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Revision as of 17:56, 9 February 2007 by Pdrydia (Talk | contribs)

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  • Name: Lars
  • RPer: Uncle Pervy
  • Sex: Male
  • Rank: What Rank?
  • Age: Been around as long as anyone can remember.
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 150 lbs.
  • Weapon: What does a bum need with weapons?
  • Armor: Armor? He needs a meal!
  • Description: Lars is a man who's been down on his luck as long as anyone can remember, and at least partially out of his gourd. Tall and lanky, Lars might well have been somewhat decent-looking, if he did not bear several rather nasty burn scars around his face and chest. No one knows quite how he got that way, but there are stories going around. He's been around as long as anyone can remember, another faceless bum who happened to become noticeable when he lost a good deal of his face.

    Aside from being disfigured, Lars also has a tendency to act in odd manners. He is prone to talking to himself about nothing in particular. When nervous, he suffers from spasmodic twitches and talks in circles. In particular, Lars is known to be extremely uncomfortable around priests and law enforcement. Some say this is proof he is guilty of some horrible crime; a source of endless gossip; while others claim it may well have been a Priest of Krad behind his disfigurement. Lars is also known for having a fanatical hatred of cats, often throwing things at them on sight. He is known to have strangled an alley cat with his bare hands once, while shouting incoherently, and to have attacked a banner with a festival caricature of a feline on it.

    Normally, Lars is a peaceful, if odd, sort. However, his presence and oddities tend to make many people fearful that he will snap one day. However, apparently enough people also pity him enough to give him enough money to get food and drink. He's known for having a preference for fresh bread with partially melted butter; and is known to be very particular about how the butter is spread.