"Strong enough for a dragon!"
Actually, it's not all that strong. A great deal of orkish brew from Gwa'aag is stronger than your standard dragonale, and there are many a dwarven barrel that'll put it to shame at that. But, given that very few dragons actually brew the stuff, it's not all that surprising. True it's no Fusionaire, but it still manages to be popular--it also sports the benefits of being non-toxic to humans!
The Jade Dragon Inn orders its dragonale special from Narshe, but there are breweries all over Igala. Dragonale is sported in pubs all about Doma these days, even in the larger cities outside the capital. The drink has become quite the national phenomenon, becoming something of a 'national drink,' with the rumor being that Queen Domanada herself likes to come down to a pub now and then and kick back a glass or two--or twenty, depending on your storyteller--of the stuff.