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Revision as of 17:34, 8 January 2007 by Kai (Talk | contribs)

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"MACsys: At one point, Nekogami, aided by Namagomi attempted to create a system for the Magitek Armored Corps 3092 setting. It was never used in an actual RP. Brian has, however, modified choice selections of GURPS Mecha for use in current RPs in question. As of now, it is claimed to be in a decently usable state. This variant system is referred to as the current MACsys."

The above is the MACsys blurb which I'm taking off the Other Systems page. Now that MACsys has a proper page with explanations and stuff, seems kinda goofy to keep it there. Keeping a log of it here for the purposes of those maintaining the MACsystery stuff.

--Dia 16:19, 8 January 2007 (PST)


--Kai 16:34, 8 January 2007 (PST)