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other names Khar
domain battle, war, self-improvement
special family ties
original creator/expert Excal/Kelne
tie-ins Countries -- Curatori Faiyar, Gwa'Aag, Tarania; races -- Orc

A god of strife, conflict and individual prowess in battle, Numian has been absent from worldly affairs for some time, though his worshipers continue to draw upon his strength.

Numian in Detail


Numian is a god of personal strength; of endless striving to improve oneself in competition with others, and with the world at large. Unfortunately, he couples these virtues with a firm belief in his own rightness, a disdain for the weak, and a great deal of arrogance. Numian wass by nature a compulsive meddler in mortal affairs, taking a direct interest in the affairs of his followers, lending strength to those who pleased him and withdrawing it from those who did not.

Since his enforced time-out, Numian has raged against the injustice of his position, shut away while others meddle in mortal affairs at their whim. He seizes upon those few opportunities he has to influence the world, but is too proud to ask his siblings for aid or strike deals with them. As a result, he has schooled himself to patience, working to gain the maximum possible result from any act, no matter how small.



When the world was young, Numian tinkered endlessly with creatures and mortals alike, in an effort to improve on their forms. Through these proxies, he hoped to demonstrate his superiority over his siblings, as their parents would tolerate no direct conflict between them. In many ways, he was successful. The creations of Numian are among the most dangerous creatures in the world. However, like their creator, they seldom cooperate well, and can be defeated by others working in concert.

Numian was delighted by the Gods' War, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to establish his own primacy, and was outraged when their parents put an end to it. Alone of all the lesser gods, Numian openly rejected the idea of compromise, regarding it as a means by which foolish and outmoded ideas might endure, rather than being swept aside by that which was right.

As a result of his defiance, he was bound in eternal sleep beneath a smoking island in the sea. Though his physical form slumbers, his spirit roams freely, prevented from interacting with mortals, but not with his siblings. By this means, it was hoped that he would come to appreciate the art of compromise, and learn to value the works of others as well as his own.


Despite his silence, Numian's worshippers are still able to draw upon his power. Unable to pick and choose on an individual basis the causes his power will be used for, he has set one simple condition. Power will only be granted to those who believe that Numian approves of their actions. This lack of guidance has led to a wide variety of churches springing up, many of them with some rather novel ideas of what Numian's worship entails. Almost universally however, priests direct that power inward, using it to bolster their bodies and those of their followers with healing or strength. In this way, their conflicts are resolved through their own strength, rather than by unleashing Numian's wrath upon their enemies.