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If you note something that you feel should be added, please post or otherwise contact me or another admin. :0
If you note something that you feel should be added, please post or otherwise contact me or another admin. :0

Latest revision as of 06:52, 22 June 2006

If you note something that you feel should be added, please post or otherwise contact me or another admin. :0


=Rules, insofar as we have them established:

    [1] Don't be an asshat. We're not trying to be a big, warm, fuzzy community where everyone loves and admires everyone else, but please do put a little effort at some basic respect for one another.

    [2] Please understand that there is a manner to 'how we work' and to some degree, you'll need to learn and fit into this. This is doubly true for RPing. Be observant. Also, check out the sticky threads; they're stickied for a reason.

    [3] When using images, please don't link them from sites without permission. Besides the rudeness, it can get you <b>globally banned</b> from ezBoard. Try hosting your images on photobucket instead.

    [4] Note that RPGWW prides itself on intelligent use of the English language. Many could rant on this at great length, but suffice to say that the better your control of the language, (A!) the easier it will be to read what you write, (B!) the more willing people will be to read what you have to say, (C!) the more intelligent you will come off, and so on and so forth. Thus, we all win!

    • On a similar note, shorthand in the forum tends to send many RPGWWers off into frothing rages, and thus is discouraged. Please, think of their blood pressure.

=Sooooo...what is RPGWW?

    It's a community. Made of people.

    That's it.

    We're based largely around this ezBoard forum--this's our base, if you like. From here, we plan our strategic military stri--ermhm. Actually, we mostly laze about and post. We also spill over into AIM chat ([aim:GoChat?RoomName=RPGWW+Chat RPGWW Chat]), and have been known to travel great geographical distances in order to chat each other up and laze about in strange and new settings! Further, we keep a website on which to store information and we also run a satellite forum called the RP Bootcamp.

    Through our myriad means of communication, there's discussion of varying seriousness and topics, a bit of an art and writing scene, as well as spam and whatnot (that's random nonsense, not random advertisements). There's also a fair bit of RPing, or roleplaying, conducted on and off the board.

    RPGWW began back in the day--oh-so-very long ago!--as one and the same with the keenspace UBB of IanJ's RPG World Comic (rpgworldcomic.com). We have since made the progression to a separate ezBoard forum, which he links from his comic page as his official RPing community. And now you know where "RPGWW" comes from, and why we link RPGW. And knowing is half the battle! *G.I. Joooe~*

=I don't wanna RP!

    'Kay. Here's some basic guidelines for general board conduct.


    • "It helps to be a kind and thoughtful person, willing to admit your own mistakes and forgive those of others. As with most things in life." -- MechanistoX
    • If you revive an old post, make sure there's a good reason for it. Needless thread necromancy irks many.
    • You may request custom postranks. The ideal request is a thread in Kotoki's or Testing, and contains specifically what you want. Please, please do not ask RPGWW at large, or the admins, to think up your custom postrank. There's a good chance you will NOT like what you get.


    By and large, we're self-proclaimed bastards about English. However, we're at our worst in the RP subforums; in others, think of the standard as that of daily speech. The important thing is to be comprehensible. Keep in mind that if several people begin to tell you they can't understand what you are writing, then something's wrong.


    Kotoki's Bar and Inn - Old reference. Here be random whatnot--be careful about taking this stuff seriously. Modded with impunity~! And gravies, sometimes.
    Discussion Forum - This is not a flame forum; conduct yourself appropriately, if'n ye would.
    Testing - This forum would be superfluous, if we weren't all lazy fucks. Things are tested in here.
    Fanart and Miscellaneous* - If it's a creation, and it's not in text format, it goes here. Much of this is RPGWW fanart, but promoting other art is fine as well.
    Fanfiction and other Writings* - A place for written work. The majority of the writings in here are actually background stories for RP characters, although all types of writings are welcome.
    The Unspoken Forum* - We don't talk about it much. Except when we do. The place for discussions and art with mature themes (violence, nudity, et cetera). This is a hidden forum, and access must be requested and granted to see it from the main forum.

      * Within the Fanart, Fanfiction, and Unspoken forums, if you don't credit the artwork(s) you post, it will be assumed to be yours. Make sure to give proper credit. Also, by posting your work in any of these forums it is assumed you are open to critique. If you are not willing to take critique then put a large, blatant disclaimer at the top of your post.

    Spam Shrine - Archived spam threads. Contact an admin or appropriate mod if you'd like a thread shrined.

    The Rest™ - Archived threads that aren't quite spam or RPs. Contact an admin or appropriate mod if you'd like a thread archived.

=I wanna RP!

    'Kay. Some basic guidelines:


    • Talk with your GMs and other RPers. Really.
    • Always ask before posting to an RP. Many are not open for new RPers.
    • New RPs or plots don't crop up every day, every week, or necessarily every month. However, CIRPs (character interaction RPs) can be fairly easily put together for the sake of a new RPer, if needed.
    • Post to your RPs. If you can think of nothing else, a one-liner to let your GM know you're alive is good enough.
    • Spend a little time browsing some old RPs, lurking in some RP chats, listening to tales of old events or characters. It's a handy way to get to learn about settings, major characters, RPs, RPers, and the community in general.


    Before starting an RP, air your RP idea (spoiler free) and recruit RPers in the OOC subforum. It's good form, chap.


    Writing novels for each and every RP post is not necessary. Something is wrong if you're writing nothing but one- and two-liners, but writing 1-3 paragraphs each post is normal for an ongoing story. Obviously, the more genuine content you can write the better, but don't just repeat yourself or add in useless fluff for the sake of making your post longer.

    As for one-liners, sometimes it's all you can respond with, or it's better for the GM than responding with nothing. Try to keep them down to a minimum, obviously, but don't be afraid to use them if the alternative is not posting at all.


    Mmkay. [1] First thing to consider before making your character is in what setting are you going to RP him or her. If it's an established world, you'll need to learn about it. There's information up on the <b>site</b> for this purpose, and it's recommended that you check out what's relevant to your character. If the world in question is <b>Gaera Main</b>--which has quite a lot established--be sure to at least browse some of the more important pages, such as <b>maps</b> and the information on the <b>races</b> you're interested in. You don't need to memorize the entire guide, but do make some effort to look things over.

    [2] Secondly, consider what system you're going to use. <b>Freestyle</b>? <b>Philsys</b>? <b>Window</b>? Again, information and links reside on the <b>website</b>. If you really aren't sure, freestyle is always a fair place to start.

    [3] Thirdly, you can check the <b>Character Closet</b>. This subforum has relevant links, questions, and plenty of example characters. You may also ask questions and get help with adjusting your character to the new setting.

    [4] Remember that you can always, always hop on AIM and invite yourself to [aim:GoChat?RoomName=RPGWW+Chat <b>RPGWW Chat]</b>. From here you can find someone to help you hash out the details of a potential character to better fit them into the world or system of your choice.


    In the end, the goal is to write to the utmost of your ability. A few typos and errors here and there aren't out of the ordinary, but consistant problems might get pineapple bombs set in your postrank. You never know.

    Outside of special circumstances--such as excerpts from Proffesor Wigglebottom's chemistry notes--RP posts should read like excerpts from novels. Shorthand will get you seriously strangled. :[


    Gaera Main RPs - All RPs posted in this forum take place in and effect the same SETTING, and that is <b>Gaera Main</b>. This is the "main" RP world of RPGWW that has developed over time through contributions of various RPGWWers, past and present.
    Other RPs - All Rps that take place in any other setting go here. For instance, there are "alternate future" (or "what if...?") versions of Gaera, Elemaer, and any number of one-shots.

    Character Closet - Character sheets. By relation, general discussion about characters or RPing systems (this includes freestyle).

    OOC RP Discussion - RP-related, out-of-character discussion not covered in the CC; brainstorming, RP recruitment, "You RP like a cow, (by the way, post to the RP fucko)," et cetera.
    RP Shrine - We archive RPs here. Copies should also be up on the website. If you would like something in here, vote for it in the <b>OOC forum sticky thread</b>.

    -=I'M NOT SURE...=-

    If you have the presence of mind to question whether or not you're able to RP to our standards, then likely you are able to. It's less about experience and more about common sense, really.

    However, if you really, really would like a bit of help or somesuch, you have some options.

    • You can post some questions up in the <b>OOC (out of character) subforum</b>, and receive answers from the forum at large.
    • If you would like a quicker, more immediate response, you can hop on AIM and see about joining <b>[aim:GoChat?RoomName=RPGWW+Chat RPGWW Chat]</b>. Alternately, you can download a non-AIM client such as GAIM/Trillian and invite yourself to the chatroom.

    • There's also the option of the RP Bootcamp, where experienced RPers from RPGWW are willing to help those who wish to improve their RPing. The bootcamp is also open to established RPGWWers who would like to brush up on anything specific, such as GMing.

=FFS PITFALLS--Yours and Ours

    -=HAY EVERY1 ASL?=-

    ... :[


    I think that's their job. You can try bitching back at them. Death threats, however, seem largely ineffective. Especially via email.

    -=HUWAH, MY POWER LEVEL IS ¿75e384pi6523!8i4628kittens!=-

    No, please. :[

    Power balance, yo. Typical Ayenee-esque amount of skills needed to keep oneself from being killed by a passing 9-year-old saiyajin with a long thin Destruction (that took quite a lot to type!) is simply not needed at RPGWW. In fact, it kinda fucks things up. Plenty of example characters up on the character closet to look at for balance ideas, and lots of folks in chat and whatnot who are willing to help you out in that department if'n ye ask.


    S'cool. You may wish to explain this, if you think it'll be a problem. Or you can just slap someone with a virtual fish if they harrass you about your English a bit much.

    Oh, and [insert Malta joke here].


    That happens a lot. As I mentioned previously, when requesting a postrank, don't ask RPGWW at large/the admins to make up a postrank for you. Doing this is going to get you stuck with what you get stuck with, for however long it pleases the admins. I, in particular, am the biggest culprit of unwanted postranks. It's a gigantic pet peeve. You're warned.

    You can also incur "mean postranks" from doing something stupid or out of voluntary participation in postrank wars. No one's going to sympathize with much of either of these.


    Mods may edit with impunity. Admins reserve the right to ban you (and each other) for 1d4 hours at whim. We do these sorts of things. Learning to laugh it off is a good idea.


    If by that you mean we have standards, then yes.

    Again: don't be an asshat. People tend to treat you the way you treat them, with important influencing factors, such as your track record and the effort you put into your posts.

=Links ta read!

    Are you still reading this? :0

    Okay! There are various threads and other links we keep around and about. The information contained in them don't need to be in here, but it wouldn't hurt to compile them here!

    Sticky threads will not be linked here because of repetitiveness. You should know what they are and what they're there for, anyhow. :[

    -=NON RP LINKS=-

    RPGWW Home - The website!
    Search Engine - Search RPGWW. RPGWW gets re-indexed about twice a month.
    Site Map - The site map. Not always freshly up to date.
    Meets/ - Various stuff from RPGWW get-togethers. Photos, scans, wav files, and the sort.
    Yalogank/ - Yalogank. Screenshots and the sort.
    Random Idiocy Oekaki - An independent Oekaki board run by DMSCV. A lot of RPGWWers chillax and doodle here.
    RPGWW Flash Game - by Choark.

    -=RP LINKS=-

    RP Bootcamp - If you need to brush up on any one or combination of your RPing, GMing, or writing skills, this is the place.
    The Elemaer Character Thread - Characters for the world of Elemaer.

    A System for Second Gen - While the window is not the only system used for Second Gen RPs (Gaera circa 1335, as of the time of this post), this post explains the adjusted window system commonly used to run RPs within RPGWW. There are also example character sheets.


    We spread across the internet, like a disease. Or, you know. Whatever. You can find us around and about. On Deviantart and livejournal and stuff. Below are some usernames for the aforementioned, with corresponding RPGWW usernames in parenthesis if not obvious otherwise.

    DA: almondmoose (Waldorfnikki), brainwalker, bunnygirle26, ChibiUrusai (SALSAlys), Choark, ChocolateKitsune (Jean), dmscv, Endaso (Crawling Reshiki), Fern-chan, Ganonfro, glu-glu (ikozaedro), hali, HEYsoos (Just Damn Evil), Jak-Snide, jesterlex, KakitaKi, Lithaladhwen (Kai), NebulaMastermind, nekogami, NeoPhoenixTE, NickShogun, Raishilliah, Seaniel (Sean, More SNs than God), shanza (shan), smartz118, SuperRube, swedishchef (ChristianC), TheWaiFencer, tiny-harddrive, TromKehra, xaq10r (Will Rennar), wkz

    LJ: _r (Ross/Blaze), ajil6, archmage_brian, banjooie, bebiend (Reshiki), besyanteo, blue_moose (Waldorfnikki), brainwalker, capntastic, choark, combatchimp0 (Spleen), dmscv, dukebrit (Suicidal Sprite), ebilfff, ekds5k, flamingdeth, ganonfro, godofrock (Nick Shogun), kaisharga (Priam), kinspirit (ChristianC), kuri_asahi (Raishilliah), la_chibi (SALSAlys), molokidan, nakibe, namagomimk0, nebulaqueen, nekogami, neophoenixte, omgdirtylex, pdrydia, psychowarden (Will Baseton), reiayanamieva00, ryuuzoku_aya (LDC), shinigori, smartz85, sorayuy, sorbus (Rowan), squareknight (Koss), squintzaltec, superrube, tehkev (Argus), tinydonkey (Tiny_Hardrive), tromkehra, valkyrieshan (Shantastic Shannarro), virginia_fell (Kai), will_rennar, wolfbelly, xaq (Will Rennar), yarikoneko