Talk:Robert C. Kliyy, III

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Revision as of 20:56, 15 February 2007 by Pdrydia (Talk | contribs)

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thoughts for 2nd gen Rob reworking

  • Name: Robert Charles Kliyy, III (second gen)
  • Race: Human
  • Player: pd Rydia
12.00	ST
11.00	DX
10.00	IQ
12.00	HT
10.00	Will
12.00	Fatigue
12.00	Hit Points
5.75	Speed
5.00	Move
5.00	Dodge
11.00	Vision
11.00	Hearing
11.00	Taste/Smell
0.00	Swim
24.00	No Encumbrance
48.00	Light Encumbrance
72.00	Medium Encumbrance

--Dia 19:56, 15 February 2007 (PST) 144.00 Heavy Encumbrance

240.00	X-Heavy Encumbrance
0.00	PD
0.00	DR
0.00	Parry
0.00	Block
0.00	No Encumbrance Move Reduction
1.00	Light Encumbrance Move Reduction
2.00	Medium Encumbrance Move Reduction
3.00	Heavy Encumbrance Move Reduction
4.00	X-Heavy Encumbrance Move Reduction
5.00	No Encumbrance Move
4.00	Light Encumbrance Move
3.00	Medium Encumbrance Move
2.00	Heavy Encumbrance Move
1.00	X-Heavy Encumbrance Move
5.00	Alertness
5.00	Appearance: Attractive
5.00	Charisma
15.00	Danger Sense
15.00	Destiny
5.00	Hard to Kill
10.00	High Pain Threshold
5.00	Reputation
15.00	Unfazeable
-5.00	Code of Honor
-5.00	Compulsive Behavior (hugging)
-5.00	Compulsive Generosity
-10.00	Honesty
-10.00	Poverty: Struggling (x1/2)
-5.00	Sense of Duty
-5.00	Truthfulness
-1.00	Quirk (dislike -- gangs)
-1.00	Quirk (introduction)
14	10.0	Acting
13	4.0	Brawling
10	1.0	Cooking
9	2.0	Diplomacy
9	2.0	History
13	4.0	Jumping
9	2.0	Navigation
15	24.0	Polearm
14	8.0	Spear Throwing
9	2.0	Strategy
11	4.0	Survival (forest)
10	2.0	Survival (plains)
9	2.0	Tactics
50.00	Attributes
80.00	Advantages
-45.00	Disadvantages
-2.00	Quirks
67.00	Skills
150.00	Total

--Dia 19:56, 15 February 2007 (PST)