Enlil Purvis

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Enlil is an angel who was once in the service of a (near) deity, who later stepped down. She was created by a mortal gone insane when he tapped into the raw power of Creation; forging her mind, body, and soul completely. He made Enlil to serve as his herald, and announce he ascendence to the Universe. She was completely loyal to his ideals, until he was defeated and saw the results of his madness.

Everything she was created to believe in died that day. The god whom she was supposed to herald was no more, and everything she was created to hope and strive for crumbled. All that was left was the friendship of those who stopped her creator. She has had to rebuild her life completely.

Now she lives on her own after her creator; whom she now thinks of as her Father; told her to go out and experience what existence has to offer. She strove to make him proud of her, to show him that she could adapt to her new reality. She came to Gaera, hoping to find him again after they had parted ways.

At first penniless, she had to sleep in the streets in Doma City. Soon, she took to doing this by choice, using what money she got to help the homeless and the unfortunately. Slowly, she made an impact upon the slums of Doma City, starting an organization to help them, and to council them. Thanks to her efforts, the slums of Doma city have become significantly more safe than they once were.

With the aid of her friends, Enlil was able to establish herself, and to find the self confidence she desperately needed. Since then, she has gone on to stop numerous threats to Doma and the world. She is most renowned, perhaps, for her talent of showing others the wrongs of their ways. She has been able to bring demon lords, mages of questionable sanity, and more to give up their previously destructive ways and work to benefit.

Eventually, Enlil was able to reunite with her father. However, their time together was short, for he had pledge himself to a duel with the Deity of the Dark Sidhe, Mellewyn. Aliester did not try to save himself, giving his life in hopes that he could begin dissuade Mellewyn from his path of prejudice and manipulation of non-Sidhe. Since then, Enlil has overcome her grief, and carried on her father's work, trying to convince Mellewyn to turn from his path. She has become his diplomat, trying to find a peaceful solution to war of manipulation between Mellewyn's people and the Light Sidhe, one that has lasted since the early days of the mortal realms.

In her struggles against an insane dream mage by the name of Simon Marlowe, Enlil ended up very nearly sacrificing her life to end the bitter years-long stuggle. In the process, she finally managed to leave her past as a divine celestial behind, and fully become an ideal Celestial.

Enlil's constant companion is Maru, her katana; a sentient weapon given to her by her father. It often gives her council, and can impart the skill it contains when she places her faith in it.

However, Enlil despises fighting. She learned from her Father that no one has the right to kill an intelligent creature, for any reason. While she will slay an animal, a construct, or a creature whose soul is incomplete if it becomes necessary, she will usually hesitate and try to find another way. But should the choice come between something that can make a moral choice and something that cannot, Enlil will support the former.


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Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Enlil Purvis ( Brother Pervius )
Level ; XP
Max HP: ; Max MP: ; Max TP:
Initiative: 8 + 2d6 (10-20)


Courage: +4
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +9
Agility: +3 (+4)
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +1
Stamina: +4
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA: 12/12
Modified for weapon skill: 17/14(15)
Modified for equipment: 17/14(15)

Equipment: body=Padded Robes (6)
misc=Jeweled Amulet (AGI +1),
Ring of Proection from Darkness (+3 to Mblock vs Dark magic)
Foenix Armlet (Allows Enlil to teleport to the Celestial Plane or mask herself as Foenix with an illusion that can extend to her aura. When in a neutral state, she can pass for a greater demon, and as a lesser one in celestial state)
Elemental Rune: This rune, placed on Enlil by the elemental crystals of Gaera, allow her to invoke certain elemental-based effects.

  • Wind: Can take two actions in one combat round once per day.
  • Earth: Gets +2 to saves vs Poison
  • Fire: Can invoke an extra 15 HP for 6 hours once every three days. She loses 15 HP at the end of this period
  • Water: +1 to saves vs Mental effects

Weapons: Maru (10/13/15, +3/+3)
Thrusting - 11+1d6
Slashing - 15+2d4
Chopping - 18+2d6


Blade Attunement - 8
Musical Talent/Singing - 21
Dream Walking - 7
Aeromancy - 8
Shadow Magic - 2
Hydromancy - 3
Celestial Magic - 2
Telepathy - 1
[k]Mecha Repair - 1
[k]Interrelations of Dimensional Forces - 8
[k]Rune Knowledge: 3
[s]Advanced Parry - 2
[s]Swimming - 2

Spells and Techs

  • * [Innate]Variable State of Being (10 TP): Enlil, while a full Celestial, can repress her Celestial nature and be become fairly similar to her old lost state. While fully celestial, she has access to all the benefits and disadvantages of one, including being innately light element (though light and dark magicks affect her as a normal human, due to her state of balance), resistant to normal disease and poisons (due to lacking a metabolism and DNA; astral based diseases and poisons still work), and being able to take a bodiless form (and automatically does so at -5 HP). When in her Lost (neutral) state, she is unrecognizable as a celestial when viewed Astrally. She must eat and drink regularly, and will take double damage from poisons. It takes her two rounds and 10 TP to switch between states, as well a lot of concentration.
  • [Innate]Flight - Being an Angel, Enlil can fly at the speed of most birds. With effort, she can exceed that for short periods of time
  • [Innate] Compulsion Resistance: When Enlil fails a save against any form of mental compulsion to make her do something she does desire to do, she may Sacrifice 20% of her maximum HP and resist it. This leaves her unable to take any action for the round save resist the compulsion, and move slowly while wracked with pain. The next round, she is allowed another save to break the compulsion. This can continue until she resists, the compulsion stops, or she is rendered Unconscious after five rounds of resisitence. If no save is allowed, she may still resist until the compulsion ends or she is Rendered Unconscious.
  • [Innate]Wing Buffet (1-6 TP) - Enlil beats the target with one or both of her wings, doing TP + TPd6 Damage. She can invest from one to six TP into the attack.
  • [Innate]Aura Form (7 TP)- When in Celestial state, Enlil has access to her aura form, manifesting herself in it as a floating, glowing light. While in this form, she can't use any magic save a select few skills, nor attack physically, nor can she be harmed physically. In order to shift into this form in combat situations, it would take one turn to actually shift, and another to get her bearings in her new form.
  • [Innate, Blade Attunement=4]Swoop Attack (4 TP) - Enlil swoops down at the target and attacks with a weapon. Treat this as a Chopping attack witih no penalties to hit and a damage bonus of 16+2*level. Enlil is able to quickly move out of the melee range of the target after swooping, flying up or away from her foe.
  • [Innate]Staying Blow - If Enlil lands an attack on an enemy that would kill them, the damage may be treated as subdual damage instead, knocking them out rather than terminating their life. Enlil will always use this attack unless specifically noted by the player.
  • [Innate, Singing=10] The Herald's Duty. (TP Variable) This allows Enlil to sing any nonmagical, non-tech song (IE: Cannot be used with her other abilities) as though she were rank 30 in singing. This may only be used once per RP without severely damaging her vocal cords and rendering Enlil Mute, unless the RP takes place over the course of several days (GM's Judgement). The cost is (30 - Singing Rank)/2 TP
  • * [Item Granted=Maru, [s]Advanced Parry=2]Defensive Stance (3 TP) - Enlil forfeits any action for a round, doubling her effective [s]Advanced Parry rank, doubling the PA bonus of her weapon (if applicable), and adding her weapon's PA bonus to her magic resistance rolls.
  • [Item Granted=Maru, Blade Attunement=1]Blade Attunement - Functions as the equivalent to a weapon skill for Enlil. This skill measures Enlil's faith in her weapon--the more faith she has in her weapon, the better a fighter she is.
  • [Item Granted=Maru, Blade Attunement=2]Non-Lethal Combat - Allows Enlil to deal subdual damage without any penalty to hit.
  • [Item Granted=Maru, Blade Attunement=7] Blade Faith: (TP Variable) Enlil lets Maru guide her hand, putting her faith behind the weapon. She strikes as a normal slash, and does Slash*(Blade Attunement Rank/2) if the hit is successful. It costs (Multiplier*2) TP. On a Critical hit, it will not do extra damage, but may have additional non-damage effects as the GM wills.
  • [Blade Attunement=8] Helpless stance [4TP] Through experience, and the observations of Maru, Enlil has learned a great deal about the nature of being in pain. As such, she has learned how to mimic being in pain well enough to fool others into thinking she is not a threat. Enlil makes an (Charisma+Int+Wis+d20) roll vs the Inspectors' (Wis+int+d20), a distracted inspector, such as one being attacked by other party members, rolls at -5. If successful, Enlil may attempt to surprise the victim, costing them a PA or resistant roll, or the target will be convinced she can be safely ignored. Enlil can move slowly while doing this; if a target is unconvinced, and she maintains the stance, they have to check again next round. Two rounds will dispel all further attempts; a critical failure on Enlil's part instantly dispells it. A Critical success means that she gets a +5 bonus to the action she takes on the target*
  • [Singing=4, Shadow=1]Song of Shadow (6 MP) - Manipulates shadows and darkness. Exact effects and limits of spell are determined by the GM and the description of the player. Mattack Rolls are (Singing + Shadow)/2
  • [Singing=4, Aeromancy=1]Song of Wind (6 MP) - Manipulates wind currents and air. Exact effects and limits of spell are determined by the GM and the description of the player. Mattack Rolls are (Singing + Aeromancy)/2
  • [Singing=4, Hydromancy=1]Song of Water (6 MP) - Manipulates and shapes water. Exact effects and limits of spell are determined by the GM and the description of the player. Mattack Rolls are (Singing + Hydromancy)/2
  • [Singing=7] Calming Song (35 MP) - All who hear this song must make a magic resistance roll, versus Enlil's Mattack, WITHOUT the skill bonus. Enlil also rolls a d10 rather than a d20, while all targets take a normal resist roll with a D20. Those who fail are less inclined to commit violence. They will still act in defense if needed, but will not initiate violence. This effect ends once the song ends or something is done to increase their rage enough (roll again against magic resistance if this happens).
  • [Singing=13]Countersong (MP and TP variable) Enlil attempts to harmonize her singing with any sound based effect currently taking place, vocal or instrumental. She rolls a contested singing roll against the "caster". If she wins, the effect is neutralised as long as she continues to sing. Anything else, and she fails. This tech costs half of what the target effect did, both in terms of MP and TP (15MP and 2TP for an effect which cost 30MP and 4TP).
  • [Singing=15] Birdspeech (TP3): Allows Enlil to comprehend and communicate with birds on a basic level. Without a skill roll, she may understand and express basic ideas and emotions. Trying for something complex, such as speaking about a particular object, will require a Singing roll; the difficulty depending on how much exposure she has had to that sort of bird in general. (10 for a common Robin, for example)
  • [Singing=20]Disruption [TP8 per round (not including tests)] This allows Enlil to hold her force at a certain pitch, to the point that she is able to cause things sensative to sound to break. She must spend a round testing the object, first, in order to find the pitch that shall work. Once she has secured it, she makes a singing roll to determine whether or not is shatters or is generally damaged. Thin or fine quality glass and crystal things are DC20, Low quality or dense glass and crystal are DC 30, jelly-like and amorphous things are DC 40. For each round she sustains it, she gains a cumulative +3 to her roll. Animate or especially large things may not be instantly shattered, at the GM's decision, may take Rank+2d6 Damage per round, with a cumulative +8 damage for each round it is sustained
  • [Singing = 21] Song of Invocation [15 TP, 5 TP/round]: This song allows Enlil to draw upon her talents to sing a nonmagical song of unearthly beauty and grace, allowing her to invoke one emotion of her choice. Those hearing it must check [Courage*3+d20] against her singing roll to resist it; those whom know what Enlil is doing may actively oppose it get +10 to the roll. Those who don't wish to oppose it check at [Cou*3]. Enlil makes one roll per round for all to resist against. Those who are affected will begin to feel the emotion that Enlil is invoking, as the song enraptures them. They will quickly stop what they are doing; barring something to threaten their lives (though even then, there will be less of an effort); enraptured by the song. This emotion will last for ten minutes for every round after she ceases to sing. Afterwards, the targets will generally be very agreeable to following suggestions that tie into the emotions that were invoked (Sad people may leave work to go mourn lost relatives, for example). Critical fail will leave the victim immune to that particular emotion invocation for a week, a critical success will double the amount of time the target is affected.
  • [Innate, Hydromancy=1, Shadow=1, Aeromancy=1]Millenia Break (30 MP, 10 TP) - Enables Enlil to make use of all of her elemental manipulation skills at once. This spell is very impressive, and imparts a -6/-6 AT/PA penalty on all affected targets (any number of targets, within reason, and within the range of her sight, may be chosen). Targets who fail a COU check vs. Enlil's magic roll end up fleeing or freezing a terror (frozen targets suffer another -4/-4 cumulative penalty). Enlil may funnel extra mana into this spell--for every additional 15 MP or 3 TP added, the penalties bestowed are increased by 1, and the Enlil's magic roll gains a +1 bonus when being compared against the target's COU. However, after casting this spell, she loses 12 HP a round, until her HP is 12 or less. The next round, she is automatically KOed. Also, of note, is that this tech causes a fair bit of collateral damage to the surrounding area when it's in effect. (Lost, as she has gained the control needed to prevent it)
  • [Innate, Hydromancy=1, Shadow=1, Aeromancy=1]Aura (10 MP) - This spell invokes some of Enlil's elemental manipulation abilities to make her appear more impressive, inviting, or friendly, giving her a reaction bonus equal to her CHA score (effectively adding CHA a fourth time to a CHA check). This bonus lasts for 2+1d6 rounds in combat, or up to 10 minutes out of combat.
  • [Telepathy=1]Telepathy (0 MP out of combat, 2 MP in combat) - Allows the user to speak telepathically "out loud." Anyone may hear this, unless it is directed at a target recipient.
  • [Celestial Magic=2] Luminate (Variable MP) This allows Enlil to gather and focus Light Magic into a sort of attack. An aura of light forms around her hand, and she much touch to target to inflict the attack. The spell does 1 damage per 1 MP spent, which much be used in increments of five. For 10 MP, she may create a long-lasting but harmless aura to provide herself with light equal to a strong lantern.
  • [Dreamwalking=1] Dreamwalk - Enlil may attain full awareness while dreaming, and traverse the Plane of Dreams
  • [Dreamwalking=1] Navigate (MP10/20/30/50) - This allows Enlil to navigate through the Plane of Dreams and find a particular goal with a successful dream magic check. People or things she is intimate familiar with cost 10 MP and require a difficulty check of 20. Something fairly familar will require 20 MP and a 30 difficulty roll. Something she has only passing knowledge of will take 30 MP and a 35 difficulty. Something she is unfamiliar with will require 50 MP and a 45 difficulty roll. If what see seeks is outside the dimension she rests within in reality, MP costs are doubled, and +30 difficulty added. For each hour spent searching, the difficulty is reduced by 3 cumilatively
  • [Dreamwalking=3]Gather (10MP) This allows Enlil to call those who fall asleep near her to her location in the Plane of Dreams; be they near her body in reality or near the dreamer whose dreams she happens to be in. Alternately, she may use it to directly enter the dreams of one person whose sleeping form she finds physically; after going to sleep herself. She may gather (Dreamwalking Rank) people per casting
  • [Dreamwalking=3 Knowledge of Interdimensional Relations=4] Repair (MP: Variable) Allows Enlil to repair damaged Fabric in the Plane of Dreams. The amount of time and MP spent is variable but in general she can repair one yard of damage per round for 5 MP. Whether or not this applies to other forms of dimensional damage is GM's discretion, as is the rate and the cost.
  • [Dreamwalking=4] Traveler (MP 20) This allows Enlil to physically enter the Plane of Dreams and leave reality behind fully. It takes her three rounds of casting to do so. She may bring one person per dreamwalking rank with her, at an extra 10 MP per head. This spell is also used to leave the Plane
  • [Dreamwalking=6] Lesser Manipulation (15 MP) This allows Enlil to manipulate the fabric of the Plane of Dreams in very minor ways while within the plane. She may create short-lived objects of no more than (Dreamwalking Rank/2) kg mass, move objects of the selfsame mass, and so on. Creating specific objects, such as a key for a door, requires a skill check. Alternately, she may try to warp the fabric of the plane itself to do damage equal to her katana to foes at a distance, or to try and counter eternal effects upon herself; gaining (Dreamwalking Rank/3) bonus to resist rolls.
  • [Dreamwalking=7] Waking Dream: (MP 30) Enlil, upon going to sleep, can seek out the daydreams of a nearby waking person and view them. This takes her 1d4 rounds after going to sleep; switching after finding one waking dream takes 1d4 rounds. Once there, she may view this person's thoughts and daydreams (What she sees is GM's discretion), and may communicate with that person telepathically. They will be aware of her presence, and those who desire to resist may do so; Enlil will have to make a standard magic attack roll to succeed in entry. Furthermore, she may lend this person some mental support, granting them +(Dreamwalking/2) Bonuses to Endurance Rolls, easing the effects of pain (No penaltes or halved penalties for extreme pain/Mass damage), or trying to soothe away confusion. Should a person be possessed, she may seek the possessing force and try to break its influence. (GM's Discretion on how this works; but generally if a possessor devotes too much attention to Enlil, it will lose control of its host).

Edit: Crossed out Enlil's Millenia Break finally
Edit2: Added Enlil's Dream Magic, upped Calming song's cost. Added in Level up
Edit3: Added XP
Edit4: Backstory update during a dead time in an RP
Edit5: Level Up, some techs renamed; Jak approval gained
Edit6: XP added, Backstory and abilities updated.