Other Systems

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Archmage recently ran a D&D campaign set in Gaera, and then decided to share his campaign with everyone else. The guidelines for making a D&D character in Gaera are:

  • Starting level is 15th.
  • Starting wealth is 250,000 gold.
  • This template should be used for D&D character sheets.

Other GMs are free to use D&D 3.5e with different character levels and wealth totals. Archmage has been quoted as saying that in retrospect a slightly lower character level and wealth level might have some advantages.


Archmage has ran a short-lived GURPS campaign that took place on Ka'thalar and (much) later attempted a second GURPS campaign that was going to wind up ultimately taking place in Valth. Typical GURPS characters in Gaera are constructed with 150 character points. Wealth and possessions are determined ad hoc by the GM.

Another GURPS campaign was attempted at some point by Squintz, but it was also fairly short-lived.

Other forumers have expressed interest of GURPS, but nothing has actually ever been GMed with the system as far as Archmage is aware. It was briefly suggested that GURPS be the official system for the Dark Future cyberpunk RP setting.


MechanistoX ran an RP at the RP Bootcamp, to test his GMing, and used this system. The RPers were Kelne, pdRydia, Uncle Pervy, and for a limited time TheGreatNeverah (am I missing anyone...? It feels like I am...). The RP archive and the OOC thread were wiped out by The Great ezFluke of June 2005 and never restored--however, the RP was continued over at the main board, after being greatly enjoyed by all.

At any rate, Risus is a fairly simple system consisting of minimal stats and die rolls--good for spontaneous games or just someone who's looking for a light system. A basic character sheet is composed of a character description and a set of clichés; at GM's descretion, a hook and tale may also be added. See the Risus site for more information.

The Window

The Window was introduced as an alternative to chatsys's d6-fits-all. An adjusted form of the Window was popularly used in RPGWW chats.

In the system proper, there are traits (strength, agility, health, knowledge, perception) and skills. To each of these you assign one of the following competencies: incredible (d4), very high (d6), high (d8), above average (d10), average (d12), below average (d20), low (d30). For most tasks, rolling a 6 or below is a success; the GM may decide that certain tasks are more or less difficult and adjust that value accordingly. Rolling extraordinarily low is a fantastic success, while extraordinarily high is a fantastic failure.

You can find full information about the system at the mimgames.com/window.

Offsite References