Philsys spellbook
This is a "list" of Philsys spells. Note that each and every spell in this "spellbook" is an example spell. This is not an all encompassing list, but it provides a large base for players to create their own spells and techs from! Using most of these spells as is is also acceptable.
A guide to what each portion of a spell means:
- [Skill=#]Name (# MP) - Effect
- [Skill=#]: The skill mentioned is the skill needed. If this says "Fire," it means you need the skill "Fire Magic <Int/Wis/Mag>." The # is the rank that the skill must be at to cast the spell.
- Name: This should be self explanatory. This is the name of the spell.
- (# MP): This is the cost of the spell, in MP # MP are consumed each time the spell is cast. Some spells also require TP.
- Effect: Um, duh? This is what the spell does when cast.
[hide]Direct Offensive/Basic Attack Spells
These are spells such as Fire or Bolt. Each offensive attack spell represents a "standard" damaging elemental spell, and the costs, damages, and targeting/area effects of these spells may be altered slightly. The names of these spells CAN AND SHOULD BE CHANGED. The way these spells are performed or described is up to the caster, and may be described in the spell effect if desired.
Fire Magic
- [Fire=1]Fire 1 (4 MP) - Does 8 + rank*2 + 1d6 fire damage to a single target.
- [Fire=4]Fire 2 (12 MP) - Does 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 fire damage to a single target.
- [Fire=4]Fireball (29 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 3d6 fire damage to all within a 10 foot radius of the target.
- [Fire=8]Fireball 2 (54 MP) - Deals 16 + rank*4 + 2d6 points of fire damage to all within a 15 foot radius of the target.
- [Fire=12]Fire 3 (32 MP) - Does 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 fire damage to a single target.
- [Fire=16]Fireball 3 (76 MP) - Deals 22 + rank*6 + 2d6 points of fire damage to all within a 20 foot radius of the target.
Ice Magic
- [Ice=1]Ice 1 (4 MP) - Does 8 + rank*2 + 1d6 ice damage to a single target.
- [Ice=4]Ice 2 (12 MP) - Does 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 ice damage to a single target.
- [Ice=4]Ice Storm (29 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 3d6 ice damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of the caster.
- [Ice=8]Ice Storm 2 (58 MP) - Deals 16 + rank*4 + 2d6 points of ice damage to all within a 15 foot corridor in front of the caster.
- [Ice=12]Ice 3 (32 MP) - Does 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 ice damage to a single target.
- [Ice=16]Ice Storm 3 (78 MP) - Deals 25 + rank*6 + 2d6 points of ice damage to all within a 30 foot corridor in front of the caster.
Lightning Magic
- [Lit=1]Lit 1 (4 MP) - Does 8 + rank*2 + 1d6 electric damage to a single target.
- [Lit=4]Lit 2 (12 MP) - Does 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 electric damage to a single target.
- [Lit=4]Blitz (10 MP) - Does 5 + rank*2 + 1d6 electric damage to targets within a 120 degree arc in front the caster.
- [Lit=8]Blitz 2 (29 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 3d6 electric damage to targets within a 120 degree arc in front the caster.
- [Lit=12]Lit 3 (32 MP) - Does 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 electric damage to a single target.
- [Lit=16]Blitz 3 (68 MP) - Does 16 + rank*4 + 4d6 electric damage to targets within a 120 degree arc in front the caster.
Water Magic
- [Water=1]Aqua 1 (4 MP) - Does 8 + rank*2 + 1d6 water damage to a single target.
- [Water=4]Aqua 2 (12 MP) - Does 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 water damage to a single target.
- [Water=4]Wave 1 (10 MP) - Does 5 + rank*2 + 1d6 water damage to targets withina 5 foot corrior in front of the caster.
- [Water=8]Wave 2 (29 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 3d6 water damage to targets within a 10 foot corrior in front of the caster.
- [Water=12]Aqua 3 (32 MP) - Does 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 water damage to a single target.
- [Water=16]Wave 3 (68 MP) - Does 16 + rank*4 + 4d6 water damage to targets within a 15 foot corrior in front of the caster.
Earth Magic
- [Earth=1]Quake 1 (5 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 1d6 earth damage to a single target.
- [Earth=4]Quake 2 (12 MP) - Does 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 earth damage to a single target.
- [Earth=4]Avalanche 1 (10 MP) - Does 5 + rank*2 + 1d6 earth damage to targets within a 5 foot radius of the target.
- [Earth=8]Avalanche 2 (29 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 3d6 earth damage to targets within a 10 foot radius of the target.
- [Earth=12]Quake 3 (32 MP) - Does 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 earth damage to a single target.
[Earth=16]Avalanche 3 (68 MP) - Does 16 + rank*4 + 4d6 earth damage to targets within a 20 foot radius of the target.
Wind Magic
- [Air=1]Aero (10 MP) - Deals 5 + rank*2 + 1d6 air damage to all enemies within a 10 foot corridor in front of the caster.
- [Air=4]Aero 2 (24 MP) - Deals 10 + rank*4 + 3d6 air damage to all within a 10 footcorridor in front of the caster.
- [Air=12]Aero 3 (62 MP) - Deals 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 points of air damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of the caster.
Holy Magic
- [Holy=1]Beam (6 MP) - Deals 6 + rank*2 + 1d6 holy damage to a single target.
- [Holy=4]Beam 2 (15 MP) - Deals 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 holy damage to a single target.
- [Holy=4]Radiance (28 MP) - Deals 10 + rank*2 + 1d6 holy damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the caster's target.
- [Holy=8]Radiance 2 (56 MP) - Deals 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 points of holy damage to all unfriendly targets within a 20 foot radius of the target.
- [Holy=12]Beam 3 (34 MP) - Deals 20 + rank*6 + 3d6 holy damage to a single target.
- [Holy=16]Radiance 3 (80 MP) - Deals 20 + rank*6 + 2d6 points of holy damage to all unfriendly targets within a 30 foot radius of the target.
Shadow Magic
- [Shadow=1]Negatis (8 MP) - Deals 8 + rank*2 + 1d6 shadow damage to a single target.
- [Shadow=4]Negatis 2 (12 MP) - Deals 12 + rank*4 + 2d6 shadow damage to a single target.
- [Shadow=4]Shadowblast (22 MP) - Deals 10 + rank*2 + 1d6 shadow damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the caster's target.
- [Shadow=8]Shadowblast 2 (50 MP) - Deals 14 + rank*4 + 2d6 points of shadow damage to all targets within a 20 foot radius of the target.
- [Shadow=12]Negatis 3 (36 MP) - Deals 24 + rank*6 + 3d6 shadow damage to a single target.
- [Shadow=16]Shadowblast 3 (72 MP) - Deals 20 + rank*6 + 2d6 points of shadow damage to all targets within a 30 foot radius of the target.
Astral Magic
- [Astral=1]Astral Jolt (10 MP) - Deals 12 + rank*2 + 1d6 damage to a single target.
- [Astral=4]Astral Jolt 2 (16 MP) - Deals 16 + rank*4 + 2d6 damage to a single target.
- [Astral=6]Astral Rupture (28 MP) - Deals 10 + rank*2 + 1d6 damage to up to rank/2 targets.
- [Astral=8]Astral Rupture 2 (56 MP) - Deals 16 + rank*4 + 2d6 points of damage to up to rank/2 targets.
- [Astral=12]Astral Jolt 3 (38 MP) - Deals 26 + rank*6 + 3d6 damage to a single target.
- [Astral=16]Astral Rupture 3 (82 MP) - Deals 24 + rank*6 + 2d6 points of damage to up to rank/2 targets.
Soul Magic
- [Soul=1]Invisible Fist(10 MP) - deals (rank)d6 damage to one target.
- [Soul=4]Flashing Strike (16 MP) - deals 2d10 + (rank) damage to one target.
- [Soul=6]Soul Strike (28 MP) - deals 5d10 + (rank) damage to up to (rank) targets, divided however the caster likes.
- [Soul=8]World of Pain (56 MP) - deals 3d20 + (rank * 3) damage to a target and all sentient life within 10 feet of the target.
- [Soul=12]Forbidden Path (48 MP) - deals (rank * 8) damage to a single target.
- [Soul=16]Where Angels Fear to Tread (90 MP) - deals 2d100 + (rank * 3) damage split any way between up to 5 targets within 10 feet of eachother.
Advanced Offensive/Attack Spells
These spells do more than deal damage. While they DO deal damage/something directly offensive, their damage is accompanied by some other effect, usually one that makes them cost more than the typical spell. These spells do NOT deal basic elemental "added effect" damages. These are sample effects: more will be developed over time, perhaps, and players are encouraged to invent their own.
Fire Magic
- [Fire=3]Ignite (10 MP) - Sets a target ablaze. These flames persist until the target "stops, drops, and rolls" (a standard action) or is doused by water or large quantities of dirt/mud. These flames deal 12+1d6 points of damage each round.
Ice Magic
- [Ice=5]Freeze (15 MP) - Encases targets who fail to resist in solid blocks of ice. These blocks of ice are usually irregularly shaped, and provide the target with a bonus of 30 AC. However, the target suffers 10 points of damage PLUS breath holding/suffocation damage per round so long as they are frozen. Frozen targets cannot move or act until dethawed. Dethawing occurs after rank+1d4 rounds OR when the target is exposed to a heat source (a fire spell, a large torch, etc).
Lightning Magic
- [Lit=3]Static Pulse (12 MP) - Deals 10+rank*3+1d6 points of damage plus 30+2d6 points of subdual damage (this cannot kill, but if it is enough that it WOULD drop an opponent below 0 health, were it regular damage, they are knocked unconscious).
- [Lit=5]Shockwave (20 MP) - Deals 10+rank*4+2d6 points of damage to all biological creatures within 15 feet of the caster, and stuns all creatures, even those who manage to resist, for 1 round.
Water Magic
- [Water=5]Drown (14 MP) - Conjures a fluid sphere around a target's head and or breathing organs (assuming the caster knows what they ARE). This sphere exists for rank rounds, and deals suffocation/breath holding damage as applicable. Obviously, it does not affect creatures which have no need to breathe, have gills, etc.
- [Water=7]Evaporate (26 MP) - This attack evaporates the water in a target's cells, dealing 16+rank*6+2d6 points of damage to organic creatures, and twice that to creatures with largely liquid bodies. Humanoid and animal targets affected will suffer from nausea and illness, causing a -4/-4 AT/PA penalty and a -4 on all skill checks until the target is able to rest and recover.
Earth Magic
- [Earth=5]Smother (18 MP) - Conjures a mud sphere aroud a target's head or breathing organs (assuming the caster knows where they ARE). This sphere exists for rank rounds, and it deals suffocation/breath holding damage as applicable.
Air Magic
- [Air=5]Deflate (20 MP) - This attack compresses all the oxygen and other gases in a target's body. Against organic targets, this is extremely painful, and deals 30+rank*4+3d6 points of damage.
- [Air=10]Expand (34 MP) - This attack causes the oxygen and othe gases in a target's body to expand rapidly, killing organic targets who fail to resist instantly (and in a very messy manner) as all of their cells and organs rupture.
Holy Magic
- [Holy=5]Expel Undead (10 MP) - Deals 20+rank*8+3d6 points of damage to an undead creature. Some stronger undead creatures may resist this entirely.
- [Holy=14]Banish Undead (30 MP) - Utterly destroys an undead creature.
Shadow Magic
- [Shadow=3]Drain (10 MP) - Deals 6+rank+1d6 points of shadow damage, which is then absorbed by the caster as HP. Using this against undead creatures reverses the effect.
- [Shadow=5]Siphon (18 MP) - Deals 10+rank*2+1d6 points of shadow damage, which is then absorbed by the caster as HP. Using this against undead creatures reverses the effect.
- [Shadow=18]Soul Harvest (56 MP) - Kills a mortal target instantly. Some creatures are immune to this effect.
Astral Magic
- [Astral=4]Astral Throw (10 MP) - This ability allows the caster to forcefully move people and enchanted objects (anything with an aura), flinging them or levitating them. No more than 20*rank pounds of mass may be moved in this manner at once (the average humanoid, with gear, weighs roughly 160 pounds). Being thrown laterally deals 1/2 falling damage if the target collides with an object.
- [Astral=5]Astral Siphoning (2 MP, 4 TP) - Sucks 8+rank*2+1d6 points of MP away from a target and gives it to the caster.
- [Astral=7]Astral Meltdown (28 MP) - This attack deals 12+4*rank+2d6 points of damage in addition to inflicting level 5 Astral Drain and causing the target to lose an amount of MP equal to 1/2 the damage dealt.
- [Astral=18]Astral Rip (80 MP) - The classic astral "deathblow" spell. Forcefully removes the aura of any target that has one--mortal targets die instantly, animated constructs de-animate, and the like. The process of ripping an aura free leaves a unique astral imprint on the body. The form of this imprint is unique to the caster.
Creation/Summoning Spells
Creation/Summoning spells are spells which make things. Sometimes, these things are offensive (a golem, a sword) and others not (a loaf of bread, a backpack). Here are some "example" conjurations.
Note that there are two kinds of summoning. The first kind involves creating a creature much like an NPC (golem summoning) that has stats and abilities. The second involves creating a "spirit creature" which has a fixed duration and cannot be technically destroyed. All summons may suffer damage up to twice the caster's HP, unless specified otherwise, at which point they are unsummoned immediately and transported back to their homelands. Creatures unsummoned forcefully in this manner require time to heal their wounds--they restore 25% of their HP total per day of rest. Resummoning them before this period will cause them to have a fraction of their total hit points. These creatures disappear if the caster dies or is knocked unconscious, and only one can exist per caster at any given time.
Summoning (Spirit Creatures)
A note: these creatures were taken from the sheet of Dia Rai. Please use DIFFERENT creatures for spirit creature summoning! Also, spirit creatures with an elemental damage type require a number of levels in that elemental magic equal to the rank of the summon or some portion thereof (GM determined if there is a dispute).
All spirit creatures have a maxiumum duration of summon rank/2 rounds unless otherwise specified, with a cap of 5 rounds.
- [Summon=1]Goblinsquad (11 MP) - The Goblinsquad, led by Cletus and Billy Bob, bop the crap out of an enemy for 10+1d10 (11-20) damage/turn.
- [Summon=2]Territorial Chocobo (17 MP) - A cute lil' chocobo pecks the holy bejeesus out of an enemy for 16+2d8 (18-32) damage/turn.
- [Summon=3]Sylph Drain (27 MP) - Drains 16+2d8 (18-32) HP from an enemy, and transfers it to the ally of the caster's choice.
Summoning (Golems and others)
Some "summons" require a catalyst. Usually, these are necromantic "summons" (in which case you often need a corpse). Necromancy oriented summoning requires Shadow Magic.
- [Summoning=4]Summon Lesser Golem (40-rank MP) - Creates a golem from the strongest, most abundant material available. If outdoors, this is likely to be clay or mud. Inside stone fortresses and the like, this is most likely to be stone, and in certain places, such as volcanoes or alternate planes, it is likely to be an elemental golem of the appropriate element. This summon, unlike others, does not have a fixed duration--it lasts until killed. If the creator of the golem is killed or disabled, then the golem goes berserk, attacking targets indiscriminately, or follows the last command given to it before going crazy. A golem can only follow simple commands, and is not intelligent enough to remember a sequence of them, only one at a time. Such commands might include "attack that creature," "defend this room," "protect me from harm," or "carry that over there." An average golem has 70 HP, an AC of 45, an initiative of 4+2d6, an AT/PA of 12, and deals 20+2d6 punching or 30+1d6 slamming at a -3 to hit penalty. A golem made from stone or iron will have higher damages and a higher AC. Elemental golems will deal appropriate damage bonuses.
- [Summoning=8]Summon Golem (68-rank MP) - Creates a golem from the strongest, most abundant material available. If outdoors, this is likely to be clay or mud. Inside stone fortresses and the like, this is most likely to be stone, and in certain places, such as volcanoes or alternate planes, it is likely to be an elemental golem of the appropriate element. This summon, unlike others, does not have a fixed duration--it lasts until killed. If the creator of the golem is killed or disabled, then the golem goes berserk, attacking targets indiscriminately, or follows the last command given to it before going crazy. A golem can only follow simple commands, and is not intelligent enough to remember a sequence of them, only one at a time. Such commands might include "attack that creature," "defend this room," "protect me from harm," or "carry that over there." An average golem has 150 HP, an AC of 60, an initiative of 4+2d6, an AT/PA of 16, and deals 30+2d6 punching or 42+1d6 slamming at a -3 to hit penalty. A golem made from stone or iron will have higher damages and a higher AC. Elemental golems will deal appropriate damage bonuses.
Conjuration (Objects and items)
- [Summoning=1]Summon Food (4 MP) - Creates a loaf of brownish bread. It is entirely possible to live off nothing but summoned bread for indefinite periods of time, but the bread is usually of less than superior quality and does tend to get old quickly.
- [Summoning=2]Summon Stick (4 MP) - Creates a stick of "wood" up to 6 feet long. Can be used as a staff for combat or a walking aid. Shorter sticks can be used to splint wounds or for any other purpose one might be able to use a wooden dowel or equivalent. Summoned sticks are flammable and can be used as firewood or to create a makeshift torch.
- [Summoning=3]Summon Dagger (8 MP) - Conjures up the equivalent of a heavy dagger, which lasts for 3d6 hours.
- [Summoning=4]Summon Longsword (10 MP) - Conjures up the equivalent of a longsword, which lasts for 3d6 hours.
- [Summoning=5]Summon Fallen Weapon (10 MP) - Summons a weapon that is the property of the caster to his or her side/hand. Only works from a short range (50 or so feet).
- [Summoning=8]Greater Summon Weapon (20 MP) - Conjures up the weapon of the caster's choice. This weapon is considered a +2/+0 weapon and has an additional +3 to damage, and lasts for 3d6 hours.
Conjuration (Direct Offense)
- [Summoning=4]Hail of Arrows (14 MP) - Deals 14+rank*4+2d6 points of physical damage, which is reduced by AC. This ability is blocked as though it were a physical attack instead of a spell.
- [Summoning=8]Rain of Swords (28 MP) - Deals 20+rank*5+2d6 points of physical daamge, which is reduced by AC. This ability is blocked as though it were a physical attack instead of a spell.
Status Effect Spell
These spells are based on Malediction, and all of them cause some sort of negative effect against the targets. Some of them also have other requisites--these spells count as both the other spell types AND Malediction Magic.
- [Malediction=1]Cramp (8 MP) - Stuns an opponent for a round. Stunned opponents suffer a -4/-4 penalty and cannot act.
- [Malediction=2]Berserk (8 MP) - On a sucessful spell check, the target gains 2 temporary points of STR, and temporary AC equal to STA + (The New) STR added together. And last but not least, magical attack ability is decreased by 4. This all lasts for 1d2 rounds.
- [Malediction=3, Mental Magic=2]Fear (8 MP) - Lowers a target's courage by 2 points for 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=5]Sleep (16 MP) - Causes a target to snooze until hit. Sleeping targets are considered totally defenseless (a -10/-10 penalty).
- [Malediction=6, Time=6]Mire (30 MP) - Slows an opponent's reactions, causing them to lose their PA Rolls for 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=6, Mental Magic=4] Chickenheart (16 MP) - Lowers a target's Courage by 2 for 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=6] Asthma (22 MP) - Lowers an opponent's STA by 2 for 1d6 rounds. This effect is stackable.
- [Malediction=8]Curse (15 MP) - On a sucessful check, reduces all the target's rolls by 3 for 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=8]Spasm (26 MP) Lowers an opponent's AGI by 2 for 1d4 rounds and stuns them for 1d2 rounds. Stunned opponents suffer a -4/-4 penalty and cannot act.
- [Malediction=12]Insomnia (30 MP) - Prevents a target from sleeping for 1+1d4 days. Also, every 12 hours over 24, roll a 1d8 to see which of their stats to (Temporarily) reduce by 1.
- [Malediction=12]Choke (40 MP + 5 MP/round) - Suffocates an opponent. Choking opponents cannot act, suffer a -4/-4 penalty, and suffer choking/breath holding damage as applicable.
- [Malediction=14]Damn (45 MP) - On a sucessful Check, reduces all the target's rolls by 6 for 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=14]Slow Metabolism (58 MP) - On a successful check, reduces healing by potions, spells, etc. by 1/2 for d2 days.
- [Malediction=18]Dampen (85 MP) - Makes it harder for the opponent to gather mana than normal, decreasing all their magical skill rolls by 20.
- [Malediction=18] Jinx (45 MP) - Reduces the opponent's Attack and Parry rolls by 8. However, any roll that is sucessful while this spell is active causes the effect to be removed.
- [Malediction=20]Condemn (80 MP) - On a sucessful check, reduces all the target's rolls by 10 for 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=20, Ice Magic=10]Freeze (65 MP) - Freezes a target for 1d2 rounds. Any frozen target cannot act, and automatically takes 2x damage from attacks. If an attack criticals, then the attack does 3x damage, and so on.
- [Malediction=20, Fire Magic=10]Heat (55 MP) - Subtly increases a person's body temperature, causing them to lose HP as they take actions. The target takes d8 damage the first round they move, 2d8 the second, 3d8 the third, etc, till they rest themselves for 2 rounds in a row, taking no actions. Ice spells do 1/2 damage to a person affected with this spell, and cure the condition.
- [Malediction=20]Chaotic Mana (75 MP) Reduces the opponent's magical skill rolls by 30. HOWEVER, any roll that is successful while this spell is active auto-criticals, doing double damage (If attacking), reflecting the attack back on the caster (If Blocking), or whatever other effect the GM sees fit. Lasts 1d4 rounds.
- [Malediction=30]Drain Body (160 MP) - Drains the target of 2 STA, STR, and AGI, and gives them to the caster. Lasts 4+d4 rounds. Can also be used to drain 1 point of Either STA, STR,or AGI from the target and into the caster PERMANENTLY. When doing this, this spell is cast at (Rank - 6) and the GM rolls a d3 to determine which of these stats is drained.
- [Malediction=30]Drain Mind (160 MP) - Drains the target of 2 INT,WIS, COU, and DEX, and gives them to the caster. Lasts 4+d4 rounds. Can also be used to drain 1 point of Either INT, WIS, COU, or DEX from the target and into the caster PERMANENTLY. When doing this, the spell is cast at (Rank - 6), and the GM rolls a d4 to determine which of these stats is drained.
Bless you, my child.
- [Benediction=1]Sharpen (8 MP) - Boosts the damage of a weapon by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=2]Fortify (8 MP) - Boosts the AC of an armor by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=3]Center (10 MP) - Boosts a target's PA by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=4]Align (12 MP) - Boosts a target's AT by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=5]Deflect (12 MP) - Boosts a target's Missile Evade by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=6]Shield (15 MP) - Boosts a target's MBlock by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=7]Bolster (16 MP) - Boosts a target's MAtk by +rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=8]Potency (22 MP) - Boosts a target's STR by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=9]Clarity (22 MP) - Boosts a target's INT by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=10]Sagacity (22 MP) - Boosts a target's WIS by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=11]Facility (22 MP) - Boosts a target's DEX by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=12]Audacity (22 MP) - Boosts a target's COU by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=13]Vitality (22 MP) - Boosts a target's STA by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
- [Benediction=14]Chemistry (22 MP) - Boosts a target's CHA by 1/3 rank for rank rounds.
Curative/Restorative Spells
These spells are designed to recover hit points, cure wounds, and restore allies or friends to normal status whenever something bad happens to them. This sample list can, like all others, be adapted or expanded upon by individual players.
Most healing magic is automatically assumed to be "holy" healing magic, and thusly damages undead. Healing magic may also be of the non-holy type, in which case it will heal them instead, and be unaffected by the target's innate elemental properties.
Healing Magic
- [Heal=1]Cure (7 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 8+rank*2+1d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
- [Heal=1]Purify (5 MP) - Cures poisoning. The maximum amount of levels of poison that this can cure is equal to Healing Rank/2, with a minimum of 1.
- [Heal=1, Astral=1]Astral Purify (5 MP) - Cures astral drain. The maximum amount of levels of astral drain that this can cure is equal to Healing Rank/2, with a minimum of 1.
- [Heal=2]Restore Vision (6 MP) - Cures blindness to those who have been made blind by magical effects or spells. Does not cure blindness caused by injuries or other causes (this cannot restore sight to one who is missing their eyes, for example).
- [Heal=3]Calm Mind (7 MP) - Cures berserked condition and may also cure confusion.
- [Heal=4]Panacea (14 MP) - Cures berserk, confusion, magically induced paralysis and blindness, and cures up to 3 levels of poison. If the user has at least 4 ranks of Astral Magic, this also cures up to 3 levels of astral drain.
- [Heal=4]Release Body (10 MP) - Cures paralysis caused by magical effects or spells. Does not cure paralysis caused by wounds or injuries, such as having one's back broken.
- [Heal=4]Cure 2 (18 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 15+rank*4+2d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
- [Heal=4]Revive (30 MP, 4 TP) - Revives an unconscious ally to 10% of their total HP (round up). The target suffers no disorientation penalty (besides some penalties for burdening injuries such as crushed bones) and can take actions right away (as in, their next turn in the normal initiative order).
- [Heal=5]Release Tongue (10 MP) - Cures the "muted" condition, so long as it was caused by a magical effect or spell. This spell cannot allow, for example, a person without a tongue to speak.
- [Heal=8]Lesser Restore (24 MP) - Cures one target, healing 5+rank*2+1d6 HP and removing berserk, confusion, magically induced paralysis or blindness, and curing up to 3 levels of poison (and 3 levels of astral drain if the caster has at least 6 ranks of Astral Magic).
- [Heal=10]Soften (24 MP) - May cure petrification, though it is not guaranteed to work.
- [Heal=10]Greater Panacea (38 MP) - Cures berserk, confusion, zombification, magcially induced paralysis, blindness, and mute conditions, as well as any condemned/damned/hexed/jinxed status, and cures up to 7 levels of poison. If the user has at least 8 ranks of Astral Magic, this also cures up to 7 levels of astral drain.
- [Heal=12]Pure Light (18 MP) - Cures zombification. Can be used as a "turn undead" spell against undead foes--undead targets which fail to save are either destroyed or change alliance to that of the caster temporarily.
- [Heal=12]Cure 3 (42 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 22+rank*6+3d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
- [Heal=14]Improved Revive (70 MP, 10 TP) - Revives an unconscious ally to 50% of their total HP (round up). The target suffers no disorientation penalty (besides some penalties for burdening injuries such as crushed bones) and can take actions right away (as in, their next turn in the normal initiative order).
- [Heal=16]Restore (62 MP) - Cures one target, restoring 15+rank*4+2d6 HP and removing all magically induced conditions except unconsciousness, death, or petrification, as well as up to 8 levels of poison (and 8 levels of astral drain if the caster has at least 12 ranks of Astral Magic).
- [Heal=18]Cure 4 (64 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 30+rank*8+4d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
- [Heal=18]Resurrection (120 MP, 20 TP) - Revives a deceased person from the dead. The person must be willing to be revived, must not have died as a result of incurable diseases or old age, and the majority of the body needs to be largely intact--a person may be revived if missing limbs, but those limbs will obviously be missing after resurrection. Deceased characters must be revived within 48 hours in order to preserve the character's prior memories and skills. A resurrection ritual involves reshaping and calling the aura of the deceased back into its prior state of organization, and a standard resurrection ritual requires either (4+1d6) - (any modifiers in Ritual, Astral or Resurrection Magic that would logically benefit the caster) hours, of which must be a minimum of 2 hours regardless, or some other GM determined time period. If the character cannot be revived within this time period, it is still possible to animate the corpse, creating a zombie with the assistance of death magic through any number of processes. A zombie has none of the skills or abilities it had in life, but retains all physical statistics except INT and WIS.
- [Heal=24]Greater Restore (120 MP) - Cures one target, restoring 25+rank*7+3d6 HP and curing all conditions except death, as well as up to 15 levels of poison (and 15 levels of astral drain if the caster has at least 16 levels of Astral Magic).
Natural Magic and Druidic/Shamanistic Magic
All three of these are considered to be the same for gameplay purposes, with a few exceptions and limitations imposed upon their casters.
A druid cannot kill an animal, except in self defense, and if he or she does do so, they must not allow the animal to go to waste. Any and all usable parts of the animal, including meat, fur, teeth, etc., must be consumed or used for some purpose. Sentient creatures such as humans are not considered animals. A druid may consume plant life, using trees for firewood or eating vegetables, but he must say a prayer to his or her god or goddess asking for repentance and for permission to partake of nature's blessings. If a druid fails to do any of these things, he or she loses their powers for a period of time until they have repented in some manner, either through self sacrificial actions, some sort of pilgrimage, etc. (A note from Kai: I think that this is dumb. I don't think we even have people playing Druids with these limitations, and I'm tempted to get rid of it.)
Shamans must participate in rituals ranging from sacrifice of livestock to re-writing their pledges with their own blood. These vows must be periodically renewed, or the shaman will lose his or her powers until they are fulfilled in a greater magnitude than usual. Shamans do not have the same restrictions on eating plant life or killing animals as druids. (A note from Kai:Why the hell is this here again?)
In exchange for these limitations, druidic/shamanistic magic may make use of the elements of Earth, Fire, and Air (without taking them as separate skills) but not for the purposes of combining with other schools (such as with the Malediction spell "Freeze"). These elements are ONLY useful for purely elemental spells, combat or noncombat. However, any techs/spells based on them must be accompanied with some sort of explanation as to how they work. (A note from Kai:Because these limitations rarely apply to anyone ever, it is my opinion that elemental Druid magic be weaker than magic learned through individual schools. Nowhere else in Philsys is learning multiple schools with one skill permitted, and it's not clear enough here how much of an exception Druid magic has to be.)
Note that some druidic/shamanistic skills require the skill [s]Animal Affinity <Int/Int/Cha>.
Nature Magic
- [Druidic Magic=1]Choking Brambles (7 MP) - Causes a web of thorny vines to erupt from the ground, entangling opponents. Deals 8+2*rank+1d6 damage, and roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, target cannot take action this round.
- [Druidic Magic=1]Telepath Animal (0 MP) - Druids can speak with any animal, with little effort, via telepathy.
- [Druidic Magic=2]Wrath of Earth (12 MP) - This attack causes a slight earthquake, forcing the eruption of medium sized chunks of rock. This deals 8+3*rank+2d4 damage to a small enemy group.
- [Druidic Magic=3]Firefly Swarm (14 MP) - By summoning a cloud of fireflies to his aid, a druid can make use of a fire-based attack which deals 14+3*rank+2d6 to a single target.
- [Druidic Magic=3, Animal Affinity=3]Control Animal (20 MP) - By using this, a druid can take mental control of any animal and make it change its allegiances to be friendly to him. This animal will obey any and all commands. The definition of "animals" includes things like bears, wolves, and the like, not humans, goblins, giant slimes, etc. If the creature is already friendly o
- [Druidic Magic=4] Fist of Cloud (16 MP) - The caster utilizes a powerful gust of wind concentrated into a smaller area to blow the target off balance with great fury. This attack deals 14+4*rank+2d6 damage, and stuns the target for 1+1d2 rounds.
- [Druidic Magic=18] Angel of the Animals (120 MP) - All animals in the target's vicinity are drawn to him for a period of two hours. All sizes of bugs, birds, vermin, and any other fauna come up to the target and brush up against or climb on him. To most people, being covered head to toe in various life forms results in a struggle, which prompts the animals to defend themselves via their various means. Those who struggle are eviscerated by millions of tiny teeth. Those who do not struggle most often suffocate. This effect does not draw anything sentient, nor does it draw anything from a different plane than the Material. If the target quickly finds some way to isolate himself from the stampede, then it is possible to not get killed by this spell, or even really significantly damaged. But that is not an easy prospect by any means--a GM may require an Intu check of the character to figure out a way to do so, if adequate means of isolation exist close by. A strong-bodied character can try to outrun the torrent of wildlife outright to survive--this necessitates a STA check against difficulty 40.
Enchanting Magic
All enchanting is based on the main "Enchant" spell, but other "enchanting" spells can and do exist. Transmutation (polymorphing is one aspect of this) is a part of enchanting, and so is the act of creating a magical lock, along with a number of other basic cantrips.
- [Enchanting=1]Enchant Item (X MP/round, X*5 MP/day or X*10 MP) - Imbues a nonmagical item with a magical property. This property can be any Benediction, Malediction, or similar spell known by the caster. These enchantments can be removed by means of a Dispel Magic spell or similar effect. This spell's chance of success is based on the strength of the spell to be placed on the item. Multiply the required skill ranks of the spell to enchant the item with by 3--this is the target difficulty rating. Make a spell check vs. this difficulty to determine success or failure. Enchantments can also be temporary, and the cost will be paid per round of effect or per day of effect. X is the cost of the spell being used to enchant the item. Permanent enchanting does not have to be done all at one time, but using the item in between enchanting sessions will undo all magical work put into it.
- [Enchanting=2]Imbue Aura (5 MP) - This enchants any item with a magical aura that has no immediate functional benefit (no combat bonuses or other improvements). However, this aura responds to magic and astral scanning as an ordinary aura would, and thusly, can be used to fool less skilled mages, creatures who are attracted to magical items, etc. Items enchanted with this spell can be moved with the Astral spell "Astral Throw."
- [Enchanting=3]Lock (8 MP) - Locks doors, gates, purses, coin pouches, zippers, buttons, hooks, fasteners, whatever, magically. This enchantment can only be dispelled by a Dispel Magic effect. Otherwise, the locked item cannot be opened. This does not stop brute force totally (i.e., a door locked in this manner could still be burned or busted down).
- [Enchanting=4]Dispel Enchantment (10 MP) - Attempts to forcefully dispel magical enchantments of various types.
- [Enchanting=8]Strip Enchantment (20 MP) - Attempts to forcefully dispel magical enchantments of various types, but adds a +10 bonus to do so.
- [Enchanting=4]Metamorph (35 MP) - This spell changes the target into something else (a humanoid form). This spell lasts for up to 24 hours, unless dispelled forcefully. The transmuted target retains all skills, and can use any skills that would make sense.
- [Enchanting=6]Give Voice (10 MP) - When cast on an inanimate object, this spell enables it to speak, though it does not necessarily make the object intelligent (although it could).
- [Enchanting=8]Metamorph Item (35 MP) - This spell changes an inanimate object into a different inanimate object of roughly the same size. The spell lasts for up to 24 hours, unless dispelled forcefully. Magical items retain all of their appropriate magical properties in their new form.
- [Enchanting=8]Animate Object (24 MP) - This spell gives life to an inanimate object of a reasonable size (nothing larger than roughly the size of a car). Animated objects usually cannot speak (unless a separate spell is cast to allow them to) and are usually quite unintelligent--they have roughly the intellect of a golem, only understanding simple commands. Many animated objects can be used as sentries or for combat, and objects such as animated ropes, cords, rugs, carpets, bedsheets, etc. may make use of grappling or choking attacks as appropriate. Animated objects with wheels are able to move farther than objects without wheels in the same time period.
- [Enchanting=12]Polymorph (50 MP) - This spell changes the target into something else (which does NOT have to be a humanoid form). The spell lasts for up to 24 hours, unless dispelled forcefully. The transmuted target retains all skills, and can use any skills which would make sense. However, note that being polymorphed into something such as a unicorn makes some skills, such as lockpicking, effectively useless! Instead, the target gains a rudiementary amount of the instinctual knowledge the new form would have, such as how basic appendages and defensive mechanisms work. Therefore, being polymorphed into a beholder means that the target knows how to make use of the creature's eye rays, knows that shutting the central eye shuts off the antimagic field it produces, etc. This spell may turn the target into any creature of roughly the same SIZE as the target, and the caster must know EXACTLY what he is attempting to change the target into (unless the caster desires a random result). If the target is unwilling, he or she gets a resist roll. The targets of the spell must be living creatures, though they do not have to end up as living creatures.
- [Enchanting=14]Greater Metamorph Item (50 MP) - This spell changes an inanimate object into a different inanimate object, without taking size into consideration. However, the GM should set reasonable limits on this--a thimble cannot be transformed into a small island resort. In general, nothing larger than a house should be created or altered with this spell. The spell lasts for up to 24 hours, unless dispelled forcefully. Magical items retain all of their appropriate magical properties in their new form.
- [Enchanting=24]Greater Polymorph (100 MP) - This spell changes the target into something else (which does NOT have to be a humanoid form). The spell lasts for up to 24 hours, unless dispelled forcefully. The transmuted target retains all skills, and can use any skills which would make sense. However, note that being polymorphed into something such as a unicorn makes some skills, such as lockpicking, effectively useless! Instead, the target gains a rudiementary amount of the instinctual knowledge the new form would have, such as how basic appendages and defensive mechanisms work. Therefore, being polymorphed into a beholder means that the target knows how to make use of the creature's eye rays, knows that shutting the central eye shuts off the antimagic field it produces, etc. This spell may turn the target into any creature regardless of the size of the target and the intended form, but the caster must know EXACTLY what he is attempting to change the target into (unless the caster desires a random result). If the target is unwilling, he or she gets a resist roll. The targets of this spell must be living creatures, though they do not have to end up as living creatures.
Time/Space Magic
All of these spells are based on the manipulation of Time or Space, as obvious as that should be.
- [Time Magic=1]Slow (6 MP) - Disrupts the flow of time, slowing down a target's metabolism, aging, and movement. If successful, a target enemy's turn is delayed until the end of the combat round for 1d2 + rank rounds, and they will move as though they had -rank AGI, as well as suffering a -2/-2 AT/PA penalty.
- [Time Magic=1]Delay Image (6 MP) - Caster's light reflection delayed, resulting in erroneous perception of location. Attackers get a penalty equal to one half the caster's rank (rounded up) to AT when attacking the caster.
- [Time Magic=2]Detect Temporal Flux (4 MP) - Caster is able to detect the use of any temporal magic within a certain area. Fairly basic time magic is sensable within a range of 30 yards per rank, while the strongest of time magicks is detectable at a range of 60 yards/rank. The caster may scan within his field of vision as a round's action, and if a flux is found it takes another round of concentration to attempt to discern its nature, which requires another Time Magic check.
- [Time Magic=2]Decay (4 MP) - Nonliving matter (including food) is aged by (rank) months immediately.
- [Time Magic=2]Haste (10 MP) - Blesses a target with increased speed. The target's metabolism, aging, and movement rates increase. This character may move as though he had +rank AGI and gains one extra action per round for rank rounds. Being under the influence of a Haste spell for more than a few minutes tends to make one VERY hungry as a result of all the energy they burn.
- [Time Magic=4]Minor Precognition (30 MP) - Caster discerns some information about the most important event to happen regarding the caster within the next rank*3 hours. The information is frequently misleading or cryptic, and occasionally outright incorrect. The caster suffers mild disorientation for 1d6 rounds after casting this spell.
- [Time Magic=4]Metabolic Disruption (16 MP) - This spell deals damage by increasing a target's metabolism to insane rates. The result is that the target burns energy/ages extremely quickly for a short duration, leaving them feeling somewhat spent, like the after-effect of a Haste spell, but on a higher level. This attack deals 12 + rank*4 + 2d6 points of direct damage and 1d2 points of temporary STA damage. For each point of STA lost, a creature loses 5 HP. A creature with less than -5 STA is unconscious, and a creauture with less than -10 STA is dead. This STA is recovered after sleeping or resting for a few hours.
- [Time Magic=4, Malediction=3]Temporal Disjunction (15 MP) - The target suddenly becomes imperceptive of the passage of time, and is perpetually late, unable to function under any time constraints. The target always acts last in combat, and is always surprised if attacked from stealth. The target's time magic always fails, and, if it has more than one action per round, loses one of said actions.
- [Time Magic=4, Malediction=4]Temporary Aging (14 MP - This spell accelerates time for a single target, causing them to age rapidly. Against most mortal targets, particularly humanoids, this will weaken them. All humans and other such species recieve a penalty of -4/-4 AT/PA and their STR and AGI are halved. Against creatures such as dragons, which only strengthen with age, apply bonuses as appropriate.
- [Time Magic=6]Whoops! (20 MP) - The caster changes a minor action that the caster took, or can take an additional action if timing permits, within the last (rank/2) rounds; for example, the caster could 'take back' something he/she said, or decide not to have kissed the king's daughter after all. Extra combat rounds cannot be granted this way, but initiative may be gained by taking an extra attack at the beginning of a combat. If an action is 'taken back' that would have prevented combat or another major event, the caster and GM may discern a better course of action to discern how the time in question actually passed. Spell only usable at the GM's discretion.
- [Time Magic=6]Timeheal (15 MP) - The caster brings a target's past physical body into the present, nullifying any wounds in the interim. The body to be brought back may be up to (rank) minutes in the past, and cannot be used to revive someone who has died, as it only brings forward the body, not the soul. This spell may also be used to re-harm a target that healed itself, bringing back its old injuries from the past body.
- [Time Magic=7]Temporal Push (20 MP) - The caster touches the target and catapults them forward in time up to (rank) rounds. The temporal distance 'pushed' must be chosen at the spell's casting. The target is not cogniscent of the temporal shift--everything just seems to change suddenly. Should the caster fail the Time Magic roll to cast this spell, instead of a simple failure it is the caster who is propelled forward in time by the decided amount. In any case, the effect to onlookers is that the affected being simply and utterly vanishes, and then reappears in the same place a moment later.
- [Time Magic=8]Prophesy (50 MP) - Caster throws upon himself/herself visions of a certain event in the future of a target, who cannot be the caster, and must be willing, and touching the caster. Visions flash in and out of the caster's mind for ten rounds, and the information is often vague and open to interpretation. An event may only be prophesized once by any given caster. This spell leaves the caster physically drained and primarily unable to move for the next 1d4 hours.
- [Time Magic=8]Stop (20 MP) - Attempts to freeze a target in time for 2+1d4 rounds. This target's aging and metabolism stop completely, and the target will exist permanently within the moment they were stopped. Therefore, they will not observe or have any knowledge of anything that happened after they were stopped, or even know they WERE stopped. If circumstances are dramatically different (the target was stopped indoors, then carried outdoors and left there), the target may realize what has happened, or at least realize that they were affected by a spell. A stopped character or monster cannot move or act, and suffers a -10/-10 helplessness AT/PA penalty. Casting a Haste spell on an affected target nullifies Stop.
- [Time Magic=10, Space Magic=3, Malediction=3]Temporal Wall (40 MP) - The caster creates a wall appearing to be a thin blue mist. When a creature passes through it, they suffer the effects of two cumulative Slow spells, as well as a Temporal Disjunction spell. Missiles, breath weapons, and spell effects (i.e. a fireball's spread) are slowed by the wall as well, and targets gain 3 to their PA rolls against a missile passing through the wall. The wall may be formed in any shape, but cannot occupy a space greater than ten square feet per rank.
- [Time Magic=10]Delay Damage (20 MP) - Damage directed at the caster is not all immediately inflicted; instead, half (rounded down) of any damage dealt is 'put off until later.' Delayed damage can still be healed, but only after all wounds that already exist have been treated. The spell lasts 1d10 rounds (the caster is unaware of the result of the roll), after which all the delayed damage is applied at once.
- [Time Magic=14]Metabolic Destruction (36 MP) - This spell deals damage by increasing a target's metabolism to insane rates. The restult is that the target burns energy/ages extremely quickly for a short duration, leaving them feeling very spent, like the after-effect of a Haste spell, but on a higher level. This attack deals 16+rank*6+2d6 points of direct damage and 2+1d4 points of temporary STA damage. For each point of STA lost, a creature loses 5 HP. A creature with less than -5 STA is unconscious, and a creature with less than -10 STA is dead. This STA is recovered after sleeping or resting for a few hours.
- [Time Magic=16]Null-time Sphere (100 MP) - The caster seals himself in a small bubble (radius 5') whose contents are 'outside time' for a subjective time period of ten rounds per level of the caster. This buys the caster time to drink healing potions, allow a harmful spell effect to wear off, et cetera. Anything within the 'bubble' can interact with the caster or any other contents of the bubble as normal, but if it leaves the area of the spell, it is immediately frozen in time for the remainder of the duration. Spells cast towards a target outside the bubble while the caster is inside the bubble automatically fail due to temporal asynchronicity. If the caster leaves the spell effect (which cannot be moved from the point at which it was cast), then the effect immediately is dispelled.
- [Space=2]Gravity Well (7 MP) - Creates a gravity well over a 4-hex radius. Anyone within the well must succeed in a strength check vs. the casting power in order to resist the effects. Those who fail to resist receive a -3/-3 penalty to AT/PA, and movement is cut in half. Flying creatures who fail to save are grounded by this spell.
- [Space=4] Aquatic Motion (11 MP) - This spell displaces water molecules around the target, allowing them to move freely in water, as if it was not there. Note that buoyancy is completely eliminated for one who has received this spell. This makes it possible to cause aquatic creatures to sink, or to prevent someone from being able to swim.
- [Space=6] Velocity Dampener (16 MP) - Decreases velocity, thus halving the accuracy and damage of all projectile weapons within the area of effect (3 hex radius)
- [Space=7] Crush (20 MP) - This spell creates a gravitational point within a creature, collapsing its body. Those able to be hurt by this method take 20+rank*5+2d6 damage, as well as possible other forms of damage from collapsed organs. Only affects living creatures, in terms of damage, though it can cause constructs and the like to crumple (dealing half damage).
- [Space=8] Velocity amplifier (28 MP) - Increases velocity, doubling the accuracy and damage of all projectile weapons within the area of effect (3 hex radius)
- [Space=8] Forced Levitation (14 MP) - May force one target who fails a save to be pushed within a direction for a distance of rank*3 feet. Damage for ramming a target into a wall is equal to half fall damage for the same distance.
- [Space=8] Levitation (12 MP) - Pushes the caster in a single direction, at high speed, with directed gravitational force for a distance of rank*3 feet. One cannot change directions without recasting the spell. Useful for escaping from pits, propelling one's self across chasms, or even using your own body as a projectile.
- [Space=10] Hover (10 MP) - Allows one to hover above a few feet above the ground for rank/2 rounds. All realistic bonuses and penalties apply. Note that, since the caster is no longer touching any solid object (with their feet), they must propel themselves using other spells or by pushing off another solid object they can reach. This can be VERY inconvenient in combat, depending on the situation!
- [Space=14] Crusher Well (42 MP) - Creates a powerful gravity well within an area of a 3-hex radius, crushing enemies within it. Enemies under the effect suffer 12+rank*4+2d6 damage, and a -6/-6 AT/PA penalty. Enemies who succeed at a strength check take half damage.
- [Space=18] Velocity Shield (50 MP) - Creates an invisible shield that blocks missile attacks directed at the recipient. This shield lasts for 1d6 rounds.
- [Space=24] Hyper Crush (120 MP) - Creates a high gravitational point within a creature, collapsing and crushing its body. The creature receives 22+rank*10+3d6 damage, and creatures of medium size or smaller must make a STR check versus the caster's base MAttack or get instantly killed.
- [Space=24] Limited Reversal (100 MP) - Reverses gravity for one target for a duration of up to 4 hours, letting them "fall" for a distance up to 30 feet in height. Falling damage is applied, as is added damage if the "Gravity Well", "Crusher Well", or "Hyper Well" spells are used in conjunction. Creatures that "fall" this way are likely to be levitating in the air, or stuck up on the ceiling, for a good while!
- [Space=24] Velocity Mirror (80 MP) - Creates a form of barrier around of the caster that reflects missile attacks directed at the recipient of the spell. The projectile does not change velocity, just merely does a full 180 turn. The attacker takes full damage from his own attack (if he fails to dodge).
- [Space=26] Hyper Well (164 MP) - Creates an exceptionally strong gravity well within an area of a 3 hex radius. All those who are affected by it take 29+rank*13+3d6 damage, and creatures of medium size or smaller must make a STR check versus the caster's base MAttack or be instantly crushed to death.
- [Space=31] Full Reversal (200 MP) - Reverses gravity within an area of a 3 hex radius. All within the field "fall" for a distance up to 40 feet in height. Falling damage and the rest apply. Alternatively, one could make ONE creature fall upwards infinitely, thus killing it regardless (if outdoors).
Illusion Magic
There are multiple uses for illusionary magic. Users of this particular type of magic tend to learn to be creative in its applications, but there are some standard "tricks" that are, traditionally, taught. Each type of illusion has a variety of possible noncombat applications, while some have a set of combat uses, as well.
There are three dimensions to illusions, sight (visual), sound (audial), and taste-smell (chemical). Note that the illusion of taste is controlled indirectly and imperfectly via the control of smell.
Casters learn to control the visual dimension first (rank 1), the audial dimension second (rank 3), and the chemical dimension last (rank 5). They can only control one dimension at a time up until rank 5, where they can control 2 dimensions. At rank 8, they can control all three dimensions at once. Control of textual illusions (touch) can only be mastered with dual proficiency in both Illusion Magic and Mental Magic.
Before and including rank 3, a caster of an illusion suffers a (-2) PA penalty whenever they are upholding an illusion, and cannot take action. From ranks 4-11, a caster can only parry and use simple physical attacks, so long as they are sustaining an illusion. From rank 12 and beyond, it becomes possible for a caster to sustain illusions, single or multiple, and still take normal actions in combat. This can be limited at the GM's (and RPer's) discretion. All illusions can be discontinued at any time without costing a turn in combat.
Where applicable, illusions can be sustained for a number of turns in combat equal to the caster's skill rank, or rank*5 minutes in noncombat situations. There is no other cap on how long illusions can be sustained.
Success with illusions is determined as it is with other magic, with the exception that creatures with very high INT or knowledge of illusions themselves may simply ignore or recognize that they are being decieved. A spellcaster recieves a penalty if he or she cannot clearly visualize the attempted illusory smell, taste, sight, or sound themself.
- [Illusion=1]Distraction (5 MP) - The simplest of all illusion spells, this creates a very basic, single dimension illusion (which can be any dimension the caster has access to). This may be used to fool observers or targets as desired, and the actual effects should be left up to common sense.
- [Illusion=3]Disguise (8 MP) - This illusion allows the caster or a target to take the appearance of any object which the caster is familiar with and can imagine clearly. However, the target is NOT transformed into the object in actuality, and a physical inspection (touching the target) will make this obvious.
- [Illusion=4]Invisibility (10 MP) - This spell makes the target invisible by bending light around him or her. Invisible targets still project themselves astrally, so this ability will not fool mages scanning the astral plane or reading auras. Invisible targets recieve a +10 bonus to attack any foe who is unaware of their presence. This spell lasts for a duration of rank*4 minutes out of combat, or rank rounds in combat. Taking an action, such as attacking, breaks this spell early.
- [Illusion=4]Smother Sound (8 MP) - This spell creates the "illusion" of silence, preventing all sound.
- [Illusion=5]Improved Distraction (8 MP) - A more complex illusion spell, this spell can create an illusion with up to two dimensions, as well as an illusion of greater complexity.
- [Illusion=6]Mimic (10 MP) - This spell enables the caster to create an illusion which makes them resemble someone else. The caster can make themselves to appear to be anyone or look however they so desire, so long as they can clearly imagine it.
- [Illusion=8]Expert Distraction (10 MP) - A still more complex illusion spell, this spell can create an illusion with all three basic dimensions (excluding textual or touch).
- [Illusion=10]Confusion (10 MP) - This spell creates an illusion which makes it seem as though an inanimate object smells like something else, or fools others into thinking an inanimate object is talking. The caster can also use this spell to "throw" his or her voice.
- [Illusion=14]Bamboozle (20 MP) - This spell creates an illusion which utterly WARPS reality for all targets who fail to disbelieve the illusion (an INT*3+d20+mag resist bonuses check vs. the caster's skill). Targets affected may experience extreme nausea, sickness, disorientation, fear, etc. Horribly disoriented targets suffer penalties of up to -6/-6. Using this spell, it is entirely possible to completely alter a target's perception of existence.
Some examples of effects that could be caused by illusions: The sound of a marching band, nearby or distant as needed. The illusion of a panther demon, which leaps at the target in an attempt to startle it and cause it to flee or freeze in terror. Disorienting arrays of colors or scents meant to induce mild discomfort or nausea. Disguising one's self as a different race or as a soldier to sneak into an encampment. Startling or distracting an opponent during combat.
Psionicists are individuals who - by merit of strong wills, intense mental training and meditation - are able to alter the very cloth of creation to suit them. To do so they let their minds run free to traverse the threads of mana that course throughout the land, and - in effect - pull, tug, and knot them to create the desired effect. All mages will tell you that in order for them to cast spells, they must first learn to manipulate the mana flow throughout the land. What they probably won?t tell you - in fact, they may not know it themselves - is that these flows or threads of mana create a weave of magic that permeates all of Gaera. It is this weave that the Psionicist manipulates, bending it to his will.
A Psionicist can use this talent to create many effects, and the things he can create are potentially limitless. The only thing to restrict the Psionicist are his experience in the field and the bounds of his creativity, though presumably there is an upper limit to the amount of change the Psionicist can bring about in the world at any one time. While every Psionicist has his own individual trademark psionics, over time a number of Psionicists have recorded the meditations, mindsets, and thoughts required in order to recreate some of their personal psionics. These records have since found their way into the recesses of libraries across the world, and a few copies have been made - thus making these psionics reasonably public knowledge. There is no single volume that contains all of these psionics, though it can only be a matter of time.
Psionics, unlike other spells, do not require the caster to move or speak to cast them. However, they are STILL CONSIDERED MAGIC, and if a psionicist is unable to mentally focus for some reason, they cannot use their abilities. Psionics is split into two skills: Telepathy <Int/Wis/Mag> and Psychokinesis <Int/Wis/Mag>. Psionicists are capable of casting any spells from the Fire, Ice, and Lightning magic schools, but they must take the skills Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, or Dynamokinesis to do so (obviously). All three skills are nearly identical to the skills Fire Magic, Ice Magic, and Lightning Magic, and have the same bases as all magical skills--<Int/Wis/Mag>. (A note from Kai: I'm going to revise these requirements. Rest easy, for the sake of balance psionics will always work exactly the way magic does. Same limitations, same costs.)
- [Telepathy=1]Telepathy (0 MP out of combat, 2 MP in combat) - Allows the user to speak telepathically "out loud." Anyone may hear this, unless it is directed at a target recipient.
- [Telepathy=2]Guarded Telepathy (0 MP out of combat, 2 MP in combat) - Forces any prying minds to overcome the user's abilities in order to listen in on a telepathic conversation. In order to listen in, the listener must make a Telepathy skill check roll vs. the Telepathy skill check roll of the original telepath.
- [Telepathy=2]Nightmare (4 MP) - Caster can cause a sleeping target to have terrifying dreams. These can be specific dreams of the caster's choosing, or the caster can choose to simply introduce terror into the dreamscape and let the dreamer's mind do the rest. The next day, the target is exhausted and takes a -1 to all checks.
- [Malediction=3, Mental Magic=2]Fear (8 MP) - Lowers a target's courage by 2 points for 1d4 rounds.
- [Telepathy=3]Pacify (9MP) - Counters Berserk and Fear effects, and calms sentient creatures for rank rounds.
- [Telepathy=4]Confusion (12 MP) - Confuses the target, causing them to do one of three things: be dazed and unable to act for 1d4 rounds, attack allies and enemies randomly, or flee from combat.
- [Telepathy=4]Breach Mind (12 MP) - The Psionicist can read a person's mind, or 'listen' to relayed thoughts, if they fail a spell resist check or a Telepathy check (use whichever check is greater).
- [Telepathy=4]Guard Thoughts (8 MP) - Helps prevent outside listeners from breaking in on telepathic conversation, providing extra "shielding" (a bonus to all Telepathy checks to prevent intruders) equal to rank+2.
- [Benediction=1, Telepathy=4]Empathy (8 MP) The caster can use this spell to create an emotional connection between herself (or another person) and one other person. As a result of this, she receives a bonus of (benediction rank) to sense motive and diplomacy checks, and a penalty of (benediction rank/2) to bluff checks.
- [Telepathy=4]Hypnosis (12 MP) - Forces a target to perform a simple command (no more than a sentence). Affected targets will not take any action that would be obviously self-harming, and any attempt to convince a target to do harm to an ally is at -6. The spell's duration is at most one minute; any commands that would take longer than one minute to complete are aborted when the spell expires.
- [Telepathy=5]Pain (10 MP) - Implants the thought of something painful into a target's mind, who actually thinks they are experiencing this sensation. This can be used to distract or disorient, or for torture purposes. Duration of rank rounds.
- [Telepathy=5]Presence (10 MP) - Target becomes the center of attention for rank*4 minutes. All creatures with whom the target has social contact (for good or ill) immediately pay attention to the target to the exclusion of other entities. The target's CHA is doubled for the duration of the spell, whether he normally has a bonus or a penalty.
- [Telepathy=5]Sense Link (10/5 MP) - Caster can cause the target to experience the sensory input of another person to whatever degree the caster chooses. Casting this on an unwilling target costs more MP.
- [Telepathy=6]Drunkenness (8 MP) - Makes the victim temporarily intoxicated for rank*2 minutes. Victim receives bonus of rank/2 to his COU, and a penalty of rank/2 to INT and CHA. This effect does not leave a hangover.
- [Telepathy=6, Illusion=1]Somebody Else's Problem Field (14 MP) - Cast on a person or object, an observer's mind is repelled by the target. People are often simply overlooked. Objects remain unnoticed. Entities within the field will be perceived by an outside observer as "Somebody Else's Problem", and will therefore be effectively invisible unless the observer is specifically looking for the entity. Duration on an object is rank hours or until dismissed. A person is affected for rank*2 minutes or until the SEP Field is dismissed.
- [Telepathy=6]Mind Lash (16 MP) - Uses a forced telepathic link to attack a single opponent, driving their mind into disorder and chaos. Deals 10+rank*5+2d6.
- [Telepathy=7]Synesthesia (10 MP) - The caster can cause a target to experience stimuli to one sense... with another sense. Caster must choose the senses to be transposed. The target can taste colors, smell music, or hear textures. Duration is rank hours.
- [Telepathy=8]Foolishness (18 MP) - Lowers a target's INT by rank for rank rounds. This affects all tests of skill.
- [Telepathy=8]Forgetfulness (18 MP) - Causes the subject to forget one fact, skill, or spell temporarily. Target skill cannot be used for rank/2 hours.
- [Telepathy=10]Mind Wipe (22 MP) - As "Forgetfulness" but permanent. The subject also forgets he ever knew that thing or that he was enchanted. Another mage with this spell can restore lost information by recasting it and winning a contest of MATK with the original caster.
- [Telepathy=10]Charm (20 MP) - The Psionicist implants a command into the target's mind, and may suggest that the target is something other than what they are, that they believe something other than what they believe, etc. This command may be nearly anything, and may consist of roughly a sentence of instruction or so (no more than 20 words). Duration: rank*2 days.
- [Telepathy=12]False Memory (30 MP) - Allows caster to insert a single, simple false memory into the subject's mind. This spell is usable for everything from covering up a crime to avoiding tax collectors, and is therefore generally not legal to use. If the memory conflicts with an existing one, the subject's mind will usually fit the new one in anyway, leaving him forced to rationalize it until it makes sense. In cases of extreme direct conflict with existing memories, effects are per GM discretion.
- [Telepathy=16]Greater Charm (45 MP) - Takes total control of a mind which fails to resist for a duration of up to 8 hours. The charmed victim must obey any and all commands give by their new "master."
- [Psychokinesis=1]Kinetic Bolt (4 MP) - The Psionicist projects a burst of mental force, which deals 6+rank+1d6 damage.
- [Psychokinesis=2]Empathic Shield (6MP) - Target receives a rank+2 bonus against all mind affecting spells/psionics (Berserk, Pacification, etc) for rank hours.
- [Psychokinesis=4]Kinetic Shield (10 MP) - Boosts damage reduction, adding 3*rank AC to any target for 1d6 rounds.
- [Psychokinesis=4]Telekinesis (16 MP) - By focusing on an object or area, the Psionicist can lift up to rank*20 pounds of weight, forcing the amount of matter to move as he chooses. The average human, decked out with equipment, weights 160 lbs. If the target is forcefully thrown into a wall, the damage dealt is half falling damage. This skill can also be used to attack with telekinetic "punches"--for these, calculate punching damage as though the user's strength were their Psychokinesis rank. '(A note from Kai: This is too limiting. I'm going to rework it.)'
- [Psychokinesis=4] Stun (10 MP) - Freezes target, making them unable to move or speak for 1d4 rounds.
Noncombat Magic
These are spells, which can be from any school, that tend to be useless in a combat situation. While they MIGHT have combat applications (for example, you wouldn't want to fight in the dark without casting a light spell), they are referred to as non-combat because they typically do not deal direct damage in any way.
Souls are very similar to astral projections, and several mages have thought of them as the same. But astral magic deals more with the nitty gritty "data crunching" elements of these beings, whereas Soul mages are etheric behaviorists: It's not entirely important precisely how these things work so long as they can be influenced, even if on a general level. Accordingly, these spells are often pretty general in nature, rarely confering a pinpointedly specific outcome.
Souls reflect a great many things: personal expression, interpersonal interactions, secrets, sympathies. And so:
- [Soul Magic = 1]Artist's Depth ([rank] x 6 MP) Artists put their soul into their work, and it shows. Soul mages can also put their souls into their work, and they don't have to get all angsty about it. A work produced by a soul mage under this effect comes out with quality equal to their Soul Magic roll for the spell as though they had used that value for an Artistry check. This is not absolute value: the soul mage's technique is not improved. But that certain je ne sais quois is captured in the feeling that observers receive from the piece.
- [Soul Magic = 2]Vocal Alteration (10 MP) - The voice is a reflection of the soul, and the target of this spell has their voice suitably altered to the user's preference, within the target's species's normal range. This lasts d6+rank minutes, and does confer a MBLK roll to an unwilling target. If the user wants the target to have a specific person's voice, the user can make an intu/wis/wis roll, modified as appropriate for the user's familiarity with the person whose voice he wants to imitate.
- [Soul Magic = 3, Water Magic = 1]Cool Down (12 MP) - Target becomes more dispassionate. Cool Down could make someone who's rabble-rousing reconsider the seriousness of their actions, but not to dissuade them entirely. If cast on someone just going about their daily routine, they get lazier about it. This effect lasts until the a sort of break in the action or routine--or to steal White Wolf terminology, one 'scene.' If a scene is quite long, then no more than one hour.
- [Soul Magic = 3, Fire Magic = 1]Kindle (12 MP) - Target becomes more impassioned. See Cool Down for magnitude reference.
- [Soul Magic = 4]Good Old Whatshisname (18 MP) - The target acts as though he knows the caster as an old, friendly acquaintance. A merchant might allow the caster to buy something not normally sold, or someone chasing after the character for a bounty might accept a bribe in exchange for turning a blind eye. This spell has no effect on people who actually know the user.
- [Soul Magic = 5]Charge (50 MP) - Target gains a much greater rate of MP regeneration, such that normal MP regeneration is replaced for (rank)d6 + 50 minutes by a gain of 1 MP per minute. This effect cannot be used more than once at a time.
- [Soul Magic = 6, or Soul Magic = 4 + Benediction = 1]Common Knowledge (X MP) - Souls bear imprints of their owners' experiences, and one's training and practice can temporarily be drawn upon by another soul via a temporary link. The caster uses one skill belonging to the target for [rank] rounds, at rank [rank] or the target's own rank in that skill, whichever is lower. The caster must pay 4 MP per skill point to use in this way--the caster also has the option of spending less MP on the spell, but that means the skill level gained will be lowered appropriately so that it costs 4 MP per point. Spell skills cannot be drawn by this spell.
- [Soul Magic = 9, or Telepathy = 9]Local Lore (30 MP) - The caster gets an impression of strong emotions that occurred in the area in which the spell is cast. If an area had been taken over horribly by some sort of savage army, the most likely reading the caster would get would be something along the lines of "Pain and horror." Multiple castings of this spell can delve further back in time to pull multiple impressions--if this same area had been a popular romantic tourist spot before it was taken over, it would take a second casting to sense this.
- [Soul Magic = 10]Guilty Conscience (25 or 50 MP)- Everyone has a skeleton in their closet, and these secrets can weigh on a person's soul for a very long time. This spell frees it, compelling the person to yell out to the world their most shocking secret in defiant, semi-articulate terms. "Yeah, I put my life on the line for forbidden magical secrets the church hides from people! You got a problem with that?!" A critical failure on the spellcasting roll, or a critpass on the opposing MBLK roll, might trigger a reversal upon the caster at the GM's discretion. For double the MP, the caster is able to pick what secret the target spills. But of course he or she must know (or strongly suspect) what the secret is beforehand. But if he or she guesses wrong, then the spell goes off as its normal variety.
- [Soul Magic = 10]Strip the Mask (40 MP) - Removing the soul's inhibitions can do powerful things. The target behaves for the next [rank]/4 minutes as their true self, acting how they really wish and becoming incapable of deception regarding their true self. Incidentally, this can be used to expose extraplanar or supernatural beings. Normal folks are more likely to just damage the crap out of their reputation.
- [Soul Magic = 13]Mind and Mouth go North and South (50 MP) - The caster binds their will to the target's soul in place of the target's own will. While this is not strong enough to confer control of the target's body to the caster, the target becomes unable to lie for [rank] x 10 seconds or until the effect is dispelled by the caster--until then, they must tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Even half-truths and simply withholding speech are beyond the target's ability once this spell has succeeded.
Motion Magic
The magic of locations, the relationship between points A and B--and most frequently, travel between the two. Teleportations fit under here, as do various nonconventional modes of ambulation.
- [Motion magic=4]Dimension door (10 MP) - Short-range teleport. Line of sight only, with a range of [rank] x 10 feet.
- [Motion magic=4]Lateral Progression (20 MP) - The school's answer to wind magic's flight effects. The caster is able to propel himself horizontally at double his walking speed; the caster may also rise or fall at one fourth that rate. If this is not fast enough, the caster can willfully terminate the spell and fall at a much faster, albeit uncontrolled, rate. This effect confers upon the caster great agility and precision with his movements: one can turn at extraordinarily sharp angles, or utterly stop and start with negligible acceleration time from zero to proverbial sixty. This spell lasts [rank] x 2 rounds.
- [Motion magic=4, air=6]True Freedom (20 MP) - Another flight spell, this one gets you the motion speed and vertical freedom of Flight (see Wind magic) while allowing the precision of Lateral Progression (see above). At the caster's option on a case by case basis, he may use the wind to his advantage or ignore it utterly with regards to his travel speed. This spell lasts [rank] x 2 rounds, with Air and Motion magic scores combined for this calculation.
- [Motion magic=8]Ranged teleport (30 MP) - Caster can teleport up to 2^(rank-8) miles (yes, that is an exponent), at a minimum of one mile at rank 8. To bring other humanoids, the caster must pay 2 TP per guest in addition to the MP cost of the spell.
- [Fire=1]Warmth (6 MP) - Allows the user to stay warm for up to (rank/2) hours. This spell functions between 60 and -20 degrees Fahrenheit, making the caster feel like it is 70 degrees, -10 for every 10 degrees below the limit, rounded up. This spell provides comfort in natural cold only.
- [Fire=2]Glow (3 MP) - Causes the caster to glow for rank hours, unless they will the effect to stop beforehand, providing illumination equivalent to the average torch.
- [Fire=2]Cauterize (3 MP) - This spell utilizes focused heat to sear and seal open wounds, preventing further blood loss and sterilizing injuries that might otherwise become further complicated. This spell cures 1 point of damage from alleviating surface wounds, and stabilizes a target if bleeding. This spell may not be used in combat.
- [Air=1]Gas Breathing (8 MP) - Allows the caster to breathe any gas for (rank*10) minutes. This does not prevent any effects the gas may have besides hypoxia, such as chlorine.
- [Air=4]Liquid Breathing (10 MP) - Allows the caster to breathe any liquid for (rank*3) minutes. This does not prevent any effects the liquid may have besides hypoxia, such as acid.
- [Air=6]Air Sprint (15 MP) This spell allows the caster to fly at double their running speed for (rank*2) rounds. This can have some combat applications, but the caster may be at a significant disadvantage without a relevant skill for three-dimensional combat.
- [Air=6]Solid Breathing (12 MP) - Allows the caster to breathe any solid for (rank*1.5) minutes. This does not prevent any effects the solid may have besides hypoxia, such as glass shards.
- [Air=12]Extended Flight (14 MP) - This spell allows the caster to fly at double their running speed for up to (rank-8) hours. This can have some combat applications, but is more often used for travel.
- [Earth=4]Stonecraft (10 MP) - Allows the caster to make a small statuette from a single type of material. This figurine is created by changing the material, not carving, so it may be larger then the caster expects. Rank determines level of apparent skill, GM's discretion.
- [Ice=1]Chill (6 MP) - Allows the user to stay cold for up to (rank/2) hours. This spell functions between 70 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit, making the caster feel like it is 70 degrees, +10 for every 10 degrees above the limit, rounded up. This spell provides comfort in natural heat only.
- [Ice=3]Freeze (5 MP) - The caster causes a small (Rank/2 gallons) amount of non-solid matter to freeze within the caster's line of sight. (Non-opaque containers still count as within line of sight.) The freezing point of the substance cannot be lower than -20. Thus, some liquids and most gases will not be affected by this spell.
- [Lightning=1]Static Charge (4 MP) - Sends a pulse of static electricity through the nearest object. This is usually not exceptionally painful, if used on a human ("ouch, you zapped me!"), but as the pulse is magically exaggerated, it causes every hair on their body to stand up perfectly straight--which can be somewhat embarrassing in certain situations.
- [Lightning=3]Jumpstart (5 MP) - Sends a small surge of electrical energy through a device. This is usually used to start machines. Anyone touching a conductive material the energy passes through (including the caster) suffers 5 HP of damage. Very few casters are likely to know this spell.
- [Water=1]Clean (4 MP) - Cleans an object the caster is in contact with. Objects affected by this spell appear as if dunked in a vat of water for a minute or so, and dried until the water was gone. Thus, some materials may not be very well cleaned by this, and others may be damaged. Objects on fire are not affected.
- [Water=4]Water Breathing (10 MP) - Allows the caster to breathe water for (rank*3) minutes.
- [Water=6]Rainstorm (15 MP) - Creates a rainstorm around the caster for about 500 yards. There must already be sufficient clouds (about 20% coverage) in the sky for this spell to work--the caster is merely encouraging nature. '(A note from Kai: Considering adding this to the Druid magic category. Being weather-control and all.)'
- [Time=1]Time Sense (5 MP) - Tells the caster the day and time in his own calendar. This spell is only as accurate as the average timekeeping device in the caster's culture.
- [Time=3]Minor Age (6 MP) - Ages an object about 1 hour. This spell is most useful for uses such as drying wet ink or paint, or possibly aging cheese!
General Element
- [Rank=1]Create Element (8 MP) - Summons no more than (rank / 3, rank if specialized in a single element) cu.ft. of any of the 4 elements into the casters hand or a container/torch/etc being held.
- [Holy=1]Consecrate (18 MP) - Make a piece of land (100 ft sq.) imbued with Holy energy for (rank*5) days. The enchanted area has all the effects of a piece of truly holy land until the spell wears off. It cannot be cast on an area enchanted with Desecrate unless the caster is at least 3 ranks higher than the caster of Desecrate. All undead and unholy creatures cannot pass through this area of land, and neither can other creatures of shadow, such as demons. Should they wish to do so, they must make a COU*3+d20 check vs. the caster's spellcasting check. If they succeed, they may pass through the area, but they suffer 100 points of damage as a result.
- [Shadow=1]Desecrate (18 MP) - Make a piece of land (100 ft sq.) imbued with Shadow energy for (rank*5) days. The enchanted area has all the effects of a piece of truly unholy land until the spell wears off. It cannot be cast on an area enchanted with Consecrate unless the caster is at least 3 ranks higher than the caster of Consecrate. All celestials and holy creatures cannot pass through this area of land. Should they wish to do so, they must make a COU*3+d20 check vs. the caster's spellcasting check. If they succeed, they may pass through the area, but they suffer 100 points of damage as a result.
A couple thank yous:
Most of the work compiling and putting together this spellbook was done by Archmage. Thanks to Nakibe for the Malediction spells, Rydia for Illusion magic, Divinegon for Healing magic, WillBaseton for some Time-Space inspiration, Namagomi for a bunch of Space stuff, Idran for non-combat skills, Blaze and Darkwolf for a bunch of Psionics related stuff, and Jak for coming up with this whole thing to begin with! Or starting it, anyway. Priam is also thanking himself for adding in the entirety of Motion and Soul magic spells, and for making the damage spells look easier to read.
Kai is thanking herself for deciding to reformat this page.
Thanks, Kai! -- Dia