Slums (Doma City)

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The slums of Doma City are where those who are poor or otherwise without homes tend to stay. Guard patrols tend to have a difficult time containing the crime which is common there. The retraining and reorganization of the Guard, as well as the efforts of the celestial Enlil, have had a dampening effect on violent crime; however, both have to keep vigilant in their efforts as the more disagreeable criminal elements will simply relocate themselves.

Nameless arena

The nameless arena rests within an open fence area--a court yard of sorts--surrounded by a number of old houses. This is a less reputable fighting circle than the sponsored Doma City Arena; clientele largely consists of the lesser rungs of citizenry, coming to settle disputes or place some bets.

There is also an indoor arena nearby with a bar. Here there's organized betting and money to be won by participating in the fights. One whose debts run up to high might find themselves functionally conscripted into the arena, or simply killed there.

Choark is a regular here.

Glassmaker Square

Many of Doma's homeless have come to reside in Glassmaker Square, once simply part of the Doman slums. Thanks to the efforts of Enlil and volunteers working with her, it has become a place where those without homes may rest safely and get something to eat. Here the homeless can work with volunteers to help find jobs and deal with personal problems.

In the past, roving gangs have tried to take more than their share of things, but they have been stopped from this by both the volunteers and the homeless. Not a few of those came to start new lives there afterwards.

See also