Aerin Nicole Marra

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Both Justin and Abigeal Marra were born and raised in Narshe, Doma--and that is where they raised their family, on a self-sufficient farm on the outskirts of town. Aerin was their eldest child, and...different, somewhat, in a way they couldn't place, but loving, mindful of her chores, and a great help with her younger siblings. Considering the general state of the magic-locked, turmoil-ridden world, the Marras couldn't ask for a great deal more.

Aerin, herself, was rather pleased with her set-up. She was quite close to her family, and life at home was a great deal more peaceful than what she heard about when she was sent into the center of Narshe on various errands. Indeed, her trips into central Narshe were probably the only major part of her life that she regretted; she had no particular fondness for the boisterous and often violent ways of the city folk. It was amazing how quiet she could become upon entering 'their territory.' Nonetheless, she managed to make some friends from off the farm--such as Tayr'or Complin (RPer--KingOfDoma).

Among her other chores, Aerin was responsible for doing some hunting for the family; for this, she was trained in the use of the crossbow. Conveniently, she took extra time in this activity to explore some of the uninhabited area around the farm--an activity her parents would forbid, if they had known about it, given the stories of monsters in the area. She was investigating a set of ruins with curious runes set in the walls...when the world around her seemed to turn liquid, then suck her through the air and into nothingness before dumping her into a surprisingly solid Doma Castle. The mage Cardinal (RPer--KingOfDoma) was standing in front of her, looking a bit surprised himself.

It took a while for Aerin to understand what had just happened, who Cardinal was, and why Doma Castle was in one piece. Once it was established that she had been pulled out of her proper world and brought into another, she rather desired to return to her own. However, upon attempting this, Cardinal only succeeded in displacing no other than Tayr'or, as well. Needless to say, the explanation process had to be repeated.

By way of apology, Cardinal made a request of the king, and Aerin and Tayr'or were allowed to stay in the castle until such time that Cardinal would be able to find a way to send them home. However, Tayr'or seemed to disappear shortly after, and after waiting for over a year as a guest in a luxurious castle, on someone else's gil and doing nothing to earn it, Aerin began to feel guilty. She informed Cardinal that she would return periodically to check on his progress, and left to see what she could do to support herself.

After floating around a few jobs of varying kinds, Aerin discovered--with the help of others' knowledge--latent magical abilities. She visited Gunnir Academy, and was even briefly tempted to enroll, despite her desire to return home, where magical training would mean little. She also briefly spent time under the tutelage of Mahou Wyrd, a bounty hunter.

Eventually, she wound up along the coast of Riva. Here, she was approached by a young dragon in human form named Adeletheniarisil (RPer--Nekogami)--who mercifully allows herself to be addressed as Adele. After some conversation, Adele enthusiastically asked Aerin if she wanted to be her dragon knight; thinking this was some sort of game, perhaps, Aerin agreed...

Adele then promptly transformed into a dragon, and stuff™ happened. It didn't take long for Aerin to find out she had just made a life-long commitment to an adolescent dragon to be her partner in the service of the country of Solasia and the goddess of dragons, Ryuugami.

Well, shit.

Aerin Nicole Marra
( [[User:{{{username}}}|{{{username}}}]] )

Aerin Nicole Marra

name Aerin Nicole Marra
nickname(s) Dee
rp world Gaera Main; originates from Gaera Alternate Future
birthdate 1 Reshtara 1346 (Gaera Alternate Future; was 15 upon arriving in Gaera Main in 1311)
birthplace Narshe, Doma (alternate dimension Gaera)
current residence  ??, Solasia--however, spends most of her time traveling with Adele
occupation Dragon Knight
family Justin Marra (father), Abigeal Marra [Baird] (mother), Tara Marra (younger sister), Kathleen Marra (younger sister), Addan Marra (younger brother), Maeve Marra (younger sister), Donny Marra (younger brother)
race human
physical description blue-grey eyes ██, silver hair ██, "fair" skin ██, freckles; 5'4", slightly toned muscles; often has a nervous or stressed appearance
typical clothing simple pants and a shirt, that will not attract attention; wears them loose enough to allow for movement and to hide the armored vest she wears underneath as best as she can; coat lined for flying, and goggles when necessary; prefers blues, greens, silvers, greys, whites, browns
personality poster child for social anxiety; easily nervous, stressed, intimidated, and sometimes paranoid; will often keep quiet when she shouldn't, if it means less social discomfort for her; will often lose her anxiety around children, her friend Tayr'or, and sometimes, her Solasian knight companion ; enjoys spending time alone, traveling, and reading; is slowly learning better social habits from Adele
religious beliefs Whatever happened to the gods of her world, Aerin did not know--she had never once heard of them; she was shocked upon hearing of such things. Just about everyone treated the gods as fact--the king, queen, most of Doma, Adele, and the entire Solasian council. She was finally convinced by a fire dragon mother--a Paladin of Ryuugami--who had met the goddess in person, and received a blessing on the clutch she had been carrying. Having thus been talked past her misgivings, Aerin is being enthusiastically tutored by Adele in Ryuugami's Holy Texts and the proper ways to honor and worship Ryuugami...although, Aerin is not so sure Adele really knows what she's talking about, so much.
drunk type unknown
other Farsighted. Aerin was a resident at the castle for a good year, as the guest of Cardinal, starting at sometime in 1311 when she arrived in Gaera Main.

Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Aerin Nicole Marra ( [[User:{{{username}}}|{{{username}}}]] )
Level 1; 0/1000 XP
Max HP: 65; Max MP: 80; Max TP: 20
Initiative: 1+2d6 (3-13)


Courage: 0
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +2
Agility: +1
Dexterity: +3
Strength: +2
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA: 7/7
Modified for weapon skill: 10/8
Modified for equipment: 9/7

Equipment: body: armored vest (AC 15, -1/-1)

Weapons: light crossbow (2H)
[15 accuracy, +6 damage, 5 weight, +1 str requirement]
shooting: 28+2d4 (22 2d4 base)


Missile Weapons (crossbow): 4
Ice Magic: 4
Water Magic: 4
Lock-picking: 3
Tracking: 3
[k]I am a Farmer: 4
[k]Stealth: 4
[k]Survival: 4
[k]Solasian Lore: 4
[s]Mounted Fighting (dragon): 4
[s]Find Traps: 4
[s]Remain Unnoticed: 4

  • [Innate] Farsighted: Aerin is farsighted, and does not wear or own any corrective lenses. :o Oh my!
  • [Innate] Remain Unnoticed: In the presence of more exuberant or noticeable characters--which isn't much, comparatively speaking--Aerin can fade into the background, unnoticed or overlooked by all but careful observers.
  • [Ice=1] Ice Ball (4 MP): Forms a chunk of ice--kind of roundish, it usually tries to connect painfully with the opponent. Does 8 rank*2+1d6 water damage to a single target.
  • [Ice=4] Frozen Lance (12 MP): It's sharp. Does 14 rank*4+2d6 ice damage to a single target.
  • [Ice=4] Frozen Spiral (29 MP): Lots of hand-length icicles with razor-like edges, all spiraling out from Aerin's hands, in the shape of a cylinder in front of her. Does 10 rank*2+3d6 ice damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of the caster.
  • [Water=1] Dihydrogen Monoxide (4 MP): Douses fires and tempers. Does 8 rank*2+1d6 water damage to a single target.
  • [Water=3] Clean Water (7 MP): Extracts enough pure water from any source which contains it--streams, damp cloth, plants--to fill a cup, provided that much is contained within the source.
  • [Water=4] Cleanse (10 MP): Cleans an object.