Talk:Nekoko Kitiwai

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old sheet = ganked by wayback, also

Nekoko is princess of Nekonia. A rambunctious child and sometimes uncontrollable, Nekoko did not find her way until she ran into a martial artist by the name of Ua Rang. Ua Rang taught her an ancient style of martial arts and turned her into a responsible princess. Despite this, Nekoko knows little of the outside world but is very book savvy.

name: Nekoko Kitiwai
age: 15
eyes: purple
hair: white and black
height: 5'4
weight: 120
RPer: Nekogami
Race: nekojin
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max MP: 0/0
Max TP: 20/20
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)
Cou: +3
Wis: +4
Int: +3
Cha: +2 (+1)
Agi: +4 (+0.5)
Dex: +1
Str: +2
Sta: +2
Mag: 0
Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill - 16/12
Modified for armor - 16/12
Body=Figher's Gi (AC 10), Arms=Wrist Bands (AC 2)
Head=Silver Circlet [boosts Mag Def]
Feet=Fighting Slippers [boosts Agi]
Tail=Tail Ring [boosts Cha]
Misc=Ribbons [boost Cha]
Weapon Damage - unarmed
Punching - 6-16
Kicking - 9-20


  • Barefisted/ Gloves - 4
  • Ambidexterity - 2
  • Combo - 2
  • Martial Skills - 3
  • Climbing - 4
  • Meditation - 3
  • Call Tonbo - 4
  • Cook - 1
  • Etiquette (nobility) - 4
  • Access - 4
  • [k]Survival - 2
  • [s]Balance - 4


  • Balance - Be steady! Raises success level of attacks
  • Access (1 TP) - Get into otherwise off limits areas. Success depends partially on charisma and etiquette ranks.
  • Cook (1 TP) - Makes delicious food that can revive/restore or cure certain status ailments. The better the ingredients used and time spent in preparation, the more powerful the effect.
  • Meditation (3 TP) - Cure status ailments/restore HP (self only). Effect varies with the amount of time spent in meditation.
  • Call Tonbo (3 TP) - Summons Tonbo to claw and scratch the holy pulp outta the enemy. Tonbo stays for {rank}/2 (rounded down) turns and attacks once per turn for [??] damage.
  • [Mar=1]Revenge (1 TP) - Counterattack opponent for half damage, successful with probability 5%*{rank}.
  • [Mar=2]Face Off (2 TP) - Lowers target's defense with a meaningful glare.
  • [Mar=3]Energy (x TP) - Manifest one's ki energy into a tangible attack, hits for {rank}*{courage}*{x/2}, rounded down to the nearest whole if necessary- no more than 10 TP can be expended at one time for this attack
  • (varying TP) - Rapidly attacks in succession for a special combo attack. [First attack will succeed/fail with normal probability, the second will succeed if a die roll procudes a 1-3, the fourth will succeed if a 1 or 2 is rolled, and the rest will succeed if a 1 is rolled. Maximum of 2*{rank} successive attacks.]