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Revision as of 19:07, 27 February 2007

Kotoki Michiyasu:

  • Name: Kotoki Michiyasu
  • RPer: Kotoki
  • Race: human/?
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5'9
  • Eye color: grey
  • Hair color: brown

Kotoki was born in a small town she doesn't want to identify and into a very old family. Very old, as she found out, due to the fact that they were vampires who had given up their thirsts for blood and started to reproduce naturally. Kotoki decided that this explained a lot, but didn't give the matter much thought - she had a great older brother, parents who'd given her a talisman to control her thirsts for blood, and many friends in the town...what could go wrong?

Plenty. Jidai's girlfriend, deciding a bit late that she hadn't wanted to go *quite* so far last night, spread the rumour that his family were vampires. The town had had trouble with bloodsuckers in the past and threw them out via the 'flaming torch and wooden stake' method. Before she died, Kotoki's mother used the last of her strength to teleport her and Jidai to safety. They were seperated and Kotoki woke up alone on the streets of Doma.

The young Kotoki had no means of making a living, or, for that matter, survival. She pawned her talisman to a wealthy collector in return for what was according to him a top class operation. This is how she got her inn - run down, falling apart, and empty save the rats...but hers. The loss of the talisman prompted cravings for blood and occasional periods of total surrender to her vampire side, but she quickly settled into a routine of controlling herself while charging next to nothing for rooms and trying to save up enough money to buy it back. And eventually enough to find her older brother.

Kotoki found it harder and harder to attract customers as End Reshiki's hotel on the other side of Doma grew classier. One day, however, a man named Jak Snide checked in and triggered the events that changed her life forever. They led to her, and some other people, managing to save the world from total destruction. Kotoki's Inn grew in popularity after that. She also ended up making quite a few friends and falling in love with a certain pyromaniacal black mage.

Kotoki currently lives in her inn and does an extremely brisk trade. She no longer has problems with her vampire side too much - Jak lets her feed off of him when it gets too hard to stand. The inn used to blow up very often, but not so much recently with him protecting it for her and providing money for repairs. She's a very kind and high energy person, and while she occasionally suffers fits of anger or depression, she keeps an optimistic outlook on life.

Other notes:

Kotoki's Skills: Sailor senshi Magic (grand mastery), Normal Magic (basic), Historical Knowledge and Lore (high), Innkeeping (grand mastery), Vampiric Skills (basic), Cooking and Brewing (medium), Crossbows and Firearms (high)