Talk:Temple of Ryuugami

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extracted from RP

The lights of the astral plane seemed slightly distorted, slightly muted, in a spot to her side. She turned to face the distortion, only to see it move again to her other side. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a couple of blurry auras, glimmering strongly, within the distortion. Turning to try to get a better view of them out of habit, she was irritated, if unsurprised, to have them dance out of sight once again. ¶ That was what she had been looking for, however. Slowly, she headed back toward her body in a straight line, pulled by the connection between her astral and physical body. Almost reluctantly, she settled her consciousness back within her body, dipping out of the astral plane and falling solidly onto the physical. ¶ ¶ ¶ Within short order, the group broke through the trees to a clearing. Trees towered over head, as if holding up the sky. They all leaned ever-so-slightly toward the center of the clearing, though, as if they were cultivated that way. A patch of bright sunlight fell upon the structure in the center of the clearing. ¶ It was a small temple built of grey stone. A few short steps led up to an entryway framed by two relief-decorated columns; two wingless dragons twisted around the columns, their faces carved to scrutinize all those passing through the columns. ¶ ¶ ¶ the building in front of the three children wasn't actually that large. Ancient trees surrounded the temple, leaning in toward it as if they were constructed that way. Almost all of the sky was blocked from view by tree branches, only a single bright blue patch over the center of the temple showing through. ¶ There were only a short few steps leading up to the entrance. One, two, three-four-five...Robert hopped up the steps. He inspected a large, pale grey column to his right -- there was some sort of strange, wingless dragon winding around it. The dragon's tail and hind end were at the top of the column, its head was staring at anyone approaching the temple's entrance. Idly, Robert thought that he'd never seen a dragon without wings before. I like wings better...I wonder why this dragon don't have wings? ¶ Upon entering, Robert found himself in a long hallway. It was completely darkened, but light was spilling into the hallway from the large doorway at the hallway's end. Hurrying down the sloping hall, he ran toward the lighted room. ¶ He stopped running, blinking his eyes as he entered the well-lit room. "Ayra! Dalma! Come Quick!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. The room he was in was huge. You could fit HUNDREDS of HUNDREDS of HUNDREDS of Dias in here! he thought, thinking of Dia's dragon form. Light and fresh air poured in from a windowless skylight above, a slight pearly film over the hole, suggesting that some enchantment was in place...not that Robert noticed. He was instead staring at all the trees and plants --some familiar, more of them exotic-- that grew along the edges of the room. Robert spotted ledges in the stone walls so high up it made him dizzy to think about them. He looked around more, wondering how long it would take for him to actually walk across the room...¶ At the last moment, the dragon righted itself in its descent and snapped it's wings open, landing neatly and sending a gush of wind to ruffle the three children's hairs and clothes. It tucked its wings in close to its body and sauntered over to the children, sniffing them gently, each in turn. ¶ The dragon's eyes were a friendly, earthen brown color, and they inspected each of the three children individually. Up close, the three children could see that some of the small scales around the dragon's muzzle and eyes were greyish-white, contrasting sharply with the emerald green of the rest of the dragon. It lowered its head to the floor, rumbling faintly, a sound Robert and Ayra, at least, might have recognized as dragonic laughter. Keeping its head lowered, the dragon addressed the group telepathically, its voice friendly and slightly amused: 'Greetings to you three travelers. How can the high priestess of Ryuugami serve you?' ¶ five times bigger than Dia! / The kitchen is a bit away, however... ¶ As soon as the three children climbed onto her back, Ma'neechamahn twisted her head around to inspect and make sure they were on solidly, before beginning to walk across the giant room. She started moving slowly, but gradually sped up until she was trotting, heading towards the left side of the room and stopping by a small, human sized door. ¶ Her form began to glow a vibrant green --much like the color on Dalma's face paint-- and then began to shrink to the size of a normal adult human. As the glow faded away, an elderly elven woman stood before the children, in simple brown robes. She smiled at the three, before heading through the door. Robert and the others followed after her, to find that the door led to a hallway, which in turn led to a kitchen. There were other doors along the way, and he might have wondered what they were...if he wasn't so hungry. ¶ He sneezed, sending some dust flying. It looked like no one had been in the room for ages.

--Dia 20:08, 15 February 2007 (PST)