Kristoph (Kris) Akina
- age: 31 (5)
- eyes: Greenish Gray
- hair: White (light gray)
- height: 5'6 (3'6)
- (information in parenthesis applies to child form.)
Kristoph Akina was born the son of a wealthy Doman merchant. One day he and his family where sailing the waters of the Val'ri Sea when something struck his father's ship, causing it to sink. Both of his parents drowned, but Kristoph survived by clinging to a piece of wreckage.
Eventually, Kristoph washes up on the Doman shore, where he was found and taken to an orphanage. He lived there until he was 18, then moves out on his own. The years pass, and Kristoph works various odd jobs to stay alive.
Eventually, Kristoph witnesses Griff defending a woman from a bandit. Kristoph decides that he wants to learn to fight so that he can be a hero, too, but turns to magic due to his weak physical stature...
He enters a few academies and learns some magic, but decides that the "lower" academies aren't worth his time and tries to move on, but finding more competition, he sabotages other students to get ahead, but slips up and rumors spread. The rumors caused everyone to look down on him, and because of that, he develops an inferiority complex, and soon he begins desiring to show other students his power, but ends up kicked out of the academy for misconduct, and becomes very angry at the world in general
Before his expulsion, Kristoph did research into a forbidden type of magic, due to its unpredictability and raw power. The power of chaos magic.
Soon after, Kristoph tracked down Griff in order to show him that he followed in Griff's footsteps. When he tried to demonstrate his Chaos magic for Griff, the spell backfired and hit him, making his magic skill not only look poor, but inaccurate as well. After receiving a talk from Griff about how one must be responsible with such power, Kristoph became extremely enraged, and set out with his Chaos magic to "teach" those who would look down upon him.
Eventually, Kristoph met Karin Vaza, and developed a bit of a crush on her. Being introduced to some of her friends, and eventually making friends of his own, Kristophs demeanor changed drastically to a half-decent person. Soon after, a couple more of Kristoph's spells backfired on him, first leaving him a child half the time, changing back and forth between a 5-year old version of himself, and the adult version, and soon after, a similar spell backfired again, and left him a nekojin.
As a child, his magic is weaker, and his mind reverts to that of a 5-year old. He carries a teddy-bear with an inlaid magic stone that increases his chaos-power, and if he lost it in his child form, his spells would only be about half as strong, even for such a powerful mage. He was eventually adopted in proper by Karin, and has made it his goal to help people in need.
In situations where Kristoph's body is producing adrenalin, including combat, or even just a heated argument, Kristoph rolls a d2. On a one, he changes form to whatever form hes not currently in. On a two he remains in his current form. Checks can only be made once every hour in game time. In child form, Kristoph's Charisma and Agility both get a +1 modifier, while his Wisdom and Courage both get a -1 modifier.
Philsys Necessaries
Philsys Box
Kristoph (Kris) Akina ( Shinigori )
Level 2; 0/1500 XP
Max HP: 71; Max MP: 103; Max TP: 24
Initiative: 2+2d6 (4-14)
Courage: +2
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +3
Agility: 0
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 6
Base AT/PA: 5/5
Modified for weapon skill: 8/6
Modified for equipment: 8/5
body=Heavy Robes (AC 4)
misc=Mr. Bear( Increases Kris's magic in Child form. Without it, he cannot use certain attacks, and all his magic skill ranks are reduced by half.)
Raikris- A small plushie that looks almost identical to Kris, except for black markings over it. Enables the Avatar tech.
Thrusting - 6+1d6 (7-12)
Slashing - 11+2d4 (13-19)
Chopping - 15+2d6 (17-27)
Chaos Magic - 6
Eavesdropping - 4
Observant - 4
Knives - 4
Bullshit- 4
Summoning(Conjuration)- 2
Deception - - 4
Bluff - 4
Manipulation - 4
Fishing - 4
Spells and Techs
- [Innate]Exhurt - Kristoph has the tendency to try a bit too hard at times. This applies to his magic, as well. For the cost of 1.5x normal MP, and half the spells cost in HP, he can get cast a spell with a +1 bonus to that spells rank.
- [Innate]Innocence (Child form only)- Due to Kristoph's appearance, behavior, and attitude while in his child form, it sometimes becomes a bit difficult for some to bring themselves to try to harm him. In child form, Kris gets a +2 to PA rolls due to the attacker having to bring themselves to hurt a five-year-old catboy.
- [Innate]Disruption (4 MP)- Launches a small ball of chaos energy from Kris/toph's palm, dealing 8+rank*2+1d6 non-elemental damage. Critical hits roll for effect.(3d6)
- [Chaos Magic = 4] Disjoin (12 MP)- Launches a medium sized blast of Chaos Energy from Kris/toph's palm, 14+rank*4+2d6 non-elemental damage. Critical hits roll for effect.(5d6)
- [Chaos Magic = 4] Destabilization (30 MP, 7 TP)- Puts up a field of Chaotic Energy in a 10 foot Radius around Kris, striking anything inside for 10+rank*2+3d6 non-elemental damage. Critical hits roll for effect.(3d6)
- [Innate, Item Granted] Force Swap (10 TP)- Thanks to Nakibe, Mr. Bear's been enchanted to allow Kris and Kristoph to change to their other form (Kris to Kristoph, Kristoph to Kris) at will. They need simply ask the bear to change them, and it'll happen.
- [Chaos Magic = 4, Summoning = 2, Item Granted, Child Form Only] Pandemonium(20 MP, 10 TP) -Kris summons Mr. Bear's Grisly form (with the help of Chaos Stone inside Mr. Bear) to attack an enemy for 10+5d6 Damage. He then lasts (1+d(average of summoning and Chaos Magic ranks)) turns, and is controlled by the GM, with Kris capable of influencing him slightly (Suggesting actions and targets, but Mr. bear doesn't always listen (at the GM's discretion), and may attack another target, or just not take action).
- [Innate, Item Granted, Adult form only] Avatar (1/2 of max MP)- Kristoph, in a rather large display of Chaotic magic, concentrates a pure chunk of his aura into the Raikris plushie, and with it, Kris' very essence. This causes the plushie to become a temporary body for Kris, allowing the pair to act individually of each other for awhile. In battle, they continue to act independently of one another, taking actions at separate times, but drawing energy from the same pool. Kris can cast any of his normal spells, and has 75% of Kristoph's maximum HP. Should Kris be knocked out while Avatar is activated, Kristoph's HP is halved. Should Kristoph be knocked out, Avatar ends, and Kris rejoins Kristoph. The total length of this tech is d(Rank/2) Hours.
- [Chaos Magic = 4] Chaos Veil (10 MP)- Puts a field of chaotic energy around the targets head, lasting (2d6) turns. The field of Chaotic Energy makes everything the target sees, hears, smells, and tastes random, effectively confusing them.
- [Summoning = 1] Rope Magic (3 MP)- Summons a rope to tie up the target. Rope lasts (Rank+d2) rounds.
- [Summoning = 2] Chain Magic (6 MP)- Summons chains to chain the target to the ground. Chains last (Rank+d4) Rounds.
- [Chaos Magic = 4] Elemental Chaos (7 mp)- Does (rank + 2d6) damage of a random element. Elemental property is decided by a roll on the "Chaos Element" chart, which Shinigori can provide.
- [Knives = 2] Upward Slice (3 TP)- Does 1.5x normal Slicing damage
- [Knives = 4] Double Stab (5 TP)- Does 2x normal stabbing damage.