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Largest city

Official Language(s)
Official Religion

notes for article revision

Original creator is Blaze Yamato Spirit. Current government type is a democracy. No official religion. Currency is the shard. Predominant resident race is dragon.

The Mount

"The Mount is home to many dragons and draconic races, as well as some humans. It is a small island to the southeast of the rest of Argovia, dominated my a massive mountain, hence the name. Despite the apparent small size of the isle, it is home to many, many, many creatures. This is because the magical weave of Gaera is particularly unstable around the isle and due to this fact, the island is actually an immense portal to another plane, where the inhabitants of the isle actually make their home. Thus the size of the isle is really quite irrelevant."

-- Blaze Yamato Spirit

Dragons of the Mount

"The Mount is home to representatives of just about every dragon type that ever existed on Gaera as a whole, as well as some that have never called Gaera their home, and migrated to the Mount from elsewhere.

"The Mount is but one name for the massive plane that these dragons call home. It can be reached from Gaera by travelling to an island Southeast of Argovia, getting past the humans and dragonkin living there, climbing the mountain that takes up most of the island, and convincing an Elder Platinum dragon that resides there to let you through the portal he guards. Not surprisingly, the Mount doesn't have a brisk tourist trade...

"The plane is made up of 3 distinct "layers" - the under-layer (the seemingly bottomless depths of earth), the sky-layer (the sky and the countless floating islands) and the 'twixt-layer (everything in between the first two). Naturally each layer is home to different varieties of dragons.

"The Mount is governed by councils. Twenty or so dragons living in close proximity on the same layer meet to form a council whenever there is an issue to be discussed. The eldest/most powerful/most respected dragon of each council then takes part in another council, made up of members of about twenty or so smaller councils. So on and so forth, until around twenty dragons meet at the Summit, held at the colossal mountain at the centre of the plain, which is considered neutral ground and part of all three layers. (I'll add moe soon. I hope.) " -- Blaze

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