, was in the possession of a group of fey that had stolen it from the original owner, a blind demon hunter named Ethyn Prynne. The third and final artifact, Order's Edge, had to be retrieved from the Archangel Christopher, who held the blade as he reflected on the merits of his own existence in a forgotten corner of the celestial plane known only as "despair in paradise."
Once all three artifacts of order were in possession of Hakaril, he set out with Will Baseton, Aya, and Kerov to the frozen north where an ancient ritual circle had been constructed that the group could use in order to amplify their arcane power to create a chain reaction between the light and dark artifacts. Unfortunately, the energy created by the ritual tore open portals to both the plane of balance and the plane of hatred, and the two armies clashed in the sky over the ritual ground while Nikumu and Shamayu both materialized to argue over who Hakaril would ultimately side with. Hakaril, tempted by the promise that he could torture his nemesis Dvinn for all eternity, briefly opted to side with Nikumu, restyling himself yet again as an "angel of death" and assuming his incubus form to battle his former friends. After nearly falling into an icy chasm created by the conflict, Hakaril was pulled to safety by Will Baseton and decided to turn his back on Nikumu, prompting him to return the scythe granted him by the deity point first. Disappointed by his loss, but consoled by the fact that a loss today meant a victory in the future, Nikumu withdrew and Shamayu removed Hakaril's mark. Redeemed by the forces of order, the archmage could rest and celebrate with his allies...for now.
Celestial Conflicts
Some time after the dust of his last adventure had settled, Hakaril found himself forced to defend his close friend, Darin Prentiss, from his misguided and grief-stricken father, the Archangel Christopher. For more information, see Darin's entry.
The War
During the precursor to the Malachian War, Hakaril was apparently killed by Doman forces believing him to be a traitor to the country. These soldiers were not actually Doman citizens but in fact were demonic servants of Malachias, a pit lord vanquished by Hakaril, Rai'm Tymisonn, Kerov, Ara, and Jak Snide. Banished to the last hell, Malachias was bound by an oath not to ever attack Doma while those five people still lived; the obvious course of action was to manipulate their deaths from behind the scenes. His body buried in an unmarked grave, it is uncertain as to what became of most of Hakaril's possessions. Some of them were confiscated by Malachian forces, while other miscellaneous artifacts were simply stored in the castle vault.
Somewhat to Hakaril's dismay, he never made it to any form of afterlife; instead, his spirit was held in a form of limbo by Mithra, goddess of justice. He and the others were resurrected by divine intervention and brought back to the material plane to confront and defeat Malachias a second time, though in interim many other forms of resistance to the demon were mounted (and many enjoyed great successes). As part of the terms of his resurrection, Mithra's bargain with Reshtaha involved each of the original warriors being brought back with some sort of defect; Hakaril was initially returned to life blind, but he quickly made it clear to his companions (and to Mithra) that he would rather be dead than crippled, no matter what bargains were made, and immediately called upon his allies to assist his suicide. Unwilling to allow Hakaril to kill himself, his friends refused, but he ultimately managed to confront Mithra a second time. Returned in one final reincarnation, this version of Hakaril's body was only altered by the presence of blue rabbit ears that grew out of his scalp. Hakaril retained these ears, largely hidden under his hat, for a very long time. Only recently did he manage to return himself to normal.
Board RPs
- Welcome to Nekonia
- Ryuugami's Temple: Archived thread
- A Wash of Anger: Archived thread
Other Events
Non-board RPs and media featuring Hakaril as a character, not necessarily in chronological order:
- Hakaril's backstory (For Every Story, There Is a Beginning): RTF document link
- The Road to Hell (Chat RP)
- Animation Station (Chat RP)
- Steam Powered Nightmares (Chat RP)
- The Elements of Balance (Nikumian artifacts saga)
- The Malachian War
- Dark Obsessions (D&D campaign)
- Echoes (Chat RP, GM Kelne)
- Conquerors of the Planes (D&D/Philsys chat RP campaign)
- Aftermath: The Crysanthemum Throne (D&D 4e tabletop campaign)
Philsys Data
Philsys Block
Hakaril Silvar (Archmage)
Level 7; 1050/4000 XP | ||
Courage: +3 |
Base AT/PA: 13/13
Swords - 4 |
Spells and Techs
- [Innate]Incubus Morph (8 TP) - As a result of various adventures and the acquiring of a ring from his fiancee, Sirvix, Hakaril is capable of becoming an incubus. As an incubus, Hakaril possesses limited flight powers (no more than 5*level feet in terms of altitude, and no faster than 10 mph) due to his set of wings. All of Hakaril's holy based spells (the Beam line) are instead shadow based spells (the Zero line) while Hakaril is an incubus--he cannot cast the holy versions, and he cannot summon Radeeni. Hakaril's CHA score is +3 when interacting with other demons and the like, but is -1 when interacting with those who despise demons and their kind (which is quite a few people). While an incubus, Hakaril suffers damage from holy based healing spells. Hakaril can remain an incubus indefinitely.
- [Innate]Intimidate (2 TP) - Attempts to strike fear into an opponent with impressive looking magical acts.
- [M-Theory=4]Charge Spell (5 TP) - Empowers a spell for a turn, increasing damage by 2x.
- [M-Theory=6]Spell Penetration (2 TP) - Adds a bonus of rank/2 to a spellcasting roll.
- [M-Theory=8]Quicken Spell (6 TP) - Allows Hakaril to cast a spell as a free action--the cost of this ability is added to the cost of the spell.
- [M-Theory=12]Contingent Spell (6 TP) - Imbues a target with a latent spell effect. The MP cost of the spell is spent at the time of casting. The imbued spell's effect does not occur until a pre-determined trigger condition is met. Some example trigger conditions might include: When this object breaks, when a certain person is wounded, when this object is touched by a person that is not the caster, etc. When the condition is met, the spell is cast. The targets for the spell are determined when the condition is set; if no valid target that meets the specified criteria is available, then the spell fizzles. A caster may maintain a maximum of one contingent spell at a time per six ranks, and a contingent spell's duration is rank/2 days.
- Lately, Hakaril uses one of his contingent spells to keep a persistent enchantment on his hat; if anyone other than him removes it from his head for more than ten seconds, the hat immediately changes form into a lead version of itself.
- [Theory, Ritual, Melding, Enchanting=4]Enchant Blade (20 TP) - Empowers Hakaril's weapon. Hakaril recieves a +6/+2 AT/PA bonus, and any hits landed deal an additional 8+(mean rank) damage. This spell lasts for (mean rank)+1d4 rounds. Hakaril can use this as a permanent enchantment, but it requires 60 total TP be spent (3 times the cost), and during this time of enchanting, the weapon cannot be used or it is lost. Hakaril can do this with any bladed weapon, but no one other than himself may use it. If Hakaril enchants his weapon in this way, it only has half the bonus value of the ordinary effect--and may be stacked with it.
- [Fire=1]Fire 1 (5 MP) - Does 10+2*rank+1d6 fire damage to one enemy.
- [Water=1]Ice 1 (5 MP) - As fire 1, only in water damage to one enemy.
- [Lightning=1]Lit 1 (5 MP) - As fire 1, only in lightning damage to one enemy.
- [Lightning=4]Bolt 2 (15 MP, narrow dispersion) - Does 18+rank*4+2d6 to one enemy.
- [Meld=2]Bolt 2 (15 MP, wide dispersion) - Does 9+2*rank+1d6 to an enemy group.
- [Meld=1, Fire/Ice=4]Antipode (26 MP) - Does 10+2*(mean rank)+2d4 combination fire and ice elemental damage in a 20 foot radius around the caster. Allies may be excluded from the effect.
- [Meld=1, Fire/Ice/Lit=4]Triad (30 MP) - Does 12+2*(mean rank)+3d4 to all enemies within a 30-foot wide burst.
- [Holy=1]Beam 1 (7 MP) - Does 8+2*rank+1d6 holy elemental damage to one enemy.
- The visual effect of this spell and the rest of its family is that of a laser-like energy blast. The main difference between spell strengths is the intensity and size of the beam.
- [Holy=4]Beam 2 (16 MP) - As Beam 1, but does 16+rank*4+2d6 damage.
- [Holy=6]Flash of Brilliance (14 MP) - Creates a bright flash of holy energy that stuns all who fail to resist for 1d4 rounds, in addition to blinding any of those stunned who fail a second resist roll. Creatures that are unaffected by blindness attacks are also immune to the potential stun effect.
- [Holy=8]Disintegrate (42 MP) - This attack deals 20+rank*5+2d6 points of holy damage, but if the damage dealt is equal or greater than three-quarters of the target's remaining hit points, that target is destroyed instantly (a target with 100 remaining HP that recieves 75 or more points of damage from this spell is killed instantly, for example).
- [Holy=10]Muted Chorus (28 MP) - Calls upon the power of a chorus of angelic voices to strike fear into an enemy. Targets who fail to resist are struck both mute and blind, and are paralyzed if they fail a second resist roll.
- Targets affected by this spell are subjected to the incredibly loud sound of a triumphant angelic choir with horn accompaniment; the volume of the effect is something like that of having a Metallica concert played on a stage located inside your ear canal. Casual observers hear music at a much more reasonable, but still impressive, volume.
- [Holy=12]Beam 3 (38 MP) - As Beam 1, but does 20+rank*6+3d6 damage.
- [Holy=16]Celestial Chorus (52 MP) - As Muted Chorus, but the effect strikes up to rank/2 targets within 50 feet of one another.
- [Holy=16, Astral=14]Elmekia Lance (72 MP) - A spell adapted from magical texts brought to Gaera by Aya du Mythril-Domananda. It affects creatures with prominent astral bodies, primarily elementals, mazoku, some forms of demons, animated objects or constructs, some species of dragons, and undead. It does not affect any creature tied to holy elemental forces. Most humanoids, regardless of magical aptitude, are totally unaffected. The spell affects one target creature. Creatures that are susceptible to the spell and fail to resist its effects are destroyed instantly as their astral bodies are rapidly dispersed.
- Elmekia lance generates a spear of light that is projected at the target, making it largely indistinguishable from Hakaril's beam spells except for the violent astral distortions. The original elmekia lance is a medium-power spell intended mostly for use in the exorcisms of evil spirits and mazoku. Hakaril's version is much more powerful; in Ayenee, it would bear more resemblance to the potent "rah tilt" spell. However, Hakaril preferred the aesthetics and name of the elmekia lance and patterned the visual effects of his own spell after it.
- [Astral=1]Astral Jolt (10 MP) - Deals 12+rank*2+1d6 damage to a single target.
- Astral attack spells often have very subtle physical and visual effects. An astral jolt produces a sound and vibration much like a low-intensity sonic boom as gas particles accelerated by excess energy sometimes break the sound barrier. Targets struck by an astral spell are often briefly illuminated by a shower of colorful pyrotechnic sparks or multicolored flashing lights, but there is little apparent physical damage. Astral spells cannot damage objects.
- [Astral=4]Astral Jolt 2 (18 MP) - Deals 16+rank*4+2d6 damage to a single target.
- [Astral=4]Astral Throw (10 MP) - This ability allows the caster to forcefully move people and enchanted objects (anything with an aura), flinging them or levitating them. No more than 20*rank pounds of mass may be moved in this manner at once. Levitating a light object will cost less, but may have a sustained cost. Being thrown laterally deals falling damage if the target collides with an object.
- [Astral=5]Astral Siphoning (2 MP, 4 TP) - Sucks 8+rank*2+1d6 points of MP away from a target and gives it to the caster.
- The astral physics of this spell involve the "theft" of small portions of the target's aura. These pieces are then used like caulk or mortar to fill in gaps and strains in the caster's own aura, allowing the caster to continue beyond his normal limits. This creates a characteristic "patchwork" aura that eventually resolves itself as the caster assimilates the new pieces.
- [Astral=6]Astral Rupture (28 MP) - Deals 10+rank*3+1d6 damage to up to rank/2 targets.
- [Astral=8]Radiant Array (26 MP) - Assails a single target with a shower of brilliant colors that can have one of several numerous effects. Roll 1d6, and determine the effect from the number rolled:
- 1--Target suffers 18+rank*5+2d6 points of astral damage.
- 2--Target is blinded for 1d6 rounds.
- 3--Target is paralyzed.
- 4--Target suffers from an Astral rank/2 level Astral Drain condition.
- 5--Target suffers 14+rank*4+2d6 points of astral damage in addition to 1d6 rounds of blindness.
- 6--Target is frozen solid, as though petrification (only made of ice).
- [Astral=8]Astral Rupture 2 (56 MP) - Deals 16+rank*4+2d6 points of damage to up to rank/2 targets.
- [Astral=10]Planar Shielding (34 MP) - Generates a wall roughly 30 feet wide and 10 feet tall of astral energy which has a small chance of disrupting any spells cast through it (spells cast through this barrier fail on a 5 or 6 rolled on 1d6). In addition, anyone attempting to walk through the wall suffers 12+rank*5+2d6 points of astral damage.
- [Astral=12]Astral Jolt 3 (34 MP) - Deals 24+rank*6+3d6 astral damage to one target.
- [Astral=14]Astral Armor (40 MP) - Conjures a set of semi-solid armor that is formed from the caster's aura and surrounding astral energy. It does not restrict the caster's movement. It absorbs both magical and physical attack damage, soaking up rank*10 points of damage before being dissipated. It supercedes and ignores any armor worn by the caster.
- The "armor" created by this spell can take any form the caster desires, even being totally transparent. Being the flashy type, Hakaril usually prefers to wear a semi-vaporous, iridescent form of plate mail that resembles armor made from prismatic dragon hide. His typical chant to conjure the armor is: "My will is my weapon and my soul is my shield! ASTRAL ARMOR!"
- [Ben=1]Sharpen (8 MP) - Increases a weapon's damage by +rank for (rank) rounds. This cannot exceed +10 damage or 5 rounds.
- [Holy=2, Ben=2]Aura (10 MP) - Increases all allies's AT/PA by +3, for (Ben. rank) turns.
- [Summoning=1]Summon Food (4 MP) - Creates a loaf of simple brown bread. It is entirely possible to live off nothing but summoned bread for indefinite periods of time, but the bread is usually of less than superior quality and does tend to get old quickly.
- Hakaril typically conjures up loaves of fine pumpernickel, which he prefers above other breads, particularly when buttered. Skilled conjurers can create a wide variety of breads beyond the typical wheat, including rye, sourdough, or even baguettes.
- [Summon=3, Holy=3]Radeeni (38 MP) - Hakaril summons Radeeni, who casts Beam 2 for two rounds. Use Hakaril's Holy magic rank.
- Radeeni is an 8-foot-tall celestial who wears heavy armor, including a totally face-concealing helmet. In one hand he wields an enormous heavy lance. What little skin is visible is snow-white.
- [Summoning=5, Enchanting=3]Summon Enchanted Sword (12 MP) - Conjures up the equivalent of a +1/+1 longsword, which lasts for 3d6 hours.
- [Summoning=6]Wisp Guardians (50 MP) - Summons a pair of Will o' Wisps to act as companions for combat or other purposes, both of which last until destroyed or dismissed by their summoner. Will o' Wisps resemble orbs of flying, glimmering light about a foot across and come in varying shades of yellow, green, white, and blue, with the last two being the most common. Each wisp has rank*8 HP, an AT/PA of 14/12, an Initiative of 8+2d6, an AC of 16, MBlock 18, a Move of 12 hexes, and deals 20+2d6 damage with a close range electrical/lightning-based attack (which hits as a physical attack with a lightning sub-element). Wisps are immune to lightning magic. Hakaril may summon additional wisps as he gains more experience--three wisps are summoned at rank 10, four at rank 16, and five at rank 22. Also, the wisps get an AT/PA bonus as Hakaril's ranks increase--at rank 10, they are 15/13, at rank 16 they are 17/14, and at rank 20, they are 19/16.
- [Summoning=8, Astral=8]Astral Blade (24 MP) - Creates a swordlike weapon with damage 13/17/20 and AT/PA mods +2/+2 for a duration of 2d6 hours. On a successful hit with this weapon, roll 1d6--on a 5 or 6, the struck victim is inflicted with the Astral Drain status effect at a level of Astral rank/2.
- The astral blade is a precursor to Hakaril's later development of the prismatic weapon and shares some visual characteristics with it; both have metallic components that appear to iridesce much like soap bubbles. He believes that his successful development of the conjurable weapon suggests that he was correct about his natural aptitude as an astralist, and he continues to endeavor to find a way to make the weapon more permanent.
- [Summoning=12, Astral=12]Prismatic Weapon (52 MP) - Creates a weapon of the caster's choice with damage 15/19/24 and AT/PA mods +4/+2 for a duration of 2d6 hours. On a successful hit with this weapon, the affected target must resist as though being struck by a spell cast with the caster's stats and Astral Magic rank or suffer one of ten effects (roll 1d10 to determine):
- 1--Target suffers 12+rank*4+2d6 points of astral damage.
- 2--Target is blinded for 1d6 rounds.
- 3--Target is paralyzed.
- 4--Target suffers from an Astral rank/2 level Astral Drain condition.
- 5--Target suffers 14+rank*4+2d6 points of astral damage in addition to 1d6 rounds of blindness.
- 6--Target is frozen solid, as though petrification (only made of ice).
- 7--Target ignites spontaneously, suffering 18+2d6 points of fire damage each round until they "stop, drop, and roll" or take some other action to put out the flames.
- 8--Target suffers 10+rank*2+2d6 damage, which is absorbed by the weapon's wielder as HP.
- 9--Target suffers 10+rank*2+2d6 damage, which is absorbed by the weapon's wielder as MP.
- 10--Weapon explodes, both the wielder and the attacked target suffer 58+2d6 points of astral damage, weapon is destroyed.
- [Summoning=12]Prismat (104 MP) - No longer usable after Prismat's death during the Malachian War. Summons Prismat, a prismatic dragon, for rank/3 rounds. Each round, Prismat attacks with a breath weapon like a shower of radiant lights of varying colors, which has the effect of dealing 20+rank*8+2d6 points of astral damage to a single target (use Hakaril's Astral Magic rank). In addition to the damage, the affected target suffers one of the following effects, determined by the roll of 1d6:
- 1--Target is stunned for one round (-4/-4 penalty).
- 2--Target is blinded for 1d6 rounds.
- 3--Target is paralyzed.
- 4--Target suffers from an Astral rank/2 level Astral Drain condition.
- 5--Target suffers 14+rank*4+2d6 points of astral damage in addition to 1d6 rounds of blindness.
- 6--Target is crystallized, as though petrification (only made of quartz crystal).
- Prismat was found by Aya, Kamos, Pervy, and Riss'ar during an attack on a compound owned by a fallen angel named Zelse. Aya returned him to the castle, and Hakaril raised him to be a summon in times of need. He was killed by Malachian demons masquerading as Doman soldiers while Hakaril attempted to use him as a mount and diversion to cover his escape.
- [Summon=14, Holy=14]Blade of Brilliance (54 MP) - Conjures a sword of light to fight for the caster. The weapon attacks on the caster's turn, striking as a physical attack, though it deals holy elemental damage. It has no base damage, but it has a base AT/PA equal to the caster's COU+INT+WIS+MAG (AT/PA 22/22) and "weapon" skill ranks equal to the caster's Holy rank (16; modified AT/PA 38/22). It only gets one attack per round regardless of its effective skill. It deals damage as if being wielded by a creature with a STR score equal to the caster's MAG (22+1d6 light, 28+2d6 medium, 34+3d6 heavy). It does not get a bonus for being wielded "two-handed." Despite its appearance, the sword does not ignore AC; if a target has some sort of magical damage reduction, it also applies. The sword cannot be destroyed with physical attacks, but it can be attacked with spells (HP = Summon rank*5, use caster's MBlock) or eliminated immediately with a successful dispel. The caster can control only one sword at a time.
- This spell is a holy-elemental tribute to a similar energy-based spell developed by Hakaril's mentor, Archmagus Wray.
- [Enchanting=1]Enchant Item (X MP/round, X*5 MP/day or X*10 MP) - Imbues a nonmagical item with a magical property. This property can be any Benediction, Malediction, or similar spell known by the caster. These enchantments can be removed by means of a Dispel Magic spell or similar effect. This spell's chance of success is based on the strength of the spell to be placed on the item. Multiply the required skill ranks of the spell to enchant the item with by 3--this is the target difficulty rating. Make a spell check vs. this difficulty to determine success or failure. Enchantments can also be temporary, and the cost will be paid per round of effect or per day of effect. X is the cost of the spell being used to enchant the item. Permanent enchanting does not have to be done all at one time, but using the item in between enchanting sessions will undo all magical work put into it.
- [Enchanting=3]Lock (8 MP) - Locks doors, gates, purses, coin pouches, zippers, buttons, hooks, fasteners, whatever, magically. This enchantment can only be dispelled by a Dispel Magic effect. Otherwise, the locked item cannot be opened. This does not stop brute force totally (i.e., a door locked in this manner could still be burned or busted down).
- Hakaril once used this spell to lock the zipper on the child form of Kristoph Akina's pants, causing him to wet them.
- [Enchanting=4]Dispel Enchantment (10 MP) - Attempts to forcefully dispel magical enchantments of various types.
- [Enchanting=6]Give Voice (10 MP) - When cast on an inanimate object, this spell enables it to speak, though it does not necessarily make the object intelligent (although it could).
- This spell was the source of the Griff vs. door conflict.
- [Enchanting=8]Metamorph Item (35 MP) - This spell changes an inanimate object into a different inanimate object of roughly the same size. The spell lasts for up to 24 hours, unless dispelled forcefully. Magical items retain all of their appropriate magical properties in their new form.
- [Enchanting=8]Animate Object (24 MP) - This spell gives life to an inanimate object of a reasonable size (nothing larger than roughly the size of a car). Animated objects usually cannot speak (unless a separate spell is cast to allow them to) and are usually quite unintelligent--they have roughly the intellect of a golem, only understanding simple commands. Many animated objects can be used as sentries or for combat, and objects such as animated ropes, cords, rugs, carpets, bedsheets, etc. may make use of grappling or choking attacks as appropriate. Animated objects with wheels are able to move farther than objects without wheels in the same time period.
- [Enchanting=12]Polymorph (50 MP) - This spell changes a target creature into another creature. The target retains all mental stats, but STR, DEX, AGI, and STA may be altered as a result of the spell. This spell is limited to changing creatures into forms that are roughly the same size as their normal form. If the target is unwilling, a resistance roll is allowed to prevent transformation.
- Students at Gunnir frequently amuse themselves, particularly while intoxicated, by polymorphing themselves or others into various creatures. For some reason, drunken casters attempting this spell tend to transform their targets into barnyard animals, particularly sheep.