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Goel is mostly a mystery. At first glance, Goel's a perfectly normal floating sword that can talk and is fully sentient. He doesn't understand why anyone's freaked out around him. Except for maybe the fact that he's a floating sword that can talk and is fully sentient. Goel began his "life" as a normal sword forged by Squintz Altec, called Redeemer. However, when Squintz went and "stupidly blew himself up for no reason whatsoever," as Goel explains, Redeemer was also caught in the blast and destroyed. This is something that he considers a great injustice, and is very likely to remind Kerov about it.

After Kerov was returned to Gaera, Redeemer was reforged by Mithra himself, and renamed Goel by his new (old) owner. What Goel means is not known to the sword, but to anyone who knows Elvish, it means "Redeemer." If Goel knew that, he'd probably hurt Kerov, so he was never let in on this fact. What Goel is exactly is a mystery, with nobody but Goel knowing. For a sword to be fully sentient and talkative is quite rare. Goel may have its own agenda, but if so, he's never actively pursued it. Some speculate that Goel is an extension of Mithra himself. Goel says that's a load of rubbish, and he's his own person. Er, sword. Whatever. All Kerov knows is that he's much more than just a weapon, he's his partner. Though Goel lends a sarcastic crack to Kerov's calm aloofness, they work very well together.