Category talk:Races (Gaera)

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  • angel
  • 110 yrs
  • Lucio
  • pd Rydia
  • largely human; white, downy, bird-like wings; blue eyes and light hair colors are common
  • blood magic
  • 'Angel' is a misnomer attributed to these people do to their physical appearance and habit to keep to themselves. Angels have an aversion to naming things which cannot expressly name themselves.
  • bodûn
  • 50 yrs
  • Thrakggrash
  • Blaze Yamato Spirit
  • dark grey skin; wide, amber eyes; hairless bodies; three fingers and a thumb on each hand - all fully opposable; four toes on each foot; average adult height: 5’6.
  • innate talent for sorcery
  • MISC: The bodûn are a warlike race native to the continent of Prandia. Originally, they ruled over the continent – now, they are constrained to Ghaarsh.
  • twilight folk (fey subrace)
  • 500+ yrs
  • --
  • Blaze Yamato Spirit
  • look like taller, more gangly elves; large ears; sharp features; white skin; large eyes like black pearls
  • innate talent for light magic if white, innate talent for shadow magic if black
  • MISC: The Twilight Folk are a race of fey-offshoot underdwellers. On occasion the Twilight Folk leave their underrealm homes to make a pilgrimage of sorts to the surface, and on these occasions many settlements on the surface describe weird sightings – the Twilight Folk are rightly known as notorious pranksters.
    The Twilight Folk posses a genetic fluke which gives roughly 50% of the race an affinity to Shadow, and roughly 50% an affinity to Light.
    Twilight Folk with an affinity to Light are more likely to feel the pull of the surface world.
  • kitsunejin
  • see misc
  • Tunare
  • Folx Numeroso
  • fox-like in appearance and size
  • magically granted speech, lifespan
  • MISC: Unlike most furry races, they are mostly fox. The other part of them is simply a magical enchantment that allows them to act like any other furry race. This race was created by a small group of elves, which were mostly killed during the transition of Britiana to Kalshana. Rumor states that one of the elves is still alive somewhere. Ever since they were killed, the number of kitsunejin has stopped increasing, leaving the population very small. Most kitsunejin call other kitsunejin "brother" or "sister," even though they are most likely not related.
    A kitsunejin's lifespan depends on the enchantment put onto them. Mostly, the enchantment is elven, and therefore the Kitsunejin have an elven lifespan, though some have been known to be human in enchantment. Two kitsunejin procreating may end up in a magically saturated kitsunejin, a normal fox, or a normal kitsunejin.
  • slayer
  • unknown
  • --
  • Yari Koneko
  • --
  • --
  • MISC: Every recorded slayer, high and shadow alike, has been killed in inter-slayer warring instead of dying of natural causes; as such, their lifespans are unknown.
  • high slayer
  • unknown
  • --
  • Yari Koneko
  • spindly limbs, thin body; light blue skin with a light glow, many spines growing from skin; white, almond-shaped eyes; no apparent nostrils or ears; semi-corporeal
  • affinity toward illusion and lightning magics, telepathy; planewalking (higher planes)
  • MISC: High slayers are indigenous to the island of Becold. They are semi-corporeal, wraith-like beings and would be considered... highly eccentric. They reproduce by budding, much like yeast, and are highly social creatures. Only one high slayer has ever been sighted off of Becold.
  • slayer shadow
  • unknown
  • --
  • Yari Koneko
  • spindly limbs, thin body; black skin with a light blurring effect, many spines growing from skin; white, almond-shaped eyes; no apparent nostrils or ears; semi-corporeal
  • affinity toward illusion and shadow magics; planewalking (higher planes)
  • MISC: Slayer shadows are also indigenous to Becold, and also semi-corporeal wraith-like beings. They are much more down-to-earth than high slayers, and much more "human." They show more emotion, and also reproduce by budding. They are also highly social creatures.
  • trickster
  • 120 yrs
  • Loki
  • WillBaseton
  • very tall (average at 7'); yellowish skin; light hair; pale or colorless eyes
  • trickery; illusion magic
  • MISC: Sometimes confused as demons due to their odd stature and condescending nature, tricksters are actually fighting against the 'demons' underground.
--Dia 19:01, 4 April 2007 (PDT)