List of Archmage's RP characters

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This article is a list of characters in the Gaera main universe that are played by or heavily associated with the RPer Archmage.

Archangel Christopher

Archangel Christopher
Birthplace: Celestial Plane
Height: 12'
Job: Archangel
Affiliation: Celestial (Justice)
Weapon(s): Greatsword, longbow
Weapon Name(s): Retribution, Longbow of Celestial Brilliance
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

The Archangel Christopher is a name that appears several times throughout history, usually in the background behind many layers of rumor and hearsay. An archangel of justice, Christopher's name appears many times in events that have shaped the history of Gaera, notably in Igala's War of the Heavens in the Forbidden Plains; Christopher was the celestial that initially lead the crusade against the encroaching prismatic dragons. Eventually, Christopher even took a mortal lover, a Prandian woman named Justine Prentiss, and she bore him a son, Darin.

But happiness was not to be Christopher's fate, for his duties as a celestial took him away from his new family often enough that he was unable to stop Justine from being killed by Prandian military officials that sought to raise Darin as a half-celestial "super soldier." Wracked with grief, Christopher eventually retreated to a corner of the celestial plane devoid of life commonly referred to as "despair in paradise." Whether Christopher created this area specifically to provide himself with a place to brood or it existed prior to his period of depression is uncertain.

Christopher later decided it was necessary to destroy Darin, both to prevent him from being corrupted by mortals and to erase all traces of his mistaken belief that he could co-exist happily with mortals. His efforts were thwarted mostly by Darin's close friend, Hakaril Silvar. He also played a role in the war against Elaith Thenswick by alerting Myrnal Shalienza, Corrigan Heavensent, Ardam Elmine and Rildyn to the presence of the Codex of Infinite Wisdom and by leading a celestial army against Elaith's undead forces.

Ardam Elmine

Ardam Elmine
Ardam (Kai).jpg
Birthplace: Branwithe, Kalshana
Height: 5' 8"
Job: Paladin of Kazeros
Affiliation: None (Kazeros)
Weapon(s): Longsword
Weapon Name(s): Kazeros' Edge (formerly Silversong)
Race: Half-elf
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Ardam Elmine

Fenn Foxfire

Fenn Foxfire
Birthplace: Kalshana
Height: 5' 6"
Job: Druid
Affiliation: None (Tunare)
Weapon(s): Quarterstaff
Weapon Name(s): Runewrath
Race: Wood elf
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Fenn Foxfire

Karisuma Heru

Karis Heru
Karis (Shan).jpg
Birthplace: Nekonia Capitol
Height: 5' 8"
Job: Diplomat
Affiliation: Apprentice of Hakaril, Rivan diplomat
Weapon(s): Handgun and battle dictionary
Weapon Name(s): .45 mythril long colt and "The Philosophy of Combat"
Race: Quarter-elf
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Karis Heru

Zeke Mazuo

Zeke Mazuo
Zeke (Kai).jpg
Birthplace: Kalmiahtiden, Valth
Height: 6'
Job: Mercenary
Affiliation: Highest bidder
Weapon(s): Dual pistols, two-bladed sword
Weapon Name(s): KWR-CR-H50 (Valthi handgun), steel swallow
Race: Valthi human
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Zeke Mazuo

Darin Prentiss

Darin Prentiss
Darin (Kai).jpg
Birthplace: Prandia
Height: 5' 8"
Job: Time Mage
Affiliation: Doma
Weapon(s): Telescoping scythe
Weapon Name(s): Unnamed
Race: Half-celestial
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Darin Prentiss


Birthplace: Celestial Plane
Height: 6' 1"
Job: Barkeep
Affiliation: Doma (Jade Dragon)
Weapon(s): Glaive
Weapon Name(s): Innocence
Race: Celestial (Innocence)
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage


Chandler Sablemech

Chandler Sablemech
Birthplace: Narshe, Riva
Height: 5' 6"
Job: Engineer
Affiliation: Doma (airship pilot), Enchufa
Weapon(s): Handgun
Weapon Name(s): Unnamed
Race: Human
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Chandler Sablemech

Kage Sentan

Kage Sentan
Kage (Nekogami).jpg
Birthplace: Isil, Doma
Height: 5' 4"
Job: Dark Dragoon
Affiliation: Isil Drow (no house)
Weapon(s): Lance, halberd
Weapon Name(s): Corrupted spear, corrupted edge
Race: Drow (Ka'thalarian)
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Kage Sentan

Hakaril Silvar

Hakaril Silvar
Hakaril (DMSCV).jpg
Birthplace: Chisai Village, Doma
Height: 5' 11"
Job: Archmage, General
Affiliation: Doma, Gunnir Academy
Weapon(s): Light sword
Weapon Name(s): Mage's Blade
Race: Human
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Hakaril Silvar

Elaith Thenswick

Elaith Thenswick
Elaith (Kai).jpg
Birthplace: Gunnir Academy
Height: 5' 6"
Job: Necromancer
Affiliation: Himself, Genevive (Reshtaha)
Weapon(s): Dagger
Weapon Name(s): Sacrifice
Race: Human
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage

Elaith Thenswick


Birthplace: Shuman Mountains
Height: 5' 5"
Job: Necromancer
Affiliation: Himself, Malachias, Elaith Thenswick (Nikumu)
Weapon(s): Tentacles
Weapon Name(s):
Race: Illithid (later illithilich)
Gender: Male
RPer: Archmage


Minor NPCs

  • Arachael the Sablewinged -- A shadow dragon-half who rallied an army of greedy dragons and dark dragoons to aid Elaith Thenswick. One of Elaith's right-hand men.
  • Callibel -- Riss'ar's "brother," an angel living on the Celestial Plane. He invited Ardam, Corrigan, Myrnal, and Rildyn in for tea and provided them with much needed information about the Codex of Infinite Wisdom.
  • The Business Hippie -- A druid in a village neighboring the Tuathan that operates a small store that deals in a variety of goods. His name is unknown to everyone, perhaps even himself. He is constantly seen smoking a form of hallucinogenic herb from an enormous pipe that resembles a bassoon.
  • Count Landish -- A minor vampire who appeared in a chat RP. Posed as a patron of the arts and convinced Aya du Mythril-Domanda that she was a good singer in order to lure her into a trap.
  • Graff LaRue -- A holy dragoon employed by Gunnir and role model for a young Hakaril Silvar.
  • Meldon -- Not to be confused with the Neo Vanist, an evil high cleric of Reshtaha working under Elaith Thenswick. Still alive and a captive in Doman prison.
  • Ethyn Prynne -- A blind demon hunter who possessed the Weave of Balance.
  • Remus -- A mage that accidentally activated a beacon that drew ethereal creatures to attack a small town in Doma near a tower built by creatures known as Ethans in the chat RP Dimension Dancers.
  • Sakhiel -- Apprentice to Elaith Thenswick. He attempted to backstab his master and was ultimately killed at his hands. Sacrificed on an altar to Nikumu by Myrnal Shalienza.
  • Zelse -- A fallen angel responsible for the murders of many mortals. He recruited a fairly large following, but was slain by Riss'ar, Aya, Captain Pervy, and Kamos Mazuo in Riss'ar's quest for redemption.