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Located on Comino of Beldad, near the Karsin Ruins.

Nocturne is unique that it has a very relaxed attitude on crime. In fact, much of the townspeople happen to be knowledgable in the art of pickpocketing. Theft is an everyday occurance in Nocturne, for it is not quite illegal, and is in fact a sort of game to the townspeople--whoever has the most money, wins. The mafia gained control of the positions of power in Nocturne some time ago. Now, it simply makes sure that no one has any quarrels in town, while making the real profit with trade.

As a result, money is not the best way to get things in Nocturne. Prices tend to be extremely high, as barter and services are the prefered way to obtain things. However, stealing items, or robbing farmers who produce the food for town, rapidly gets one in trouble with the Family. People who have a quarrel with the family tend not to be around too long.

Visitors who aren't clearly mechants find that they are fair targets for theft. How much a target depends mostly on how much they irk the local populace. A friendly person may lose perhaps a quarter to a half of their cash. A jerk may well lose it all and any loose items. Someone who gets violent may well wake up naked and sore in an alley.

see also: Beldad, Comino, Karsin Ruins