Kamos Mazuo

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name Kamos Mazuo
rp world Gaera Main
birthdate Luciara 18, 1292
birthplace Kalmiahtiden, Valth
current residence Shares an apartment in Doma with one Sarah Deeum
occupation Full-time mercenary
family Zeke Mazuo (Cousin; RPer: Archmage), Naiyala Mazuo (Mother(deceased), NPC), Akurou Mazuo (Father(deceased), NPC)
race Currently: Chimera (1/3 human, 1/3 frost dragon, 1/3 griffon)
physical description 6'2" tall, dark blue hair that goes down to the waist. Pale skin, violet eyes. In chimeric form, has a pair of combat-grade straight horns on his head, black claws from his hands and feet, brown griffonic wings, and a draconic tail. Nobody is allowed to touch the tail. Ever.
typical clothing To be done when I draw a picture and figure out how this scanner works
personality Generally does not care about most people. Kamos has a particular dislike for kids, and a capacity for grudges that rivals some dragons. Loves sake, and prefers to interact with people on his own terms, unless he gives a damn about them. He probably doesn't give a damn about you. Kamos is often a pessimist or a realist, and enjoys fighting--preferably in life-or-death conflicts.
religious beliefs Kamos himself doesn't believe there's any reason to worship gods. As a result of them popping up randomly to screw with his life in one way or another, he definitely acknowledges their existence. However, he does not feel compelled to participate in worship of any sort, and at times, even pokes fun at organized religion. Nonetheless, he's the closest thing to an atheist Gaera can have.
drunk type Can run a range, but typically on the lecherous side
other Has a very particular dislike for telepathy, and people who talk to him via that method. Has acquired a taste for K-rations, and thus may be seen eating those as opposed to real food. You may not want to try eating a K-ration yourself.