Operation Starblade: Bloody Elves!
Operation Starblade: Bloody Elves!
- gamemaster: MechanistoX
- forum: RP Boot Camp, Role Playing and GMing Practice
- setting: Enochus three
[hide]Relevant Characters
- Somerset Martinez, the Dread Mariachi (UnclePervy)
- Robert "Lil' Rob" Kliyy, III
- Van Herman (Kelne)
- Jeremy I.Z.G.A.F.T.H.E.C.R.U.V Winsor (The Great Nevareh)
- Virgil Bonedigger
- Wallace (barkeep)
- Stupid
- Bacardi, or "Backy"
- Cecil (god and Van Herman's semi-regular 'employer')
- Aldler
NOTE: This RP did not finish. Also, the Great ezFluke of June 2005 ate it before a full transcript was saved.
The entire Enochus system has been placed under "complete trans-light lockdown and quarantine, effective immediately" by the local elves of the galaxy. Virgil Bonedigger gets to deliver this delightful news to the assembled thugs and thuggettes gathered and growing increasingly restless in the mercenary barracks and trade route pit stop he runs on the less-than-pleasant Enochus three.
Through a small act of the gods, Bonedigger manages to convince the folks on base to keep some semblance of order; converting the larger number of mess halls into bars like might or might not have helped in this endeavor. Here in one of these bars we are introduced to Somerset Martinez, Lil' Rob, and Van Herman.
Somerset Martinez, Stylish Bandito and Dread Mariachi, finds himself mistreated by the barkeep and served some manner of foul liquid instead of his requested sangría. Rob also notices this, but is far more interested in the barkeep's shoulder pet--some sort of monkey-gecko thing--which looks terribly mistreated and unhealthy. Somerset goes looking for some connections and finds a woman with the self-styled name Baccardi; when Rob tries to learn more about the poor "Stupid," as he finds out the creature's name is, the barkeep directs Rob to "Backy," and walks over to where Somerset and Baccardi are after a short interval.
Van Herman, meanwhile, having been enjoying respite from his normal employer, is looking for some work to put some money into his pocket. He pauses to chat with some of the base staff, who suggests that he go talk to a pretty, hazel-haired lady at the bar. Van turns around, about to do just this, when a curious sense of vertigo or déjà vu convinces him to look back at the booth the staff had been occupying; it's frame and window are damaged and a sign declares it to be 'out of order.' Most notably, no one is inside. Van realizes that his respite from cultist work is obviously over, and heads over to where Baccardi, Somerset, and Rob have gathered.
Baccardi, meanwhile, seems rather surprised at all this, and a bit annoyed--as she says, in the course of two minutes, she's had three volunteers for "the garbage run," yet previously no takers. She doesn't seem to be turning the group away, though, and in fact leads them to the emergency planning and procedures room.
Here she introduces the team to a man named Aldler. After handing data-pads out to the party, she tells the party she can be found at the back of the room and takes off.
Aldler explains the garbage run that the party is to be recruited for; it is a routine procedure, really, if dangerous, requiring a number of small, skilled groups. He declared the Somerset-Rob-Van group to be their own independent task force, suggesting that they introduce themselves to each other elsewhere. Transportation and basic supplies could be found in drive bay eight, otherwise, it was up to the group to purchase and bring along extras--toys, mercenaries, or whatever else they might like. Aldler reminds the group of the two important rules to follow for the work they are to two: one, don't ruin the goods, and two, don’t agitate the elves into attacking Enochus three.
Rob, not much listening to Aldler, promptly asks about any critters the group might run into as soon as the man stops talking. He is advised to bring an item called Rad-away, and when Somerset requests that the group be provided with such, Aldler informs them that they already are--but it never hurts to have more. Somerset inquires about laws, Van Herman stays quiet, and then Aldler gives the group a receipt with which to pick up their supplies.
An attendant leads the three to a vehicle bay containing an impressive amount of junk, letting the group know where their vehicle is and that the mechanic is...somewhere. He is largely ignored as the group acquaint themselves with each other and investigate the bay. Van finds and picks up a small, locked safe, which bears the insignia of the now-defunct arms contractor Typhranemer Industries, whose products he has previously made use of.
The group locates its vehicle. Somerset finds that it is not nearly fine enough for his person and indicates to the attendant that the group will require one of the more luxurious vehicles in the bay. The attendant dutifully replies that the group may choose any vehicle they wish and that the estimated cost of the assigned vehicle will be subtracted from the vehicle they choose to go with. Van objects that there is nothing wrong with the vehicle with which they've been supplied, not mentioning that he is nagged with a sense of familiarity near the thing, and not wanting to waste money on friviolity. A young stranger then interrupts that there are, in fact, many things wrong with the vehicle, from the fuselage to the exhaust system.
Rob is convinced that the vehicle he is inspecting, the Awesome Dog Fourteen, is the best of the vehicles available, and is interested in the others giving it a look; at the least, the newcomer who has butted his way into the conversations--Jeremy--has begun to do just that. Rob notes that the Dog is very small, with not quite the comfort of the space and armor of the assigned vehicle, and would be very cramped, requiring wise use of the cargo space--it's a good thing they weren't taking a fourth member, right! He sees Jeremy for the first time, and asks his opinion about the Dog, giving the 15-year-old a hearty slap on the back which sends the kid tumbling into the ship.
Somerset, meanwhile, has made his way over to the supply officer in order to arrange for a superior vehicle. He finds that his desired ship is unavailable, and chooses instead the vehicle that the others are clustered about. He charges the extra fees to his bank account which is filed under a false name, showing a falsified ID for Luis Sanchez.
Jeremy, somewhat reluctantly, admits that the Dog would be 'his pick of the litter,' adding that the ship 'feels fortunate.' He looks around the ship, finding a neural-friendly jack (and a holo-cube enabled stereo system, score!).
(I seem to recall from here, Jeremy got conscripted into the team after attracting security's attention through mind-hacking into the ship. Then the ezFluke ate the Bootcamp.)