Curatori Faiyar

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Expert Kelne
Flag of
Map of
Largest city
absolute monarchy
(advisory council,
House of Lords)
Official Language(s)
Official Religion worship of Numian
Original creator is Excal. Predominant race is human.


Curatori Faiyar is ruled by an absolute monarch with the guidance of a House of Lords, which elects a new monarch upon the end of term or death of the previous monarch. The title of the monarch is Lord Protector, and the titles for the officials in the House of Lords is Lord Guardian. Also in the government, appointed by the Lord Protector, is the Master Guardian (chief general in most countries), a Chancellor of the Exchequer (in charge of the treasury and taxes), a Chancellor of the Exterior (in charge of foreign relations), and a Chancellor of the Interior (in charge of advising the Lord Protector in internal affairs). Membership in the House of Lords is gained by being the seat of a great house.


The Faiyari are a predominantly military people who regard it as their solemn task to be the guardians of the sacred Relic of Faiyar, which is held in the Temple of Numian. As such, their society is fairly rigid, and divided into several castes, all of which serve a specific purpose. Major castes are the Ittou and the Kouken castes, which hold the two main warrior societies, as well as the Toukou, which holds the smiths, and the Noumin, which holds the farmers. All Faiyari are given a weapon befitting their caste upon completing traditional rites of age, and all adults are trained in their use in case the day ever comes that they are needed. Given the preoccupation with arms, entertainment in Curatori Faiyar is rare, but it does indeed exist, though it tends to also be of a martial form.


The official religion of Curatori Faiyar is worship of the battle god, Numian. It is said that he grants aid to those who dedicate themselves to the art of war, giving them minor regenerative abilities, allowing them to move faster, and strike harder in battle, while toughening their skin so that they will be hurt less, as well as a great ability to resist and adapt to poisons and other foreign substances. However, as tribute, he demands that a tithe of the spoils of war be given to him as sacrifice after any victory else he will forever forsake your tribe from his gift, and help their enemies gain victory.


In 943, the Archmage Faiyar created his greatest artifact; however, it's power proved to be too great, and so he locked it away. However, word spread, and soon thereafter an enterprising thief managed to capture the artifact. A great war ensued shortly thereafter to retake the artifact. In that war, Faiyar allied with the hero Kolan Gadar and his band to defeat the thief. The final battle took place outside the Temple of Numian. When the battle was done, Faiyar was too weak to destroy the artifact, but he knew that it must be kept from being held again, and so he charged Kolan Gadar and his descendants with the task to guard the temple and the artifact. Then he went into the central chamber of the temple and, with his life energy, cast a powerful seal that could only be broken by those with the greatest of need, and innocence of the treasure within.

Kolan Gadar then settled his band outside of the temple and founded the city which he called Curatori Faiyar. Since then, subsequent rulers of Curatori Faiyar have expanded the borders from the edge of the city to the mountains and forest surrounding them, and into the plains. Over the years, a debate has formed among those in power, with there being growing support for the opinion that a way should be found to break the seal of the artifact. It's interpreted and argued that the artifact in their charge could just as well be guarded by being used. This view has been mostly underground, though recently rumors of open support for it among the Ittou Caste have been heard.

Meanwhile, the Kouken Caste (defenders of the capitol, the Temple of Numian, and the Lord Protector), are known as the group most staunchly in favor of protecting the seal. This issue was brought to a head in 1297 when an election for new Lord Protector was being held. The two candidates were Dakar Forral, a weak man who held true to the ideals of Kolan Gadar, and Harrid Nir Kessan, a strong and ruthless commander who, it is rumored, wishes to expand the borders by any means necessary. When Kessan won the election, a rebel group soon after rose to try and sweep him from power. However, they failed and soon were forced into hiding in the Kilian Woods. After a few fierce battles in their new environment, the rebel group finally managed to bruise the army enough to convince them to stay out of the deeper forest, though the area is still a point of contention and anyone in the area must be cautious about sudden raids by either side.

-- Excal