Kyle Broadsky

Brave Fencerjin Broadsky!
Kylitos is a traveller who has spent much of his life traipsing about Igala. His origins are shrouded in mystery! During his life he has supported himself with his vast fencing skills; often spending a week or two in any town with an arena, dueling place, or hotshot willing to make a bet. This hasn't gotten him killed.
Upon arrival in Doma, he quickly found himself making friends with people such as Enlil and End; who he came to consider as family. End's hijinx in particular got him involved in some pretty heavy 'world-saving' type stuff, which Kyle found himself having little choice but to stick around and help with. This did get him killed. But he's alright now, and despite being a geckojin now, he manages to hide it exceedingly well with a magic ring.
After the war him and his girlfriend Fresca bought some ranchland outside of Doma City and currently live there raising chocobos. He is happy!
Philsys Data
Philsys Block
Kyle Broadsky (Capntastic)
Level 6; 500/3250 XP | ||
Courage: +5 |
Base AT/PA - 15/15 Base MATK: 7 Body= Wondrous Ice Cream Traveller's Coat (AC 3, 0/0) Weapon Damage - Quintessential Rapier (8/10/X(15), +1/-1) Weapon Damage - Fisticuffs |
Spells and Techs
- [Item-Granted] Gecko-jin form - Kyle's true form is that of a gecko-jin, a subrace of lizard people. In this shape, his Stamina and Strength increase by one, while his Dexterity and Agility decrease by one.
- [Rapier=4, Fencing=2] Distesa (2 TP) - Kyle attacks the foe with a fencing style thrust attack that does medium damage.
- [Rapier=4, Fencing=3] Fendente (2 TP) - Kyle attacks with a powerful downward fencing slash that does heavy damage. (Since a rapier does not normally HAVE heavy damage, 15 is the base number used here when a rapier is the weapon being used, and the damage is listed in parentheses in the damage descriptions.)
- [Advanced Parry=4, Fencing=4] Riposte (2 TP) - Kyle skips his turn and has (Advanced Parry/2) added to his PA until his next turn. If he parries any physical attacks, he gets to instantly attack back with the same type of attack (L/M/H) with (Fencing/2) added to his AT
- [Rapier=4, Fencing=4] Zero Strike (10 TP) - Kyle dashes about the enemy, slashing at an incredible speed. Deals 1d6+1 Slashes, with -2 Damage for each slash.
- [Fencing=3] Dis-arm (3 TP) - On a successful fencing roll, Kyle disarms the opponent of their melee weapon.
- [Improv Weapons=4] Hilt Crash (2 TP)- Kyle attacks with the hilt of his rapier, a subdual attack dealing light damage -4. Target suffers -2/-2 and cannot cast for d2 turns.
- [Rapier=6, Fencing=4] Cross Slash (4 TP) Kyle makes a quick double slash; the second retracing the first path, making for a deep cut. Works as a normal medium attack dealing double damage.
- [Rapier=10, Fencing=6] Ace Impale (6TP) Kyle rather fiercely runs the target through, or in the case of large beasties, forces his rapier a good ways in. Used mainly in desperate situations, and rarely against humanoids. Light Damage + 50%, and leaves the enemy with a -3/-3 modifier until the wound is properly dealt with.
- [Rapier=10, Fencing=6] Precision Spade - (7TP) Kyle slashes at a precise part of a target's arm/leg muscles. Works as a normal medium attack along with -3 Str to arm on normal, unusable on crit/ -2 Agi on normal, -4 on crit to leg.
- [E&P=2, Improv Weap=2] Make it Lovely (5TP) Kyle lights a firecracker, waits a few seconds, and throws it directly above the enemy. The resulting explosion's force is quite painful, disorienting, and near deafening! -3/-3 to the target, and -1/-2 to those next to it. Lasts for d2 rounds. The effects and duration is double for those with highly sensitive ears.
- [Fisticuffs=4] Skydozer (7TP) - Kyle takes a turn to get into position and roll up his sleeves. Next turn, he charges at a feasible opponent fist first (+2d6 to AT). If it is a critical hit, the target is knocked out, otherwise it does normal damage. Bonuses may be given if the target is caught offguard or otherwise unexpecting.
- [White Magic = 1] Curo (5 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 5+rank*2+1d6 HP. A weakened variant of the Cure spell. While not as powerful, is easier to cast, and extra sparkly! Damages undead.
- [White Magic = 4] Curo 2 (15 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 10+rank*4+3d6 HP. A unique and more stylish version style of Cure 2. Damages undead!
- Kyle is on a trip, and here is his inventory:
- -Bedroll
- -Blanket
- -Extra set of clothes (minus sock)
- -Bandages
- -A potion flask (dented, won't fully close)
- -Water canteen (Spilled)
- -Jerky
- -Bread rolls (Wet, will mold)
- -Small cooking set, sans mini-teapot.(Damaged)
- -Two books on magic; one on runes, another on portals and other transportation spells. (Wet, inky)
- -Handful of coins in various denominations
- -String
- -Small brush and ink (black, red, blue) set (Broken)
- -Dagger
- -Compass (Broken)
- -Matches (Lost)
- -11 candles (3 smashed)
- -Kallinkos Map