Talk:Elemental Lords

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Revision as of 16:07, 6 March 2007 by Pdrydia (Talk | contribs)

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from the guide to DC thread:

'Blaze Yamato Spirit (2003 Jun 23 19:54)': The Elemental Temples: The four temples dedicated to the Elemental Lords are situated near the centre of the city, at the following compass points:

  • Fire - NW
  • Earth - SW
  • Water - SE
  • Air - NE

Externally all four temples are quite unassuming buildings - it is only internally that their element is made clear. The temple of Fire is full of eternally lit candles, the temple of Water has fountains and pools, the temple of Earth contains plots of earth and has small rooms, and the temple of Air is full of vast, empty chambers.
'Blaze Yamato Spirit (2003 Dec 11 14:57)': The four elemental temples all received damage to some degree. The Earth temple received little, being built to withstand tremors. It does however currently sport daemonic grafitti. :{ The temple of fire was almost completely destroyed, much to Freneth's irritation. The air and water temples both received moderate damage.

Totally what I editted in. And stuff. --Dia 15:07, 6 March 2007 (PST)