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# HoIy Knight Sean: Oh I like this dong
# HoIy Knight Sean: Oh I like this dong

Revision as of 21:59, 23 March 2006


  1. HoIy Knight Sean: Oh I like this dong
  3. PocketDragonDia: It's like the Lesbian Game, but with a penis! ^_^
  4. HoIy Knight Sean: The TF is mad at me for raping her.
  5. UltimateKoD: You can do Phil later...
  6. PocketDragonDia: Those WERE skanks, right?
  7. PocketDragonDia: Genital Herpes!
  8. Estyn DFei: GENITAL HERPES!
  9. MightyRikimaru: ::takes off zig:: I'm too sexy for my zig, too sexy for this base...
  11. HoIy Knight Sean: Damn....the TF is horny or something
  12. PocketDragonDia: I think the TF raped YOU, Sean...
  13. HoIy Knight Sean: Doggie style
  15. PocketDragonDia: :-D I felt like saying YAAAAAAAARG
  16. DogshamanPhil: Let's say it again! Genital Herpes!
  18. SuppinGreatDave: I used to nibble it too.
  19. UltimateKoD: Ah... she's a natural born nibbler!
  20. UltimateKoD: I can barely do that either, man...
  21. Molokidan (in ref to Rob): ok private room we goooooo!
  22. PocketDragonDia: ChattyChat Chat01 is for sanity
  23. End790: Rydia, to imagine you in everyday society.. *spasms from the shock*
  24. Shinigori: oh no, the most obscure weezer song is "Im dumb, shes a lesbian"
  25. Smartzvn85: it screams "I'M LOOKING AT YOU"
  26. Arch mage144: Bring your bagaga, baby!
  27. Smartzvn85: i said suck it with his mouth
  28. Smartzvn85: u know u want it...
  29. End790: Dieeeeeeeee!!!!!!! *smacks Arch Mage with the popsicle stick.. of DOOM!*
  30. End790: Dia, no, four, four! @_o
  31. UltimateKoD: Blue balls make you relax?
  32. UltimateKoD: Please don't be posssessed!
  33. MightyRikimaru: Heh. Manlyhuggling.
  34. KnightsofSquare: State that you'd love to come, but the fairies can't spare you, even for a moment!
  35. HoIy Knight Sean: They said it was very fun
  36. UltimateKoD: Mmmm... purple monkey dishwater...
  37. UltimateKoD: STEINER IN A THONG!
  38. UltimateKoD: Dia gets... off... of implicit differentiation?
  39. Arch mage144: I take off everything for great justice!
  40. KnightsofSquare: Zig, which spelled backwards is "GIZ" which is the acronym for Global Intelligence Zebras, which is a branch of the Herbivorous Alliance, which is trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
  41. UltraRube: only I will be: Ryube!
  42. NeoPhoenixTE1: tantacle beats?
  43. NeoPhoenixTE1: :goes lurkies again to save Doma's tentacles:
  44. HoIy Knight Sean: ...bend over...
  45. UltraRube: he is the true king of no pants!
  46. HoIy Knight Sean: But I don't think Satan shows his ass off that much
  47. UltraRube: I do not have boobies!
  48. HoIy Knight Sean: Ooh, I can feel head.
  49. Jak Snide: Inferno rocks my socks
  50. HoIy Knight Sean: ftp is being naughty
  51. UltimateKoD: A sexy... rar?
  52. UltraRube: did she swollow?
  53. PocketDragonDia: that sacramental wine is strong stuff
  54. PocketDragonDia: Dave's trying to seduce me with his sexy rar.
  55. UltraRube: and for gods sake, wear clean under pants!
  56. UltimateKoD: I used to be the chatroom stud!
  57. HoIy Knight Sean: You gotta take off your spurs to ride me, you know
  58. HoIy Knight Sean: If you want me to stop, just yell out a whoa
  59. J4deninj44: Fine, if you want to do it freestyle then go ahead.
  60. LovelyJester: *spoinks phil*
  61. HoIy Knight Sean: You can just feel the hormones in this room.
  62. UltimateKoD: ... that's a real crotch grabber of a song...
  63. SuppinGreatDave: "See a doctor before equipping any magical item or changing your diet"
  64. M0bius 1: Well if I can't be active, I can at least be naked.
  65. PocketDragonDia: want me to take it off?
  66. pocketdragon Dia: I am NOT lactating!
  67. HoIy Knight Sean: ::Dilates::
  68. ultimate K o D: Hey there, talking dong...
  69. Arch mage144: I enjoy showing off my chest.
  70. SuppinGreatDave: Yes she is. She's pimping us all... :-\
  71. J4deninj44: I Ikkied 4 or 5 times
  72. J4deninj44: insanity = wtf raised to the x power
  73. pd Rydia: Genetical herpes!
  74. UltimateKoD: Hey Dia... want some?
  76. UltimateKoD: Naked cartwheels are just so FREEING!
  77. pd Rydia: you're eating like a pregnanat woman, Doma >:D
  78. UltimateKoD: I got this lotion stuff that'll make yer feel all nice and ... luvable
  79. Arch mage144: I will....shave Shini's ass!
  80. LovelyJester: "seppuku? whazzat death by anal sex?"
  81. Shinigori: ...dammit, gimme my pants
  82. Arch mage144: Through the power of booze, I have become Archmage, the pantless wonder!
  83. Shinigori: *slaps Jester with a bigass sword*
  84. Shinigori: *goes Hyper Poster level 6, complete with golden ass hair* Bua ha ha ha ha! Gimme my pants or face the wrath of the hairy ass!
  85. LovelyJester: no way jose. pants are meant for peanut buttery goodness.
  86. Sol Goodguy: Show em off
  87. LovelyJester: *slaps incest is best sticker on shini's ass*
  88. LovelyJester: <-----------has had her icecream so she's hormonal.
  89. DogshamanPhil: Woo! *bends over*
  90. LovelyJester: my brain is as clean and fresh as a lily.
  91. Seanousuke: Hmm...Delta Burke goodness.
  92. Shinigori: is THIS the lesbian game?
  93. UltimateKoD: Well if you want to eat him... you'll have to eat me too!
  94. pd Rydia: GIMME! *grabs at chicken*
  96. Arch mage144: Earthlink ate me.
  97. Arch mage144: Hmm. Dia's updating KoD's ass....
  98. UltimateKoD: I don't like that word when referring to my buttcheeks...
  99. SuppinGreatDave: Needed whipped cream too
  100. Arch mage144: CREAMY VISIONS? WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?!?!?!
  101. Arch mage144: Dildos, unfortunately, do not excite me much...
  102. Arch mage144: I want nothing to do with anything that might involve a dildo.
  103. Arch mage144: Hey! I want to be groomed!
  104. Arch mage144: *summons up Jello Tentacle Monsters*
  105. LovelyJester: Jello tentacle monster! how wiggly!
  106. J4deninj44: *jumps out of jello* This is so....wrong.
  107. Shinigori: what if we do it together, Dia?
  108. Arch mage144: And if no one else will eat this, I will.
  109. LovelyJester: am's bagaga is on the lose!
  110. LovelyJester: can't you tame that monkey boy?!
  111. Arch mage144: AUGH! You don't fit in my pocket!!!
  112. Arch mage144: You want to see me....sparkle?
  113. Shinigori: monkeys are good for going in the back door
  114. LovelyJester: i'll behave.
  115. Arch mage144: "I wanna show Shini my bagaga so bad!"
  116. Shinigori: ...be in it, not pee in it
  117. KnightsofSquare: I love Thanksgiving...no better time for consuming the FLESH OF THE INNOCENT!!!!
  118. pd Rydia: Kuja has a sexy tail, doesn't he, LJ? >_>
  119. Shinigori: Bend over, Dia! time to be original about being a villian!
  120. SuppinGreatDave: *turns Chrono Cross to rawhide and gives to Dia*
  121. Choark: OH (mines bigger)
  122. Arch mage144: It's hanging again.
  123. Arch mage144: It gets stuck O_o
  124. UltimateKoD: *goes to find moaner*
  125. Seanousuke: Oh well, I'm a lesbian anyway
  126. Arch mage144: Have fun with "the monumental arse"
  127. XStrike8: You will burn your pants and swear allegiance to the almighty tilde.
  128. Arch mage144: I can't believe you called me Archy Baby.
  129. Sol Goodguy: Hey AM. Looked over my thing yet?
  130. Arch mage144: I don't have to take any shit from him. I am the GM.
  131. UltimateKoD: Don't sweat it. We'll do it later.
  132. UltimateKoD: And mutual crotch avoidance...
  133. Estyn DFei: It's not a fetish!
  134. Estyn DFei: We. My ass has never felt cleaner.
  135. Shinigori: i just poked the sheets with a sword
  136. Arch mage144: Real love is when she gets out the rawhide.
  137. LovelyJester: *becomes leather bound goddess of purity*
  138. Arch mage144: I don't like being referred to by using my penis as a locating preposition...
  139. Choark: baboon, gotta love that ass... what am i saying?
  140. UltimateKoD: I'd give you a place in my court if you didn't hate being tied down.
  141. Arch mage144: Bad dog! No pissies on AM no!
  142. LovelyJester: Twirl twirl rotate grab! THRUST!
  143. UltimateKoD: You just don't grab a woman's breast without asking!
  144. Arch mage144: *thinks about how awkward it would be to ask "Can I grab your breast?"*
  145. LovelyJester: little man you take, in burrito you do roll. his feet ignite you do. in your mouth and breathe is next. a yoda blunt did make you.
  146. LovelyJester: I vote for death by YAOI! but that's my taste........
  147. Estyn DFei: Careful though, he enjoys it when women ride him.
  148. UltraRube: ...and the- CHIRST, HES HUMPING MY LEG!
  149. Arch mage144: I decided to just blow the hell outta him...
  150. LovelyJester: the penis is down there for a reason, so you don't have to look at it and start laughing during sex.
  151. Estyn DFei: Heh...notice though, I'm not touching it this time.
  152. End790: oo Why? :p Is this part of your no-pants conspiracy?
  153. End790: Honestly, tho.. no pants? Have you seen people without pants? It can be scary sometimes..
  155. dragonclawsedw: *spits him out*
  156. Choark: I suck, but in a good way...
  157. Choark: I want a herum!! Of little girls all dressed up in chocolate ice cream!!
  158. LovelyJester: he abused me..................... with a spork.
  159. LovelyJester: if i were a man, i'd be a very very very gay man
  160. UltraRube: Holy testicle tuesdays.... This is one big chat.
  161. pdRydia: Saxaphone: I did not have sexual relations with this woman!
  162. dragonclawsedw: Size doesn't matter!!!
  163. J4deninj44: *goes over to Dia, dips her, and plants a hardcore kiss on her*
  164. Arch mage144: But I don't have you fingered as the type that'd be into sex with yarn.
  165. J4deninj44: Gah! Thinking with a penis is hard shit!
  166. KnightsofSquare: I haven't been going around feeling cervixes recently.
  167. LovelyJester: MY DEAR PHALLIC FRIEND!
  168. Excaliburned: And seeing as it's off. *grabs Dave's Ass*
  169. Excaliburned: *puts Dave's ass in THE BAG*
  170. Excaliburned: *grabs Dia's ass too*
  171. Choark: <-- getting excited
  172. KnightsofSquare: I'm not up to playing a lesbian...
  173. Shinigori: I go to the same school Loreina Bobbet went to!!
  174. LovelyJester: even my grandmother's left butt cheek could do it.
  176. Arch mage144: It's not fair being a pregnant male, Eh?
  177. T3chn0Namagomi: Can I do it with the plasma cannon?
  178. DDR Rage: I'll just say this...That musta been a hell of an abduction.
  179. T3chn0Namagomi: Zerogori's angry at me for having a LDC bromide
  180. FFFan80: -_- Zzzzzz No Phil Zzzzzz No more lube cream tonight Zzzzzzz
  181. Arch mage144: *puts away the whipped cream and bananas*
  182. UltimateKoD: (... it's harder than you think...)
  183. DDR Rage: Dammit, I want some
  184. LovelyJester: that's the last time you play with my tongue!
  185. Arch mage144: Watching that TM give birth was the highlight of my life!
  186. Arch mage144: Hey, Sean? You up for Yaoifest 2001?
  187. DogshamanPhil: I like that dong.
  188. Arch mage144: You're going to feel me up, Charles?
  189. pdRydia: >.< I never want to have a penis again!
  190. Arch mage144: TOUCH MY NIPPLES!
  191. T3chn0Namagomi: I'm leaving. Goodbye, and stop breaking the laws of physics for God's sake.
  192. DDR Rage: So many men...so little time
  193. Shinigori: strap in, its gonna be a wild ride!
  194. Shinigori: You get to take a turn on Shinis love coaster!
  195. XStrike8: Anyone need a Tentacle Monster to make things EXTRA SPECIAL?!?
  196. Jak Snide: Touch it. It's highly amusing
  197. Arch mage144: I was not smoking weed while delivering a baby!
  198. Shinigori: been waiting to whipe my ass
  199. Choark: he just wants to be hard
  200. Choark: *hard cause jinx is on his lap*
  201. FDeth: And they have wild monkey sex!
  202. Chaos Statue: how about The Ejaculator?
  203. lDarkwolfl: Long tounges are quite handy.
  204. LovelyJester: i've been licked?!
  205. UltimateKoD: Do it! Do it!
  206. Arch mage144: I woke up at 9 and went "ooh!"
  207. Arch mage144: Happy but my mouth feels nasty
  208. Arch mage144: I sound like I just gave someone a blow job v_v;;;
  209. AshFanrico: *steals AM's dice*
  210. Arch mage144: In fact, I'm rather attached to my penis.
  211. Arch mage144: You have to get this airflow equilibrium, or your testicles stick to your thigh!
  212. Arch mage144: You're going to basically go through female puberty! Except...that you'll lose your penis...
  213. pdRydia: *gives Jak a survival kit of chocolate, Midol, and tampons*
  214. J4deninj44: Excuse me, sir, I'm going to have to audit your testicles.
  215. Arch mage144: Testicle auditing?
  216. Arch mage144: Being penetrated like that ruins you for life!
  217. DaenjrT: *bites off Archmages head*
  218. DaenjrT: I'm bored. Care for a quickie?
  219. Arch mage144: He just was looking for a quick fuck for a quick buck!
  220. Daien01: Fuck to the Rhythm baby
  221. pdRydia: Oooo, Daien is a perv? Yay!
  222. Arch mage144: I have discovered that I'm actually quite a masochist o.o
  223. Arch mage144: You should see the things I eat!
  224. UltimateKoD: Ah... nothing like facking to make you feel freed...
  225. dragonclawsedw: do it hard
  226. dragonclawsedw: The word of the day is legs so lets go and spred the word
  227. UltimateKoD: I've got lubricants!
  228. DDR Rage: No...but us guys are flaming enough to show you the true meaning of Rear Admiral ~.^
  229. DogshamanPhil: I TOOK JOP 3013, STUDY OF ABNORMAL JOPPLES!
  230. Arch mage144: NECROPHILIA!
  232. KnightsofSquare: Yeah, stroke it, KOD!
  233. Smartzvn85: I wanted to say "hot monkey sex" but...
  234. UltimateKoD: *talks to Vince's bagaga* you know, you really need to stop letting him thwack people. you're incharge of him, so take command!
  235. Smartzvn85: Why are you talking to my penis?
  236. pdRydia: now Bahamut...that's a fine piece of dragon ass...^_____^
  237. Arch mage144: I AM NOT RPING A HOMOSEXUAL!
  238. Arch mage144: Uh...I can't play a lesbian, either.
  239. Arch mage144: (Maybe she's...sharing...some....OK. I will NOT be perverted.)
  240. FFFan80: and Cloud put his [Spoiler] in Tifa's [Spoiler]?
  241. UltimateKoD: I love you all! Stop dating fish! Goodbye! *huggles all*
  242. Arch mage144: So what if I have a thing for your large trout?
  243. LovelyJester: on the whole. the penis is a very funny thing. asses just tent to scare me. mainly because of western wear. western wear ruins a good ass.
  244. Arch mage144: I didn't give him the anal sex
  245. UltimateKoD: My digital clock is boned up the butt.
  246. pdRydia: I need to do more phone sex. o.o
  247. UltimateKoD: I plan to lick something soon.
  248. Arch mage144: Nah, we can fuck him together.
  249. pdRydia: >_> I'm not getting sloppy seconds...
  250. Arch mage144: I'm taking the position of rear admiral!
  251. UltimateKoD: Just give it up and suck already!
  252. Arch mage144: Doma, you suck too much as it is.
  253. pdRydia: Oooh, me too, AM! I mean, that one is sooo fuckable!
  255. UltimateKoD: Lick lick lick!
  257. FFFan80: DID I HEAR YAOI!!!??? ^_^
  258. Ryuugami: Angel wings will make you just that much more fuckable
  259. XStrike8: When you have something large and wooden shoved so far up your ass, you pretty much CAN'T HELP it.
  260. DogshamanPhil: >_> You don't mean that...you only want me for my bagaga.
  261. LovelyJester: *begins to converse with kod's bagaga*
  262. LovelyJester: wow.........you're wangs a genius!
  263. Nekojin SCV: hey.. if you don't do it for a few thousand years.. doesn't that make you a virgin.. again?
  264. DogshamanPhil: Please stop molesting the scanner.
  265. DogshamanPhil: So now I'm fuckable?
  266. UltimateKoD: ....... Jinx, stop talking with my cock.
  267. LovelyJester: *adds to her list of bagaga buddies*
  268. Arch mage144: Dude, that hole's WAY too small!!!
  269. J4deninj44: AM I'll only have sex with you if you have my baby
  270. DogshamanPhil: I'm already bearing Weird Al Yankovic's kids!
  271. pdRydia: I'm still carrying Amanda's child *holds tummy*
  272. J4deninj44: I don't even know how to have seeeeex! *bawls*
  273. DogshamanPhil: Tampons: The gift that keeps on giving.
  274. Arch mage144: Shall I take the position of Rear Admiral?
  275. DogshamanPhil: You have permission to come aboard!
  276. KnightsofSquare: Amaze your friends! Suprise your enemies! Get your free and painless sex change today!
  277. J4deninj44: *suck suck suck suck* -.-
  278. KnightsofSquare: I never want to be milked again...
  279. pdRydia: Is anyone here lactating, perchance?
  280. pdRydia: everyone loves leather ^.~
  281. Shinigori: *detonates all toilet-dick substitutes with an atomic device*
  282. Shinigoi: but...I lick turtles a lot! They are cool!
  283. Nekojin SCV: You do realise, you DON'T get high of licking turtles..
  284. FFFan80: O.O LOOK! Oni just came out of the closet!!!
  285. Oni Sorasousha: *leaks* o_o()
  286. chikinman500: *grabs Oni*
  287. Arch mage144: Y'know, I think Phil and I should stop discussing jello.
  289. Arch mage144: What if you gave live birth to an egg?
  290. FFFan80: *Not even gonna TOUCH that one*
  291. Nekojin SCV: *moans slightly, doing it once again*
  292. DogshamanPhil: Amanda, don't take this the wrong way, but you're an excellent succubus.
  294. PortableVulture: Eeek! My orifices!!
  295. PortableVulture: Hey under hot chats there's a lesbian chat! who want's to go and pretend to be lesbians!?!?!?
  296. Smartzvn85: well, arent guys like lesbians?
  297. PortableVulture: I'm a male lesbian!
  298. PortableVulture: TESICLES!
  299. PortableVulture: is 'Ribbed for her pleasure' a flavour?
  300. Arch mage144: *imagines frozen bagaga pops*
  301. PortableVulture: TRALALALA!! I have magical girl powers!
  302. PortableVulture: I wanna hear about Smartz's bum!
  303. FFFan80: >_> Could you... NOT eat me...
  304. Xv Aur0n: Uh DM, that wasn't my hand...
  305. DogshamanPhil: Yeah, tampons are always a good bet
  306. J4deninj44: ... .... *files a 104K on Sean's testicles* ...You get $5 tax return for thos.
  307. T3chn0Namagomi: He shot me in MY ass!
  308. T3chn0Namagomi: You know how long it takes for an ass-shot to heal?
  309. Arch mage144: Astral orgasm!
  310. AZNShadow77: *removes his pants and put on a ribbon* There.
  311. Choark: .. it hurts if ya suck
  312. pdRydia: bye *hugglesass*
  313. JaededAngel: *giggles drunkenly and molests smartz's arm*
  314. Arch mage144: ...*notes arm molestation* o.O Yeah...be happy.
  315. Smartzvn85: *lets Jazz molest his arm*
  316. Xv Aur0n: ::Starts groping Vulture's pan::
  317. PortableVulture: Ohh my god! your raping an underage pan!
  318. Xv Aur0n: That's the hardest pan I've ever laid my fingers on.
  319. Nekojin SCV: I'll never wash the dishs the same way again
  320. FFFan80: I don't want to be another mistake with you...
  321. Xv Aur0n: Oh how fruitful we are.
  322. JaededAngel: and the fry. you gotta french the fry
  323. J4deninj44: I could like to be dominated.
  324. J4deninj44: You want me to dominate you?
  325. DogshamanPhil: *huggles Sirvix* I wub you, soul-sucking warrior woman. Take me.
  326. pdRydia: not after kissing ukranian ass
  327. DogshamanPhil: I don't feel complete without a little ukranian ass in the morning! I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF ANYMORE!
  328. pdRydia: my exact words: "What is it with me and phallic symbols?"
  329. Arch mage144: So you just like sticking long, pointy things in your mouth?
  330. DogshamanPhil: If sucking on phallic symbols is wrong, I don't wanna be right! ^__^
  331. pdRydia: Yes, Brian, I like sucking on long slender objects o.o
  332. DogshamanPhil: I like to put several in my mouth at once!
  333. J4deninj44: She likes em thin...easier to suck.
  334. DogshamanPhil: My mouth isn't that big!
  335. J4deninj44: Let's just stop this tomfoolery and say "Penis".
  336. pdRydia: penises are furry and smelly?
  337. J4deninj44: A guys crotch is not summer fresh.
  338. J4deninj44: Penises are ferrets without legs.
  339. pdRydia: o-o;; IM: "hardcore"?
  340. Xv Aur0n: Boys boys, be my boy...I wanna feel your body...
  341. LovelyJester: in that case do you make love to your sandwiches?
  342. J4deninj44: Sex toys are fun for the whole family
  343. Arch mage144: 7-11 Sex toy emporium!
  344. J4deninj44: I don't really want to have threesome!
  345. J4deninj44: I'm in penis mode
  346. dragonclawsedw: PENIS MODE!
  347. Arch mage144: Hey, having a penis isn't all that bad.
  348. Arch mage144: You aren't having a threesome!
  349. dragonclawsedw: I...moaned in front of everyone....
  350. Arch mage144: There's good moaning, and bad moaning.
  351. Arch mage144: Hey, there's nothing wrong with free love.
  352. J4deninj44: I want some more *giggles*
  353. Xv Aur0n: No I'm the type that eats a donut after sex.
  354. dragonclawsedw: For a moment I thought that said Anal sex of Doma...
  355. Arch mage144: Still enjoying it, Sirvix?
  356. J4deninj44: o.o I'm wearing them...THEY ARE NOT ANAL BEADS!!!
  357. J4deninj44: How ever I do not want strong vaginal muscles
  358. Arch mage144: Your call. You know your vagina better than I do.
  359. J4deninj44: Unlike tampons penises don't have safety strings
  360. J4deninj44: *nods* Can I have more, Hakaril?
  361. Nekojin SCV: *forces AM onto the Table and proceeds to do his work*
  362. PortableVulture: Eww now my pants are sticky
  364. Arch mage144: Dia, control the urges!
  365. Nekojin SCV: you know.. the um.. urges
  366. VampireJazz: i'm..........i'm............I HATE STIRRUPS!
  367. Arch mage144: Hand, and you grope people with your hands....yeah...
  368. DDR Rage: I missed a kinky RP?
  369. UltimateKoD: *blinded by the nipples*
  370. AZNShadow77: If Bananas have Potassium, why don't they explode when you bite em? Is it because of a low concentration?
    dragonclawsedw: Exploding bananas...
    pdRydia: exploding bagagas!
    AshFanrico: bad Dia!
    VampireJazz: my poor phallic friend!
    dragonclawsedw: Or as Nak would put it....
    dragonclawsedw: Bagaga go ESPLODIE!
  371. Nekojin SCV: *slurrp slurrp* best thing i put in my mouth! *slurps*
  372. dragonclawsedw: It's the exploding penis quote exhibition!
  373. DDR Rage: Or in this case, all your ass are belong to us.
  374. T3chn0Namagomi: I missed you, gun...*huggles the gun*
  375. pdRydia: <_< I'm so jealous of your bagaga, AM
  376. Arch mage144: You mean to tell me you've never wanted to kill your father and bang your mother?
  377. dragonclawsedw: I got a penis bopping himself on my head..
  378. J4deninj44: AM, you have a Big Bad Bagaga...I think you should spank it.
  379. FFFan80: *falls off her lap*
  380. dragonclawsedw: Gah! Not the penis kiss of death!
  381. Arch mage144: Can't find your penis, SCV?
  382. Nekojin SCV: *checks pants* .. *cries* i'm so happy..
  383. PortableVulture: Gimme his penis! I WANT TO BRING IT TO LIFE!!! ZOMBIE PENIS!!!!!!
  384. T3chn0Namagomi: I'm not a whore!
  385. PortableVulture: WOW! I knew you where sexually repressed Ash but 'ripping' a doll...wow!
  386. PortableVulture: wo! phaillic imagery
  387. Arch mage144: Never sex change during intercourse!
  388. Arch mage144: Tab A goes into slot B, not Tab A to Tab A!
  389. RedSeph: I want my sword back.
  390. Arch mage144: You're the one that grabbed my breasts!
  391. DDR Rage: ::Dances around, being testically induced by the fish::
  392. Arch mage144: I mean, jeeze, who gets turned on by a fish in their pants
  393. Smartzvn85: why did you leave me jackin' off in the RP
  394. Xv Aur0n: They're conjugating explicit verbs
  395. dragonclawsedw: Ah, another night, another new bed required...
  396. pdRydia: --Phil has been impregnated 3 times--
  397. Daien01: ... size does not matter
  398. PortableVulture: WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM!?!?!?
    pdRydia: o_o Well, mommy and daddy go off into the bedroom to make lots of noise, but mommy isn't a mommy,she's really a daddy, so it's daddy and daddy going off to make lots of noise and make flaming gerbils, but if the gerbils aren't biting them they have to order the babies from Sears
    PortableVulture: And knowing is half the battle...
  399. ChronoCatfish: I found some sanity around here, but it turned out to be a lobster.
  400. Xv Aur0n: Shit is a mystery to me. I know a lot about toenails though.
  402. Arch mage144: *poking around in other places*
  403. Arch mage144: Whipped professionally!
  404. dragonclawsedw: Whip it good AM!
  405. pd Rydia: *gives everyone honorary rawhide*
  406. T3chn0Namagomi: ASS!
  407. KnightsofSquare: And those just aren't good characteristics in a sex slave!
  408. XStrike8: YAOI?!? ^_^
  410. J4deninj44: Oh I just hit a giant freaking ass fin with tiny freaking ass ball...WAKKA WAKKA!
  411. XStrike8: Looks like someone's had you in their mouth... >:\
  412. Choark: *breasts cushion fall*
  413. VampireJazz: wow! my butt did it!
  414. Choark: i was a big breasted girl at the time
  415. Choark: *fondles his own chest*
  416. Smartzvn85: "I molest kittens!"
  418. Choark: but you looked so tasty.. I had to have you
  419. dragonclawsedw: Bad Dia! You gotta keep that impregnation of yours under control...
  420. DogshamanPhil: You'll get used to impregnation after a while, dude.
  421. PortableVulture: I want to beat somebody to death with a 14 inch dildo!!!
  422. pd Rydia: But why talk about candy when we can all eat BABY FETUSES!
  423. XStrike8: Baby Fetuses, the food of Champions...
  424. Arch mage144: I suck with people.
  425. dragonclawsedw: whoah, AM pulled a quickie
  426. J4deninj44: Damn, I'm all over the penis.
  427. FFFan80: GENITALS WARTS!!!
  428. FFFan80: ^_^ 'Cause now I know how god damn sexy I'd be as a girl, silly!
  429. FFFan80: With the right tools, you can put any tab where you want -_^
  430. Xv Aur0n: ::Brings a sex toy into it::
  432. dragonclawsedw: I mean seriously, Bahamut doesn't hump your leg when you summon him...
  433. dragonclawsedw: *chases after him* IT'S ONLY AN ERECTION!
  434. dragonclawsedw: Don't do it, chicks dig penises!
  435. Arch mage144: Don't let him castrate himself!
  436. LovelyJester: yes........i won't cut off my penis.
  437. J4deninj44: My boobs are not up for grabs!!
  438. FFFan80: *>.<* IM: OH MY GOD!!! I'm pissed and turned on at once!!!
  439. UltimateKoD: It's in! :-)
  440. pd Rydia: That's so sexy...take me now. I want to be your love monkey.
  441. VampireJazz: i want to spank the love monkey with amana's spoon!
  442. VampireJazz: ^_^ i transcend gender daily.
  443. VampireJazz: i love my male body!
  444. Arch mage144: Male DM raped me when I was female....
  445. VampireJazz: you want me to rape him/her?!
  446. XStrike8: Lovely Phallic Symbol you have there...
  447. pd Rydia: I sure could go for some phallic symbols right now...
  448. pd Rydia: Oh my god! It's so big!
  449. VampireJazz: nice phallic symbol.
  450. XStrike8: Always did love big swords. ^_^
  451. Arch mage144: Lex, don't leer at Daniel's sack so...
  452. pd Rydia: I want a threeway.
  453. Smartzvn85: uh I'll get it out!
  454. dragonclawsedw: Yeah! I need my phallic symbol damnnit!
  455. VampireJazz: phallic symbols rock my socks
  456. VampireJazz: amana would like being a pony. "ride me ride me!"
  457. Arch mage144: ......I don't like the concept of my soul coming out my penis, thank you!
  458. Arch mage144: I get to stab Molokidan with what looks like my massive green penis!
  459. dragonclawsedw: Stuck him with his "sword" he did...heh heh..
  460. J4deninj44: scary is when 20+ girls have their periods all at the same time i.e. the floor of my dorm once a month
  461. Arch mage144: My gigantic green penis o\/\/ns j00!
  462. Arch mage144: *impales a random bystander with his gigantic green penis of DOOOOM*
  463. pd Rydia: you LIKE stabbing people with your large strangely-colored phallic symbol?
  464. J4deninj44: YOU were the one that moaned
  465. dragonclawsedw: Pocky flavored phallic symbols...
  466. J4deninj44: You name it she'll put it in her mouth...
  467. XStrike8: And WHY are you ladies worried about the FLAVOR of your Phallic Symbols?!?
  468. dragonclawsedw: AM is fixated on the raping thing ne?
  469. XStrike8: I can show you a "symbol of love" that you wouldn't believe
  470. AZNShadow77: *distant yell* SHIT! WRONG WAY!!!
  471. XStrike8: OOh.... ahh!!!! WONDERFUL!!! Just PERFECT!!!
  472. J4deninj44: The supreme Phallic symbol is salty and spits like a camel
  473. XStrike8: T: ...coming, I'm COMING!!!!
  474. AZNShadow77: *Tentacles grab onto the edge of the hole* Urk!
  475. XStrike8: Sex and violence.. violence and Sex... Sexy violence, and violent sex... XD
  476. J4deninj44: o.o How do humans...do the thing?
  477. pd Rydia: But do NOT lift my shirt up again!
  478. J4deninj44: I mean what do they mean by "fiery caverns" and "manhood"?
  479. J4deninj44: Phallic alert! Phallic alert
  480. XStrike8: Man your Battle Stations!!! There is a Phallic Symbol on the premisis.
  481. XStrike8: YES!!!, GOD, YES!!!
  482. pd Rydia: You don't just go around showing off your penis to everyone!!!
  483. J4deninj44: Do you still want to see my penis?
  484. pd Rydia: Shaun - Good luck fucking.
  485. J4deninj44: I want you to see what you're missing
  486. pd Rydia: and don't forget to bring a penis...yours or otherwise
  488. J4deninj44: Next you'll be telling you don't have testicles.
  489. J4deninj44: YOU PEE OUT OF THAT!!
  490. pd Rydia: You're not getting your penis anywhere near my hole!
  491. J4deninj44: Waaaa! I don't want seeds to come out my penis!
  492. J4deninj44: Stay away from me and my penis!
  493. J4deninj44: What if my penis gets lost in the hole?
  494. Arch mage144: No inserting things into my anus!
  495. Arch mage144: I pity the man who enjoys getting rammed in the ass...
  496. Nekojin SCV: AM just got ass raped XD
  497. Arch mage144: *bends over and moons Cho* Am I bleeding?
  498. Nekojin SCV: i promise i won't be soo rough this time
  499. Nekojin SCV: i'll be soft.. i swear ;p
  500. VampireJazz: *giggle* it'll be fun! and i promise i won't violate you again.