Holy Texts of Ishtar

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Excerpts from the Holy Texts of Ishtar

(language adapted for primary study)



"At one time, all was Pure Chaos. Then, from and by the Nature of Pure Chaos, was born Structured Chaos, otherwise known to some as Existence. The birth of Structured Chaos was the Beginning of It All.

"The first to emerge from Structured Chaos came to be called Ishtar, the Mother of All. From her Chaotic Birth she inherited half of the known Knowledge of Chaos.

"The second Being to emerge from Structured Chaos was Primaer, the Father of All. He inherited the remaining half of the legacy of Chaotic Knowledge.

"Pure Chaos might have reabsorbed Structured Chaos, if not for this. When the Mother of All and the Father of All combined their knowledge, their power became equal and balancing to that of Pure Chaos. In this manner did the First Two, Guardians of Structured Chaos, secure their Immortality.


"For an unknown amount of time, Ishtar and Primaer spent their Existence simply enjoying Existence. It then occurred to Ishtar to Share Existence with Others, in the same way that she and Primaer Shared Knowledge with Each Other. Pleased with this idea, Primaer agreed, and the two combined their Knowledge to create the Lesser Gods.

"The first step to making the Lesser Gods was to create Matter and Energy. And so, Primaer made Matter; with a wave of his hand, water, earth, and air came into being. Ishtar, meanwhile, created Energy, which included fire, light, and shadow.

"Primaer then took his Matter, and Ishtar took her Energy, and together they molded these materials, and then Ishtar breathed life into the Molds. The Molds, once animated, became the Lesser Gods.


"Yet these Lesser Gods, in time, began to show their Chaotic Nature. They were riddled with flaws, and as they grew ancient, proved to be static in their faults. Because of these faults, some of the Lesser Gods even came to be reclaimed by Pure Chaos. Thus came to Exist Death.

"It then occurred to Primaer to create another breed of Beings to balance the flaws of the Lesser Gods. Pleased with this idea, Ishtar agreed, and the two once again combined their Knowledge.

"The first step to creating Mortals was creating a place for them to live. For this, Primaer took some of his Matter, which was unstructured and without form, much Pure Chaos. Ishtar then took some of her Energy, and bound the Matter together. This is how Gaera was made. Next, Primaer took smaller bits of Matter and Ishtar breathed life into them. The bits, once animated, became what we know as Mortals.

"These new creatures received a special Gift from each the Mother and the Father of All. Incorporating the newest Knowledge he came to possess, Primaer's gift to the Mortals was Death. Ishtar's gift, meanwhile, was the ability to create other Mortals.

"Through Primaer's Gift of Death, a myriad of new Knowledges came to be known, including the Knowledge of Time, Compromise, Change, and Growth. The Gods themselves learned from these lessons.

"Through Ishtar's Gift of Life, the existence of Mortals was stabilized in a way that the Lesser Gods' was not. It was through the medium of and example by these Mortals that the Existence of the Lesser Gods was stabilized; the Mortals' existence, however, needed to rely on no outside beings to be stabilized."


"Everything is born of the Purest form of Chaos, which in itself is beyond the Comprehension of Mortals; the opposite of all Chaos is Nothingness.

"From Pure Chaos were born many things, most of which have since returned to Pure Chaos. There were and are only two things which emerged from Chaos that continue to Be, separate from Pure Chaos. They are Structured Chaos and the force known as Entropy.

"Entropy wishes to bring all to Nothingness. Should It ever succeed, Nothing will Be, and all of Pure and Structured Chaos will cease Being. Once achieved, Nothing will never allow for there to be Chaos again. Nothing and only Nothing will ever Be from then on."

-- Pdrydia


"After the balancing of the Lesser Gods by the creation of Mortals, All was well and peaceful for a time. However, each of the Lesser Gods had soon developed a different Plan for the best way to care for Gaera and to guide its Mortals. No Agreement could be reached amongst them All, and for this Reason, Rivalry amongst the Lesser Gods grew, until at one point, there was a War.

"Each God brought under their Name flights of Dragons, in numbers Gaera shall never see again. Large moutains of the World were used as a Hatching Ground for these Dragons, who were bred and raised for the mere purpose of waging the Gods' War.

"The War was pointless yet long. Many of the Dragons and many of other Mortal races died, returning forever to Pure Chaos. Yet even the Mortal Dragons, made by the Lesser Gods to serve their Purposes, would only Live with this Injustice for so long, for they Feared Death, and yearned for Life.

"Some Dragons shed their scales, by Ishtar's Magic, and took on the first Human form. These new Creatures fled into the mountains' forests and hid.

"Still Others lost their wings and buried themselves deeply into the earth and stone of the mountains.

"The Others who stayed behind decided to work with Each Other. Fighting side-by-side, the remaining Dragons fought the Will of the Lesser Gods with Valiant Effort never before seen.

"Some of the Lesser Gods, seeing what the Mortals accomplished, decided to band together as well, however, they had no Time to try. At this time, Ishtar saw what her sons and daughters were doing, and she Wept. Primaer then saw the results of the War, and grew Angry. Together they ended the war, once and for All.

"There has been no War since, as at that Time did Primaer make a Declaration. If ever again the Gods should wage War upon each other, he would return all of the World, Energy, Matter, Mortals, and all of the Gods themselves, to Pure Chaos once again. And therefore, when the Option of War thusly taken away, the Lesser Gods were forced to apply the Knowledge of Compromise.

-- Choark Edited by: Pdrydia