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Small quinn.jpg
(rp world)
(Gaera Main)
Dunno. She lost track.
current residence Wherever.
occupation Drunken master/professional barfighter
family Rapierre Waepon (father), Shillelagh Waepon (half-sister), Zea Mazuo (daughter)
race Half-Human, Half-succubus
physical description Quinn is a rather tall, well-muscled woman (not to the "Fabio in a bikini" weightlifter extent, but she's definitely kept up with her physical fitness regimen.) with large black bat wings. These are not the only manifestations of her demonic blood. She also has rather obvious fangs and claws instead of fingernails. Her skin is covered in delicate scales, shaded in color from very light grey on her extremities to black down the back of her neck and on her back.
typical clothing Whatever makes her look good. Usually a lot of black, and halter tops to give her wings the mobility they need.
personality Quinn is friendly. Except for the uncontrolled savage brutality she exhibits in a fight, she's nice to just about everyone. After all, everyone she meets could be a wonderful and interesting person. The proper thing to do with wonderful and interesting people is to have sex with them.
religious beliefs None. Gods are cool. It's good that they're there.
drunk type n/a


Quinn lived with her human mother for the early years of her life, resulting in a more human name. She didn't have contact with Rapierre, her incubus father, for the first several years of her life. Rapierre, when it occurred to him he ought to do so, took her in and rapidly forgot about her, finding alcohol a more engaging way to occupy his time. Due to a general lack of supervision, Quinn had to find her own ways of proving herself to the fullblooded demons. She slept with them. This was just Quinn's way of making friends. Maybe it's because she has succubus blood, but really... how well can you know someone you've never had sex with?

This particular habit is something Quinn never grew out of. She extends the offer of friendship to men and women alike, but can be "just friends" in the traditional sense. It's possible, but it feels very unnatural to her.

When Quinn was relatively young, her father commissioned one of his guards to teach Quinn and her half-sister Shillelagh some basic self-defense. Consequently, Quinn does have a good bit of respect for teachers. Sharing knowledge is something people should always be willing to do.

At one point, her father acquired a bizarre magical item that allowed him to store a rather odd assortment of animals inside a small belt-worn pouch. Quinn wanted it. He refused her repeatedly, and in retaliation Quinn persuaded a gentleman friend to level part of her father's house. Her father grounded her in the "house dungeon." While there, Quinn met a new prisoner who appeared to be totally drunk after his near-successful escape attempt. It seemed that the more he drank, the harder the guards had to work to restrain him.

Quinn was intrigued, and struck up a conversation with the mysterious prisoner. Upon learning the man was trained as a drunken master, Quinn offered to help him escape in return for similar training. He agreed and Quinn ran off with him.

Quinn occasionally does mercenary work, but isn't really interested in the money. The instant gratification of killing is rivalled only by the pleasure of meeting new and interesting people.


Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Quinn (Kai) Level 1; 0/1000 XP


Courage: +4
Wisdom: +1
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +4
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +5
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 0