El Bazar

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MUSH description

El Bazar is a sprawling outdoor marketplace. Covering the area of several city blocks, it would take half a day to walk from one end to another--straight through, without giving any time to look at wares, let alone move down aisles. During the early week El Bazar opens in the early afternoon and lasts until dusk. On Numius and weekends, when tourism is heavier, El Bazar is open from early morning till dusk, with a mandatory four hour break between the 10th and 14th hours of the day. This break is now required by the owners of the property and Hydrante's city council after a scandal involving a number of shopkeepers denying their employees this traditional break in order to profit over competitors.

Size aside, a major factor for the appeal of El Bazar comes in its ever-changing merchantscape. The Bazar stalls are rented out to individual shopkeepers on leases in the short or long term. As such, any one particular store may stay around for anywhere from a month, a year, or many years, before moving to another location in the Bazar or leaving altogether. Some shops are permanent features while others appear seasonally while still others are one-month one-shots. At any rate, given the sheer number of Bazar stalls, there are always new shops and new merchandise to check out when you return to visit the Bazar. This is especially true the further your visits are spaced apart, which occurs when one visits from another city or country.

The majority of Hydrante's Common speakers will be found here in the Bazar, although you might never find out depending on how you conduct yourself. Most of those who understand Common prefer to listen to rather than to speak the language, so one would be best to be on their politest behavior. There is a certain amount of anti-tourist sentiment in Hydrante, particularly after the aforementioned scandal which--from a popular point of view--almost led to bankruptcy or cruel hours for those who work legitimate business in the Bazar.

See also