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Inustani Cultural Notes

  • And really, I based a lot of this from the information on AD&D Thri-Kreen, oddly enough, since their concepts of 'packs' and 'loyalty' seemed wonderfully parallel. I'll probably add more spanishy things once I get to a more general daily-life type bit, we'll see. Priam
    • singing is very important [since] Inustani tend be very vocal. Dancing is also important but is a apart [from] daily religious ritual. Religious dancing only takes place on holidays or happy events like births and marriages.
    • Fideleo is seen as the highest creator that embodies the purest of Inustani's best qualities: strength, intelligence, benevolence, loyalty, love, and leadership. He protects the Inustani people fiercely and bestows upon them bounty.
    • It is believed to do right by Fideleo, that is to be faithful and to recognize his position as the celestial creator, is to after death be joined at his side. To do ill by him, to not believe in his ability and turn away from him, is to die and have your soul wander the planes and never reach any rest.
    • Feel free to tweak any of the information. I feel that the work that you've put forth is ace and I don't mind you taking, ignoring, etc any of these ideas I've put down. Priam gets: 1x dog bone
    • Either/or but most call him Fideleo unless you're a foreigner and you don't know any better. :P
    • Nekogami
  • This is a really minor question, but Dia recommended I post it here. I was working on my background, and wanted to make sure: Does Inustan in general, and Hydrante specifically, have regular sea-based trade with Doma? Idran Inustan trades regularly with Doma, Riva, Therney, and Valth. Nekogami

burial habits

from Inustani Cultural Notes, by Priam

Adding a bit from the Burial Habits thread, to keep things centralized.

The Inustani gente hold a ceremony for their dead, which can last anywhere from one day to five days, depending on the number of mourners and the importance of the deceased. Magic may be used to ensure that the corpse remains intact throughout the ceremony period. Certain hymns are always sung at a Death Ceremony. More often than not, it rains during some point in the Ceremony--this unusual phenomenon is said to be Fideleo showing his approval for the ritual, and respect for the deceased. Priests have been known to cast Control Weather-type spells for this purpose, believing that if Fideleo does indeed approve of the ritual, that he will grant the spell proper functioning.

The deceased is placed into a silver coffin during this period, and at the end of the ceremony, magical adepts (at least one of which is either a city or national official, or a priest of Fideleo) surround the coffin and set it ablaze from within with a rudimentary fire spell (priests have a specialized version for the purposes of the Death Rite). This is usually performed late in the evening, and hymns are sung to the smoking coffin into the night. At the end of the lengthy ceremony period, the coffin is uprighted and opened, and the ashes are scattered to the wind (air-based spells sometimes used to assist this). The priests will clean the casket shortly thereafter, and the coffin will be reused when it is needed again.

In ages past, a clan member who was killed due to serious dishonor was denied a Death Ceremony for their transgressions. In recent history (within the past few centuries), however, this practice has been abolished--all gente are watched over by Fideleo, and though one may have committed dishonor, one still is a part of the nation--and loyalty to the nation and all its kind demands that all receive a ceremonial burial.

If an Inustani citizen dies while away, the ceremony may be performed outside of Inustan. If, however, the appropriate materials are unavailable there, it is considered acceptable to sever the left hand (as it is closest to the heart) from the deceased and burn the rest with or without a coffin, and present the hand to a priest of Fideleo at the earliest opportunity. The hand is then blessed, the town is notified of the death, and a Death Ceremony, though shorter in duration, is held to honor the deceased properly.

Outsiders who die while in Inustan may have a Death Ceremony requested for them by their next of kin, and the gente will comply most often, treating the deceased as one of their own. Should the next of kin decide against an Inustani Death Ceremony, however, they may request an alternate method of burial, and, presuming it is not disruptive, it will also be carried out by officials (though rarely will a Fidelean priest do this).