Hazelia Nganu

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  • Name: Hazelia Nganu
  • RPer: Kelne
  • Sex: Female
  • Order: Earth
  • Rank: Terenar
  • Age: 26 years old
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weapon: Battleaxe (2-handed)
  • Armor: Chainmail

Hazelia is a short, heavily-built woman with a penchant for wearing practical outdoors garb in earth tones. She has auburn hair, which she tends to wear tied back in a ponytail, and vivid green eyes. Otherwise, she's rather plain, and does little to alleviate this.

Hazelia has, from a young age, been a rather serious person. She looks for the underlying order in the world, enjoying the process of cataloging everything into its proper place. Since most of the lands near As'nar are rather thoroughly described already, this leads her to spend quite a bit of her time out on the frontier on one pretext or another.

Perhaps pretext isn't the right word. Hazelia considers it an honor to have been chosen as a member of Verir's order, and takes her duties as such seriously. It's just that if there's a chance that a mission will take her out into uncharted territory, she'll be among the first to volunteer.

As a somewhat introverted person, Hazelia can have trouble forming friendships. Still, she has no trouble whatsoever putting her life on the line for a fellow order members.

In terms of training, Hazelia has covered the basics of mining and earth-shaping, and has focused on defensive casting in terms of magical combat. She's also a reasonably talented amateur naturalist.