SMA2-n74/A "Scelestus"

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This Armor was a custom Neo-Solasian build, and a joint venture between the Kanza, Makka-Zumi, and Nakael corporations. Originally commissioned by a dragon who desired to counter the new influx of high-energy weapons, the specifications were very specifically defined--a high-output A2 that is particularly resistant to energy weapons. The Armor itself was a masterpiece; aside from having all the common advantages that an A2 would have, it would also happen to benefit from high marks in both its offense and defense. Unfortunately, there were a number of issues with it, primarily, that of the symbiote. The Armor was built for battle, but the symbiote was too willful for most people, ultimately rendering the Armor near-inoperable, lest the pilot put himself in danger as a result of "her" aggression. Regardless, the draconic pilot disregarded this problem, thinking he could control it, and quickly paid for his hubris with his life, not even living through the first battle in it. Since then, it has been regarded as "cursed," and has been passed down from unwanting pilot to unknowing pilot, remaining in a state of disuse until coming into the hands of the halfdemon Tek, Zeiren Aslan, who had proven himself capable of managing it for at least the time needed to perform well in combat.

Ultimately, this Armor had performed well in the two battles it was taken into, before an unknown person, utilizing Zeiren's identification, had requested a few alterations be performed on the Armor. The person responsible for this is unknown, but it is known that neither the new capabilities, nor the removal of a few old ones, have hampered its ability in combat; the mission immediately following had been a complete success for the Armor and its pilot.

After a run-in with one of the original designers of the Scelestus known as Akarusellei, Zeiren was surprised at her offer to upgrade it as he wishes--as a favor to the only known pilot able to handle it. Since then, Nanashii's vessel had undergone radical alterations, and became the SSpA2-n74r/NT "Exsilium", just in time for Delta Squadron's final conflict against Izue Mazuo.


This silver and black Armor is notable first and foremost for its sleek, yet powerful build all over its body, a Makku-Zumi trademark. The head utilizes a monovisor camera system, and sports a top fin, along with a pair of spikes extending up and back from the sides of the head--these are cosmetic only, and appear to "mesh" with the rest of the armoring. The torso itself is, to a degree, relatively streamlined, showing no apparent entry point. Extending from the back, above a pair of verniers, is what looks like a pair of extremely withered-looking wings, having no real flight surface except for the bladelike extensions on the ends of a pair of articulate "arms". Mounted onto each shoulder is a particularly large shield that faces outward, and is pointed downward to some degree, though on closer examination, one could note that each is independently mobile, and can tilt up or down for varying purposes as necessary. Heavy fixed armguards seamlessly extend from the forearm, each ending in a point, and appear to cover the top of each hand, while allowing for standard motion. The legs themselves flare out near the feet, which are, needless to say, pointy. All in all, an imposing-looking Armor.

The imposing appearance also incorporates many aspects of the Armor's capabilities with it. There are a number of cooling ports located in various spots, as to deal with the high heat output of the generator and Armor's equipment. Strangely, in a decision with reasoning known only to the designers, the entry hatch was located in the rear, below and between the verniers. The pair of shields, though exceptionally sturdy in their own right, also acted as storage, as they held on their undersides the two primary ranged weapons the Scelestus wields; the "Alpha Rifle," a particularly large and long beam rifle capable of firing many deadly bursts of coherent light within a short amount of time, and a particularly large gun that resembles a bazooka, but in actuality is a particularly heavy anti-Armor scattercannon, designed to shred anything within its range. The legs contain smaller boosters, designed for absorbing landing shocks and enhancing the large Armor's already impressive movement speed.

However, not all of the Armor's features are readily visible. The systems include an advanced communications array, plus highly improved targeting on the passive end. Additionally, it contains an advanced decoy system with double the ammo of the standard. Most notable of all, however, is the onboard Mana Flux system, an advanced shield system that utilizes a field of compressed astral energy to block incoming attacks. Furthermore, an amount of energy can be focused into the field, causing a temporary directed high-energy surface ignition that, while not harming the Scelestus itself, can cause significant damage to others targeted by it. The energy released looks like a sheath of blue flames around the ignition point. All of this is powered by an extremely high-output generator, and masterminding the A2 is the literally insane entity that refers to "herself" as Nanashii.


SMA2-n74/A "Scelestus"
Type: Tek

Value: 150
Pilots: Zeiren
Symbiote Identity: Nanashii

Basic stats

EGO:14+1(-10) (or N/A)


Glory-hound (-15)
Bad Temper (-10)
Berserk (-15)
Impulsive (-10)

Structural and Internal

Armor: DR 380St/000Ab/700Sh(74)
Frame: Standard
Comsuite: Advanced(5)
Computer: Standard
PESA: 10M/x10, +2 to hit(15)
AESA: 10M, +2 to hit(5)


Ejection Seat:Yes(5)
Self-Destruct Mechanism:No
Deceptive Jammer:Yes(5)
Transmission Jammer:No
Radical Stealth:No
Infrared Stealth:No
Chameleon Stealth:No


Dodge: 6/10(Zeiren)
PD: 4
HP: 1520/2280
Speed: 48 MPH
Size: +5

Makku-Zumi 200mm focused-shot scattercannon

Base: Heavy Scattercannon
Damage: 6d*9/Cr, Solid, Add burst before DR
Weight: Solid
Acc: 15
SS: 30/23
Optimal/Max range: 0850/3000
Rate of Fire: 16, treat as one burst
Points: 8

Kanza Industries "Alpha Rifle" rapid-fire beam rifle

Base: 2x Heavy Strike Laser (linked)
Damage: 6d*15/Imp, Energy, Add burst before DR
Weight: Heavy
Acc: 23
SS: 25/18
Optimal/Max range: 18000/36000
Rate of Fire: 8 ea, bursts of 4 only
Points: 8 ea (18)

Mana Flux Ignition System

Base: Heavy Plasma Weapon
Damage: 8d*45/Imp, Energy
Weight: Medium
Reach: C
Points: 8