Calais Zandt

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  • Name: Calais Zandt
  • RPer: TheGreatNevareh
  • Sex: Female
  • Rank: None (Helian of the Order of Light; Excommunicated)
  • Age: 34
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 110 Lbs
  • Weapons: worn overtly--a bladed martial weapon, usually a longsword or a rapier; worn covertly--at least two knives, a lucky dagger, and some throwing needles hidden in a variety of places on her body
  • Armor: Chainmail tunic, leggings, greaves, and sleeves, leather gauntlets, steel-shod boots, and a small, round metal buckler in massed combat. Otherwise she goes unarmored to allow herself maximum mobility at minimum cost in terms of sound, speed, and energy. When on a job trying to do something covert she favors a form-fitting coverall that has a dark cloak filled with pockets and sheaths for storing things.
  • Description: Fair, thin frame, watery-gray eyes, warm gray hair.
  • Persona: Calais is someone who, until recently, never did much in the way of thinking. Sure, she could reason all she liked, and problem-solving wasn't something she had a problem with, but philosophy and morality are things she had little time or respect for. Though her life, she has developed a grim, serious demeanor that seems to add about six inches of height and sixty pounds of muscle to per appearance when she speaks. She isn't given to talking when she doesn't have to, and usually has to be prodded seriously for an answer- getting her to part with information is an uphill battle, even if that information is as mundane as "do you know what time it is?" Despite this, though, she is actually fairly naive in some areas, taking things at face value and usually not noticing literary or speech devices such as sarcasm or irony- not because she can't or because she's stupid, but because she's kind of lacking in experience in the area of social conversation.
  • History: Calais was orphaned at a very young age, and was therefore raised by and inducted into the Order of Light much earlier than most children- adopted by Algeron Zandt, an influential (but non-high ranking) member of the order. She was thus given additional training in the various arts of life and was also secretly taught at Algeron's direction to be a spy as well as a saboteur and an assassin "for the good of the peoples of Elemaer and the glory of Light." She was never rebellious, always followed orders, and did a few dirty little deeds that are necessary parts of ongoing success for a large and powerful group (as well as those that might facilitate someone's climbing the ladder of power) because she knew (for she was always so told) that she was doing the right thing, beyond any doubt. However, at one point, she was sent out to assassinate someone by Algeron only to discover, after the fact, that the person who she was sent to assassinate wasn't a heretic or an ally of chaos, but a rival of the man who gave her the orders: Her adoptive father. When she made her way back to discuss this with him, he had already proliferated information of her foul murder and had her excommunicated from the order. She was left with little recourse but to go into hiding, now masquerading as an unordained mercenary to pay the bills and to continue to allow her to remain out of the clutches of the Order of Light until she can expose her adoptive father for what he had her do. Of course, since her excommunication and subsequent time as a fugitive, she has been chased by a few like herself- the little shadows that dance around in the glory of the light.
  • Skills!: Calais is, like most members of her Order, someone who is adept at both sword and sorcery, though unlike most almost all of her spells and abilities are self-enhancing. Her magicks don't provide any outside power but instead increase her physical prowess accordingly, whether the spell boosts her strength, her dexterity, or her speed, or does something like lessen her weight, camouflage her presence, or silence her movements. She's skilled with anything small, light, and bladed, as well as with a couple of more "respectable" weapons such as one-handed swords. She can also use a mean longstaff and polearm, though she's at her best when using something easily manipulated in the palm of her hand. Finally, she also knows a few nonlethal martial arts, but these she would never resort to unless she had to go unarmed. Also adept at throwing things.

    Calais can sneak, sprint, jump, roll, dodge, and flip out like a ninja with the best of them, being one second a calm, still figure, and the next a dynamic whirlwind of motion. Since she no longer has a good, reliable excuse for being this skilled, she tries very hard to avoid displaying things she could have only learned with the intense training an Order provides.