Operation Starblade: Bloody Elves!

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IN THE WORKS (ha ha internets)

Operation Starblade: Bloody Elves!

  • Gamemaster: MechanistoX
  • Forum: RP Boot Camp, Role Playing and GMing Practice
  • Setting: Enochus three

Relevant Characters


  • Virgil Bonedigger
  • Wallace (barkeep)
  • Bacardi



The entire Enochus system has been placed under "complete trans-light lockdown and quarantine, effective immediately" by the local elves of the galaxy. Virgil Bonedigger gets to deliver this delightful news to the assembled thugs and thuggettes gathered and growing increasingly restless in the mercenary barracks and trade route pit stop he runs on the less-than-pleasant Enochus three.

Through a small act of the gods, Bonedigger manages to convince the folks on base to keep some semblance of order; converting the larger number of mess halls into bars like as not helped in this endeavor. Here in one of these bars we are introduced to Somerset Martinez, Lil' Rob, and Van Herman.

Somerset Martinez, Stylish Bandito and Dread Mariachi, finds himself mistreated by the barkeep and served some manner of foul liquid instead of his requested sangría. Rob also notices this, but is far more interested in the barkeep's shoulder pet--some sort of monkey-gecko thing--which looks terribly mistreated and unhealthy. Somerset goes looking for some connections and finds a woman with the self-styled name Baccardi; when Rob tries to learn more about the poor "Stupid," as he finds out the creature's name is, the barkeep directs Rob to "Backy," and walks over to where Somerset and Baccardi are after a short interval.

Van Herman, meanwhile, finding respite from his normal employer, is looking for some work to put some money into his pocket. After pausing to chat with