The Far North

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the Far North
Expert Jak Snide
Flag of the Far North
Map of the Far North
Largest city

Official Language(s)
Official Religion

To the northwest of Riva, over the Shuman Mountains, lies the realm of the Frozen North. A harsh and inhospitable land, this area of the world is populated by some of the bravest of men, outcasts from far and wide and the fiercest monsters in all the realms. While not technically a country, the cities in the icy wasteland to the north of Igala are often collectively known and referred to as 'The Far North.'

The tundra is mainly populated by tribes of greenskins and yeti barbarians, but over the last few decades settlers have arrived from the South, seeking riches in raw materials which are abundant in the North. Apart from iron and precious metals, oil has been discovered recently, earning the attention of the more technologically advanced nations. But perhaps the most valuable material to be found in the lands, mythril, is rumored to be in great abundance. While the finds have been few and far between they have been enough to encourage more than one family to pack their bags and head North.

There are three main towns in the region, and countless small settlements.

-- Jak Snide

See Also