Myrnal Shalienza

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Myrnal Shalienza
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(rp world)
Myrnal Shalienza
(Gaera Main)
Approx. Autumn Equinox, 1296
Longmeadow, Doma.
current residence Vermilis, Doma
occupation Mercenary
family Kerran Shalienza (grandfather), Yanna Shalienza (grandmother)
race Human
physical description Myrnal is about 5'3". She has brown eyes and shoulder-length curly brown hair. She has imprinted on her chest the symbol of Kazeros, which is a silver equal-armed cross/compass rose. She's not wiry, but being a dancer she's always had more of a lithe figure than a muscular one.
typical clothing By this point dresses all in black in her default Nekonian gi.She wears red boots and occasionally red gloves. She has a belt with anywhere between half a dozen and a dozen knives on it depending on how stabby she's feeling.
personality Generally rather unfriendly and reserved, it's often necessary to ignore just about everything Myrnal says. Her actions are a much better judge of her character. She's been known to do things like hand her friends healing potions and insult them at the same time.
religious beliefs She swears by Dammara, but is marked by (and secretly follows) Kazeros. She funds a small temple in his honor anonymously so as not to ruin her (perceived) reputation as a heartless bitch.
drunk type Melancholy.


I'm typing something here because I actually intend to link her background on a separate page. It's too long to fit here and it never comes up anyway.

Board RPs

    • From the Ashes (in progress, so...not archived.)

Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Myrnal Shalienza (Kai) Level 4; 1500/2000 XP
Max HP: 77/77; Max TP: 32/32
Initiative: 6+ 2d6


Courage: +3
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +2
Agility: +5
Dexterity: +7
Strength: +0
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA: 18/18

Modified for armor: 18/17
Modified for skill: 22/19

Body=mithril chain shirt (AC 10, 0/-1)
feet= boots of sneaking (+4 stealth rolls)
Misc=ring of protection (AC 4, stacks with body armor)

Weapon Damage: Enchanted Returning Heavy Dagger of Shock (7/10/13 +1d6 electrical, +3/+1)
Light: 13+ 1d6+ 1d6 electrical
Medium: 16 + 2d6+ 1d6 electrical
Heavy: 19 + 3d6+ 1d6 electrical
AT/PA - 25/20

Accuracy - 23 (returns when thrown) Damage - 10 + 1d4 + 1d6 electrical

Weapon Damage: Enchanted Keen Valthi Knife (7/10/13, +2/+0, crits on 14)
Light: 13+ 1d6
Medium: 16 + 2d6
Heavy: 19 + 3d6
AT/PA - 24/19

Weapon Damage: Nekogami's Claw Expanding Katar (7/10/13, +2/+2, multiplies critical hit damage by 1.5)
Light - 10 + 1d6
Medium - 13 + 2d6
Heavy - 16 + 3d6
AT/PA - 24/21

Weapon Damage: Light Crossbow Accuracy - 22 Damage - 22+2d4


weapon (dagger) - 6
[s]Chink Detection - 2
Throwing Weapons (knives) - 4
Crossbow - 2
Two Weapon fighting - 6
Nekonian Ninjutsu - 8
Lock Picking - 4
[s] Stealth - 8
[k] Traps - 2
Disable Device - 2
Perform (dance) - 2

Spells and Techs

    • [Chink Detection=1]Penetrate Armor (2 TP) - Using this skill, it is possible to find a weak point in a humanoid target's armor. On a successful attack, make a second AT vs. PA check (including PA roll, if the defender had one in the first place). Add rank to the attacker's AT as a bonus. If the attacker hits with this attack, the defender's armor class is totally ignored.
    • [Dagger=2]Precise Striking (2 TP) - Uses DEX to determine weapon damage bonuses instead of STR and eliminates all penalties to hit other than those caused by magical debuffs for one round. Heavy attacks are impossible when using Precise Striking.
    • [Dagger=4]Eloquent Striking (2 TP) - Adds DEX to AT a second time for one round.
    • [Dagger=6]Rapid Striking (3 TP) - Allows one additional attack (of any type) this round.
    • [Ninjutsu=2]Sneak Attack (3 TP) - Takes advantage of an opponent's inability to defend themself to deliver an incredible deathblow melee attack. This ability can only be used against an opponent that is either denied a PA roll or that is unaware of Myrnal's presence (because she is invisible or hiding, for instance). Adds DEX to AT a second time and uses DEX to determine weapon damage instead of STR for one round--and can be stacked with any other weapon techs. If used with Precise Striking, double the damage bonus contributed by her DEX. Only one of Myrnal's attacks each round is granted these bonuses unless she pays additional TP for further attacks. Only creatures with discernable anatomies can be sneak attacked (not machines, golems, oozes, etc. undead MAY be sneak attackable at GM's discretion).
    • [Ninjutsu=4]Hide in Plain Sight (2 TP) - Through training, a ninja of Nekonia's Order of the Fatal Claw learns to use shadows for cover when there is seemingly no cover available. Within 10 feet of a shadow, Myrnal can attempt to hide from her opponents, effectively becoming invisible unless her opponents succeed an opposed observation check as compared to her stealth skill. This needs to be a large shadow or shadowy area--not the shadow generated by an ally, for example, or own shadow. She can still be seen without any magical assistance if she loses the check, and an opponent may make one check each round to attempt to find her (if he knows she's there in the first place). If spotted by an opponent, Myrnal must pay this ability's TP cost a second time in order to continue to attempt to hide from that foe.
    • [Ninjutsu=5]Fast Sneak (2 TP) - When using this ability, Myrnal can move at full speed and be just as stealthy and silent as if she were creeping along very slowly.
    • [Ninjutsu=6]Silencing Strike (3 TP) - Myrnal can strike with such grace and speed that it can have a supernatural stunning effect, preventing an opponent from speaking for 1d4 rounds. This prevents spellcasting, the shouting of alarms, etc.
    • [Ninjutsu=8]Evasion (3 TP) - As an interrupting action, Myrnal can reroll one PA roll when she would have otherwise been hit by an enemy, or gain a bonus PA roll when she would not otherwise have had one.