Siorena Valsinari

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  • Name: Siorena Valsinari
  • RPer: Seethe
  • Sex: female
  • Rank: Er'kiir of the Order of Earth, Master Engineer
  • Age: 32
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Weight: 195 lbs.
  • Weapon: two-handed battle-axe
  • Armor: mythril plate mail
  • Description: Siorena is a tall woman with a solid and powerful amazonian build. As she spends a good portion of her time in the workshop, the complexion of her skin is somewhat lighter than average. Her facial features include light blue eyes along with high cheekbones and a strong jaw. Her hair is dark brown, slightly curly, and medium in length.
  • Bio: The daughter of a less-than-successful family of farmers, Siorena avoided a life of hardship when she was found as a child to possess a good deal of mechanical creativity and inventiveness as well as an imposing stature for her age. Taken in by the Order of Earth, the natural fondness she possessed for making things with her hands soon developed into a profound interest in the arts of machinery. Applying this interest to practical purposes, Sio took up the study of mechanical engineering, and that field became her career.

    Sio posesses a disciplinarian attitude and an intense drive for achievement. Despite this, one might note that her advancement through the Order has been fairly slow. In actuality, she could have advanced much faster, but she has always been hesitant to accept promotions. The reason for this is not that she does not desire advancement or that she lacks confidence in herself. Her reason is simply that she always wants to be certain that she is up to to any new responsibilities that are placed upon her and to be certain that she deserves the honor of any title granted to her.

    Having helped design, build, and operate many of the lumberyards, quarries, and mines of the Order of Earth, Sio is no stranger to the frontier. Though she is not a fighter by trade, she has had to help fend off quite a few roving demons in her day. She does lack the skill of a specialized warrior, so she relies heavily on raw strength in any battle she finds herself in. Fortunately, the rigors of her job have given her plenty of strength to work with.