Robert "Lil' Rob" Kliyy, III
Robert "Lil' Rob" Kliyy, III, as used in the Bootcamp under the Risus system; appeared in the RP "Operation Starblade: Bloody Elves!
[hide]About Rob
Tall, wiry, and tattooed, Rob tops it all off with a mop of mud-brown scruffy hair and grey eyes. He always enjoys a good fight, physical or intellectual, even if his typical arguing style is to try to run his opponent out of breath. Rob really couldn't say what system he was born in, let alone anything more detailed than that; Robert the Second insisted upon custody of his son. Mayra, Rob's mother, knew better than to argue.
Due to the influence of his father, Rob is fairly laid back about the whole "law" thing, unless it effects him directly or through others. He's not quite as into exploiting the weaknesses in the systems as his dad is, but he makes sure to have the money--one way or another--to fund what he really enjoys doing: wandering aimlessly, and keeping an eye out for homeless animals. He also wouldn't mind running into his mother, who stopped contacting his father--and by association, him--when he was young. Unfortunately, he hasn't got her last name, and his father isn't very forthcoming. This is, perhaps, one of the reasons why Rob doesn't completely follow in his father's footsteps.
His wandering ways is what brought him to Enochus Three at such an inconvenient time. He is quite displeased about not being able to roam about freely, let me tell you. Another fear chills him...what about the pets? With all this rowdiness, all sorts of things could happen to them...they could be made hungry due to theft, stolen from loving homes due to value, or worse--made homeless due to the murder of those that take care of them.
Space Biker (4)
Yeah, you heard me. Lil' Rob's daddy got him his "bike"...a small, junked out, and heavily vandalized ship. A highly stylized, vicious-looking dog is painted along the side near the front, and the ship is cristened the...Wiff. After his most beloved pet mutt. Inside there are several pictures of the dog in question to be found, as well as other pets Robert has fostered (but never owned--he has been loyal to Wiff's memory ever since) throughout his life. Otherwise, the inside of the ship is cluttered if mostly clean, and free of small objects. Dog fur and other such 'sheddings' is to be found around and about the Wiff.
Likes His Gun (3)
Rob likes his gun--to his credit, he's fairly good with it, too. A Middith model 44, an oldie but goodie from the Gaera system. He always did like that place, and the gun's served him well. Acquired legally, usually used legally.
He uses custom bullets--they are decorated with the images of dogs. Why these are even sold is beyond most people, but well...novelty everything sells. Anyhow, aside from that, the bullets are your typical "Ow @#%$! (In the FYUCHAR!)" variety.
Surprisingly, the gun itself is not named anything canine-related--it is named Mayra.
Brawler (2)
Did I mention he likes to fight? Well, he may have picked up a few things.
Argumentative Bastard (2) the fact that many people give up an argument if you just keep at it.
Freestyle Poet (1)
Due to a romantic jaunt with one of the ladies who worked at a critter shelter at a planet he stopped by, Rob is an amateur freestyle poet.
He likes critters. A lot. Especially dogs. He likes to pet them, scratch them, talk to them, feed them, play with them, and try to find them good homes. His tattoos are all related to this obsession. Also, this is the only topic over which he can argue capably.