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So I'm cleaning my comp a bit and found some flags. One being Gwa'aag's that Ash made.

To be honest I kind of like it, but Gwa'aag doesn't seem entirely unified enough to have flags the same way other nations would (as a national symbol of unification). I was wondering what others might think about this?

As for my thoughts, I'm thinking each tribe would likely have their own flag, coat-of-arms-ish. I'm not sure whether or not orks would keep the 'national' flag with them, but I can't imagine they'd do the whole 'national flag above the tribal flag' thing (as in the US, if the national flag is flown aside the state flag or any business flags, it must be flown higher--on a higher pole--and is usually larger).

The flag Ash made, I thought might be the flag of the current Warlord, or of Gwa'aag's first Warlord (by legend or otherwise). If of the latter, I can see more orks being willing to keep a copy or image of the flag on them--as a token of luck or racial pride--than if the flag is of the current Warlord. It's easier to dedicate oneself to a legendary hero of the race than to a real live, faulty being.

--Dia 23:13, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Castle Azbak (Also known as Azbak's Folly) - Many years ago, the orc chieftain Azbak spent some time in Baron. Impressed by the keeps from which local lords ruled the countryside, Azbak decided that he too would have one. Unusually for an orc, he determined that he would build his own, rather than taking another by force of arms.

The construction of the low heap of stone that is Castle Azbak was the work of many years for Azbak and his followers. Many grew bored with the labour and left. A couple challenged Azbak for leadership. Through it all, the chieftain maintained his relentless drive to complete the castle, and become lrd of all he surveyed.

It didn't quite work out that way. The other orcish tribes simply shook their heads over his obvious madness in persisting with the construction, and went on their way. Even when it was finished, they weren't overly impressed. If Azbak wanted to lord it over anyone, he was going to have to come down from his pile of rock and crack some heads.

Today, Castle Azbak is a semi-ruined jumble of stone, occasionally used for shelter in dire weather. Although it occupies a commanding view of the surrounding plains, few bother with it much.

Osrek's Fang - Once a proud dwarven hold known as Baresh Gar, the Fang was conquered by the warboss Osrek, in the cause of... Well, let's be honest - he wanted the loot.

The taking of the Fang is an epic saga in its own right, but the short version is that Osrek and a crack team of his Ladz were able to gain entry through a sally port left open during a dwarven counterattack, holding it against all efforts to dislodge them, and eventually allowing the main horde entry into the hold. To this day, the dwarves would dearly love to oust the orcs from their stolen stronghold.

Today, the loot is long gone, but the mines the dwarves once worked remain. Although they lack the knowledge to work the more exotic ores, iron extracted from the mines under the Fang finds its way to places throughout Gwa'Aag.