Avedis Devar

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Revision as of 21:57, 8 February 2007 by Pdrydia (Talk | contribs)

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  • Name: Avedis Devar
  • RPer: NebbieQ
  • Sex: Male
  • Order: Earth
  • Rank: Terenar
  • Age: 19 years old
  • Height: 6' 3"
  • Weapon: Warhammer
  • Armor: Heavy plate
  • Description: Avedis is a tall, heavily built young man, with dark tanned skin, short spiky black hair, and dark brown eyes. He's usually covered in soot of some sort, and avoids wearing his armor when out of battle, favoring armor and battle clothing for light tunics, trousers, and the apron and gear of a blacksmith.

Avedis was always a bright child. However, for one so bright, he wasn't very smart. He was very inquisitive, and always tinkering with some sort of contraption. Oftentimes his curiousity would override his common sense, and his "discoveries" would led to a variety of mischief, injuries, and trouble with the elder folk of the small farming village he lived in. Exasperated with his antics, his parents went to an old family friend for help and advice. The friend, who was a priest of Verir, claimed that he needed more discipline in life, and suggested that some training in the Order would do him some good. After giving it much thought, his parents shipped him off to the capital city, hoping that the men and women of Verir would instill some sense into his head.

At first things were no different, and the trouble that Avedis caused at home ended up following him to the temple. However, he eventually calmed down somewhat, in part due to an interest in magic, as well as blacksmithing. After a while, with permission from the elders, he moved out of the temple into a nearby house; however, it's less of a traditional home and more of a blacksmithing shop with a bed stuffed in the corner somewhere.

While he's improved a bit since he left his home, Avedis still has a way to go sensewise. Oftentimes he can be found with his head in the clouds, thinking of fabulous new contraptions to create...