End Reshiki

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Revision as of 10:08, 4 April 2006 by End (Talk | contribs)

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End Reshiki
Name: End Reshiki
Nicknames: Has been referred to as 'Moogle', 'Teddybear', and 'Rodent'
RP world: Gaera
Birthdate: 1295 (month and day unknown)
Current Residence: Was dead for about two years, so his former house is likely gone by now. Possibly at Kyle Broadsky and Fresca Dantir's ranch in Doma City, Doma
Occupation: Adventurer, occasional mercenary
Family: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased), Gryx (adoptive parent of Reshiki Dragoon faction, deceased)
Race: Half-Moogle/Half-Dragon (Einheriar)
Physical Description: To be filled in later.
Typical Clothing: Likes to wear his Reshiki clan armor. A lot. If he weren't wearing that, he'd be running around nekkid, free like the wind!
Personality: Reshiki liked the role of 'hero'. A lot. So much so, in fact, that he took great pride in and relished the chance to fight evil beings and do heroic deeds. The fact that this path has led him, time and time again, to an untimely demise, to the point where he is no longer a material being but a Celestial has tempered this belief somewhat, although he has yet to reveal this. After his initial experiences with Astrynax, he became a bit more vapid yet quite a bit cheerier and tried to act as a source of good will for his assorted friends. However, even that desire has begun to fade as he has regained some of his intelligence in the afterlife. Time will tell if this more somber state of mind will affect his relationships with others. Still BEST BUDS 4EVR with Kyle Broadsky.
Religious Beliefs: Doesn't really worship any particular gods, though he does know of Ryuugami from what Dia Rai has told him, and he recognizes Stacey's power after seeing her unfortunate victims.
Drunk type: Incredibly destructive. Infamously destroyed the Jade Dragon Inn after drinking an entire Fusionaire. It has been recommended that he not ever drink again.
Other: As noted above, End Reshiki, after his most recent death (at the hands of Malachias) has become a Celestial, an Einheriar, or, more specifically, an Ideal Celestial. He was chosen to represent the ideal of Courage after selflessly throwing himself into the line of battle time and time again. This carries with it all of the benefits that a Celestial would gain, but he somewhat misses his 'regular' body. Naturally, he hasn't admitted this.

He used to like eating food, but since he doesn't need to eat anymore, he no longer feels hunger. He's rather depressed about this. He owns a pet tentacle monster, from regions unknown. It has a bad habit of escaping and attacking the homeless.

Stays this way until I can figure out HTML