Talk:SMA2-n74/A "Scelestus"
What does "SMA2-n74/A" mean? -Kai 10:53, 7 January 2007 (PST)
Like with the Sturmpanzer, there's a purpose for all of these letters and numbers, as you had suggested. I'll just spill it out right now.
-S: Solasian (more like Neo-Solasian, but whatever)
-M: Main battle
-A2: A2/Auracore Armor/whatever else you call the class.
The "n74" is actually a reference back to the Vic Viper in ZoE2, which has 74 printed on it. Interesting little deal about that on Konami's webpage for that, but put short, 7 "nana" followed by 4 "shi"--translates to "anonymous" or as intended in the ZoE2 Vic Viper, "nashi"--which if I remember right, meant "nothing" or the like. I know. Japanese thing. I'm a nerd.
The /A was meant to be some sort of designator for a sort of custom requisition. Doesn't make sense, but..*shrugs*.
Hope that helps. -Namagomi 14:24, 7 January 2007 (PST)