Shuman Mountains
The Y-shaped mountain range that splits Igala into multiple sections.
The western branch of mountains which reach toward Baron has been dubbed the Titan Mountains by the locals of that area. However, those not living near or traveled of Baron are more likely to simply consider it part of and call it the Shumans.
MUSH description
Shumans Spine South <shS>(#334Rn):
You are in the Shuman Mountains. The Shumans are an old mountain range, with mountaintops rounded by erosion and seemingly every square unit carpeted by trees. Some of these trees are old, tall, and wide enough to allow for adult dragons to rest peacefully underneath them.
The spine of the Shumans is the "backbone" which runs from the north of the continent to the south. All other sections of mountains branch off from the spine. The southern section of the spine stops where the Titan Mountains branch off.
This section of the Shumans is riddled with autonomous settlements. Those discontent with the available governments or governing persons often find themselves in the southern spine of the Shumans. Tax evaders of various kinds also will set up their arrangements here; outside the country of Doma is a favorite spot for those playing these odds, given the ease with which one can enter Doma should the protections and benefits of a nation be desired--say, in case of war or famine. Also, settlements of various recluse and/or older races find this section of the Shumans to fit their needs quite adequately.
Obvious exits: <Al>es'hir <D>oma (central) Gwa'AAG <Gwa> Gwa'AAG (outskirts) <Gwo> [[Kalshana|<K>alshana] The <Wo>odlands Barren Desert <BD> Western <Fr>ontier Forbidden Plains <FP> Shumans Spine North <shN> Shumans Branch Southeast <shSE> Shumans Branch Southwest <shSW>
Shumans Branch Southeast <shSE>(#42Rn):
You are in the Shuman Mountains. The Shumans are an old mountain range and it seems to show it the most on the south of the continent. Here, the elements have worked the Shumans down to the point where they can just barely be called mountains. These mountains, rounded by erosion, are carpeted every square unit by trees. Some of these trees are old, tall, and wide enough to allow for adult dragons to rest peacefully underneath them.
While it is generally assumed that The Woodlands ends where the mountains begin, some usagijin tribes reach into these mountains. The usagjin themselves generally consider the limits of their territory to be where La Foret--the woods--end. However, few usagijin will settle past the highest part of the Shumans. Unsurprisingly, a few outlaying Thernian settlements can also be found in this section of the Shumans; rarely will the Thernians and usagijin settlements meet.
Obvious exits: <K>alshana <T>herney The <Wo>odlands Southeastern Frontier <seF> Shumans Spine South <shS>
Shumans Branch Southwest <shSW>(#331Rn):
You are in the Shuman Mountains. The Shumans are an old mountain range and it seems to show it the most on the south of the continent. Here, the elements have worked the Shumans down to the point where they can just barely be called mountains. These mountains, rounded by erosion, are carpeted every square unit by trees. Some of these trees are old, tall, and wide enough to allow for adult dragons to rest peacefully underneath them.
Usagijin from The Woodlands and orks from the outskirts of Gwa'AAG find homes in this part of the Shuman Mountains. While few usagijin will settle past the highest part of the Shumans, the presence of the warlike orks has led a few out of their traditional wooded homes to the larger parts of Igala. Traditional lovers of battle themselves, usagijin can get along well with orks if they are able to get past trying to kill each other over territorial disputes.
Obvious exits: Gwa'AAG (outskirts) <Gwo> The <Wo>odlands Shumans Spine South <shS>