Talk:FAQ v 0.1

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Okay. You know how we have a list of people's livejournals and deviantART accounts? Listed up there, for no conceivable reason, is reiayanamieva00. Also known as that guy who lied about being a woman for three years while "dating" a forumer. Why in the flying flaming fuck is this person on the list?

It is my understanding that this person may have been on the forum for a couple of weeks at most. Will anyone bite me if I remove this shitbasket from our FAQ?

-Kai 09:54, 4 February 2007 (PST)

Go for it. Reason it's on there is that I had the habit of adding RPGWWers onto my dA/lj/AIM list immediately after getting their handles, and not taking them off. When I made up that list, I just did the ol' C&P.

Though I note, this was just a ganking of the FAQ from the newbie forum, HTML and all, preserved for posterity...I should probably look at updating that, maybe.

--Dia 13:20, 4 February 2007 (PST)