Selena Blackwell

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Selena Blackwell by Lithaladhwen.jpg
(rp world)

(Gaera Main)
current residence Gunnir Academy
occupation Brass rackets instructor
family Donald Blackwell (father, deceased), Neko (mother, deceased), Eve Blackwell (stepmother)
race Half-nekojin, quarter human, quarter celestial. Best not to question it. It isn't her fault.
physical description There's a picture! Other than that, dark skin, dark yellowish eyes, dark brown/black hair and fur on her ears. Generally is impeccably-groomed, right down to pedicures and careful manicuring of the slight claws she inherited from her mother.
typical clothing Button-up shirts that could probably stand to... be less-tailored to her form. Slacks. Or skirts.
personality To a great extent, Selena is a spoiled daddy's girl. Her redeeming quality lies in that she also spoils other people. Just as she buys herself things, she likes getting things for other people. Tends to express affection through gifts.
religious beliefs None. She can't imagine why anyone would bother. I mean, either mortals are in charge of their lives or they aren't. Going to the gods implies that they have the final say, and that just isn't their place. They can take their crazy god-power and keep it to themselves, thanks.
drunk type Goofy and easily amused.


Until she was about three, Selena lived with her mother, Neko. At that point, her mother was killed and she was taken by a couple who wanted the child for themselves. Telling her that her mother didn't want her anymore, they promised to care for her. Their promises were... somewhat less than genuine, but as Selena was so young during this period, it left little behind in her memory. Her father could also be credited for this. After his escape from the Doman castle dungeon, Selrahc Adanamod came to reclaim his daughter. Finding his wife dead and Selena with these foster parents, Selrahc killed the two and took Selena back to his temporary residence with Eve Valerian. Selena and her father took new names, becoming Donald Blackwell and Selena Blackwell.

Selena spent the rest of her childhood and adolescence with these two. Selena grew up very much the center of attention in her home. Her father doted on her, and even Eve did her best to spoil the girl when Don wasn't looking. Her father, not wanting to be considered a charity case, impressed upon Selena the importance of standing on her own, of not depending on the kindness of others as long as her own abilities can get her by.

When her father married Eve, Selena was nearly ten. The marriage itself made little difference to the girl, as for years the three had already been one family in Selena's mind. She didn't remember her biological mother in any definite sense, but Eve had been here for a while, and there was every indication that she'd always be there. Selena didn't need anything else.

Her father was always highly protective of her, to the degree that many of her friends (particularly male friends) were too afraid of him to visit her at home. However, she had been taught all too well that relying on others was a sign of weakness. She feared that if she could not fend for herself, if she depended on her father to protect her, that she would never earn his respect, that if he took care of her forever he would never be proud of her.

So, rather than focusing on the study of magic, which had always felt unreliable and intangible to her, she concentrated on what she could do with her own body. She took an interest in athletics, and found that her limited magical talent ruled out most magical study. She found some magic worth the extra effort, but it was always to augment her own "natural" abilities.

She was involved on sports teams, and got decent grades in school. Selena wasn't the most brilliant child in her town, but her athletic interests had taught her discipline and a good work ethic from an early age. She had to fight the tendency to consider everything a competition, preferring the rare occasions when the game was more important than the outcome. She never quite got rid of the nagging desire to win at all costs, but over a period of years, she managed to rationalize it away a bit.

Her attendance at Gunnir academy was a turning point for her. She was by far not the most talented student there, magically-speaking. However, almost immediately she fell in love with brass rackets, a sport that required some magical aptitude, but Selena could compensate by drawing on her athletic background.

It was while she was at Gunnir that and in the space of one day her father fell ill, left her and Eve, and challenged Charles Domanada to a fight Donald knew he must lose. Charles Domanada made his first and last visit to the Blackwell residence to bring Donald Blackwell's remains back to his family.

Selena was totally at a loss for several months,and it wasn't for several weeks that anyone outside the family knew what was wrong. Her teachers expressed concern that the normally-outgoing and popular girl was coming to class, sitting quietly in the back, and then leaving without a word to anyone. Her coaches were confused and worried to find her skipping practice.

Once the adults in her life knew what had happened to her, the problem became much clearer. It had always been evident to others that Selena was a bit of a daddy's girl. Despite the man himself being somewhat reclusive, no friend of Selena's could go a day without noting the girl's affection for her family. The loss of the man who had, to a large extent, determined the progression of her life was nothing less than devastating.

More here later! When I'm feeling sufficiently emo to write it!

After her education, she found that her focus on the sport and her love of the school environment was holding her interest still. She was offered a position as an instructor and coach for Gunnir's brass rackets team. She lives there with her students and is a vocal proponent for competitions against other magical academies and even teams on other continents.


Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Selena Blackwell (Kai) Level: 1 XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65 Max MP: 40 Max TP: 22/22
Initiative: 4+ 2d6


Courage: +2
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +2
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +4
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 2

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for armor - n/n
Modified for skill - 15/11
Modified for weapon - n/n


Weapon Damage - unarmed (8/12/16) +1 light claws
Light - 9+1d6
Medium - 13+2d6 (-2)
Heavy - 17+3d6 (-5)

Weapon Damage - brass knuckles (12/16/20) +1 light claws
Light - 13+1d6
Medium - 17+2d6 (-2)
Heavy - 21+3d6 (-5)

Base MATK - 6
Base MDEF - 16+d20
Missile evasion - 18+d20


21/28 points spent

Horse riding/Equestrian - 2 (Cou/Dex/Agi)
metabolic magic - 4
benediction magic - 4
unarmed fighting - 4 (Agi/Dex/Str)
[s]brass rackets - 4 (Agi/Dex/Sta)
[s]Swimming - 2 (Agi/Sta/Str)
[s]Advanced Parry (Agi) - 4 (Agi=2; adds +1/rank to PA rolls)

Spells 40 MP

Techs 22 TP